Yin Xingze ordered a large table of food regardless of 21, and joked that if Xiaomei couldn't finish eating, he wouldn't let her go.

Xiao Meixin said, it's all here, and it's okay to eat something, but she always feels that there are two eyes staring at her, and when she raised her head, she bumped into Yin Xingze's peachy eyes.

She suddenly lost her mind and lost her mind, her cheeks seemed to be painted with thick blush.

"You, what do you see me doing?" the girl said with embarrassment while holding her hot face.

Yin Xingze propped his chin with one hand, still looking at her without blinking, "Sister Xiaomei, what brand of skin care products do you use, your skin is really good!"

Xiaomei shook her head, and told the truth, "If you don't use skin care products, just apply some facial cream for hotel guests!"

Yin Xingze was surprised, "How is it possible? The skin condition is so good without using skin care products. Wouldn't it be better if I used some good ones? Little sister Xiaomei is indeed naturally beautiful!"

This guy's serious praise really made Xiaomei feel embarrassed, "It's just average, it's better to be young!"

"Sister Xiaomei is modest, I know so many girls, none of them can compare to your skin..."

After the words fell, Xiaomei's smile froze.

It was too late for Yin Xingze to slap his thigh, he wanted to slap himself a few times, why didn't he open which pot and lift which pot, this was just to stimulate himself.

So I hurried to find love, "Well, I mean, among all the women I know, no one has skin that can compare to yours, really!"

"Okay, thank you Young Master Yin for your hospitality today, I really should go!" Xiaomei got up from the chair with a sullen face, and Yin Xingzhe couldn't hold back, obviously angry.

"Well, sister Xiaomei, I will invite you to our clubhouse's anniversary celebration the day after tomorrow. I will pick you up at six in the afternoon. If you don't come, I won't leave..."

Xiaomei was indifferent, and quickly disappeared into the cafe.

Yin Xingze slapped himself twice as a gesture, making this mouth talk nonsense, are you satisfied now?

After He's parents' grandson left the bride halfway through the wedding, the Huang family unilaterally announced that the wedding was postponed because their daughter suddenly fell ill at the wedding, and the wedding event will be notified later.

On the surface, the wedding accident was caused by the daughter of Huang's family being ill, but in fact, everyone knew that the real reason was that He Jingyao's ex-wife was in a sudden car accident, so he abandoned his bride and all the guests and ran to find his ex-wife.

The statement made by the Huang family was nothing more than to find a way for them to step down, so that even if other people knew the truth, they would not dare to say anything.

Not only that, the shares of the He Group continued to plummet because of the wedding, and He Jingyao was also called back to the old house by Mr. He two days after the wedding to accept some severe criticism.

But because Shen Zhiyi gave birth to a son and a daughter for the He family, the old man was more happy than angry, so he went about the process, pretending, criticism is criticism, but the joy in his heart still couldn't be concealed.

In the end, the old man made a decision, "Starting tomorrow, I will arrange for A Yan to assist you in the He family. You have worked hard these years. With an assistant, I believe that I can lead the company even better!"

He Jingyao's eyes trembled, and after working his mind, he nodded slightly, "Got it, Grandpa!"

"Well! By the way, let me see when I bring that little girl Xiaobao over. Your grandma liked it very much when I lived at home before. I didn't take a good look at it. Or tomorrow, the sooner the better!"

He Jingyao: "..."

Dare to love, this is the purpose of the old man calling him back.

at the same time.

He Zhenxuan lay back in the swivel chair, with a cigar in his mouth, "It is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to enter the He family. At that time, I will help you win the hearts of the high-level He family. In a short time, the old man will treat you well." With a new understanding, it is not certain who will be the president of the He family by then!"

Only after he got the news that He Qingyan was going to join the He family, he couldn't help but make some small calculations.

He didn't know how long he had been waiting for this day, but God finally gave them such a chance.

He Qingyan stood up straight, "You should know the real purpose of Grandpa arranging me to join He's."

He Zhenxuan sat up and crushed the cigarette butts into the ashtray, "Even if it is to motivate A Yao, so what? This does not prevent you from taking his place. Remember, only when you climb on top of others can you get Everything you want, otherwise, you will always be overwhelmed by others!"

He raised his eyelids and looked at his unmoved son, "Don't you want that Shen Zhiyi? Dad promises you, as long as you can help me get He's back, I will let you marry a woman!"

He Qingyan seemed to have heard a joke, and finally there were other expressions on his face. He smiled, "Father, a woman is not an item, and you can buy and sell it as you please. I like her, but I don't want to use unscrupulous methods. , that’s not called liking, that’s called destroying!”

"Hmph! Don't tell me these great truths. Women are disasters and your weaknesses. They will drag you down sooner or later. Ah Yan, let me tell you, if you don't take this opportunity to step on Ah Yao, sooner or later, you You will be trampled to the ground by him, understand?"

He Qingyan didn't wait for his father to finish speaking, he turned his head and left uncontrollably, no matter how angrily the latter yelled at him, he couldn't stop on his feet.

In his impression, his father always had these powerful principles, focusing on material interests, trying to occupy everything in the He family and become the king of the He family.

He didn't understand why his father was still so dissatisfied after having everything. Even in his eyes, women were things that dragged men down, even ominous things.

He Qingyan hated He Zhenxuan. If it wasn't for his father, he wouldn't have lost his mother's love since he was three years old. So what right does the current father have to criticize his mother?He is not worthy!


He Jingyao stayed in the hospital for three consecutive days.

There is a single bed next to the hospital bed, and he sleeps on it, and he also asked Ah Shen to bring some clothes for him to change from home. Not only that, he almost moved his work here, except for necessary meetings or meeting guests , almost inseparable.

After working in this way for four consecutive days, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and fell asleep with his forehead propped up before dark.

Feeling something moving at his hand, he opened his eyes and was suddenly shocked by the picture in front of him.

"Zhizhi, are you awake?"

Shen Zhiyi dazedly heard someone calling her name again, she forcefully lifted her heavy eyelids, and everything unfamiliar gradually entered her vision.

My head was a little swollen, as if I had slept for a long time and had a long dream.

In the dream, there was a man guarding her all the time, never leaving her, caring for every detail, until she saw the magnified handsome face in front of her, Shen Zhiyi was sure that it was not a dream, this man was He Jingyao.

He Jingyao's ice-cold face gradually became agitated, and he hurriedly pressed the call bell.

Within a minute, a large group of doctors and nurses rushed over.

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