"Doctor, she's awake, show her quickly!"

The doctor did a simple examination for Shen Zhiyi, "Miss Shen's recovery is better than we imagined, pay attention to ensuring nutrition in the later stage, I will arrange for her to have a full-body examination later, if there are no other major problems, you can rest assured here to recuperate Just fine!"

Afterwards, a group of people left in a cloudy manner.

It was the first time for Shen Zhiyi to feel being watched, and she wished she could cover her head with a quilt.

He Jingyao poured water with his back on his back, turned around, and met Shen Zhiyi's eyes, she was staring at him without blinking, with inquiries and doubts.

Why is He Jingyao here?
Shouldn't he go on honeymoon with Huang Runian now?

"How do you feel?" He Jingyao held the water glass and slowly blew the hot air on it.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes stared straight.

Is she not awake at all, and all this is just an illusion?

When can they get along so peacefully?

Seeing that Shen Zhiyi only had an expression but no words, the man coughed lightly, "When we communicate, you can answer by blinking or shaking your head!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

She's not disabled to this point, okay?

"Is there anything else wrong with your body?" he asked.

Shen Zhiyi frowned, and He Jingyao quickly understood, "You have two broken ribs, a slight concussion, and a fracture in your right leg. Fortunately, it's not serious. As long as you stay here patiently for a while, you'll be fine soon! "

Shen Zhiyi rolled her throat, swallowing sourly.

It should be said that she had a good life. The man bumped into her several times without hitting her. The last bump was also due to her luck, otherwise even ten lives would not be enough to hit her.

She was thinking, and the man's voice was still lingering in her ears, "No matter what, you are the biological mother of my child. If you have anything, I will be the only father left in the big tree, so after careful consideration... ..."

Shen Zhiyi's ears perked up.

"Decided to stay in the hospital during this time to take care of you personally until you recover and leave the hospital!"

"Ahem...ahem..." Shen Zhiyi was shocked.

"Do you have an opinion?" He Jingyao stuffed the straw into her mouth, motioning her to drink water.

How dare Shen Zhiyi have any objections, President He himself took care of her, this is welfare, it is a gift from heaven, if she refuses, it means ignorance of good and evil.

The only way to get rid of it is to get better quickly.

In this way, the divorced couple started an alternative "cohabitation" life. Shen Zhiyi lay on the bed and slept, while He Jingyao sat and worked. They would eat three meals a day and drink afternoon tea together. Shen Zhiyi was bored. Sometimes, he would eavesdrop on He Jingyao's video conference, or play games on the tablet.

Sometimes He Jingyao would confiscate it unconditionally if he watched it for a long time, and the TV was the same. Once he watched it for a long time, he would forcibly limit the time.

Shen Zhiyi felt that she was not recuperating in the hospital, but more like a child under strict surveillance, without any freedom.

All in all, a man and a woman, or a divorced couple, the atmosphere should not be too embarrassing.

If the news gets out, how will she behave in the future?

On this day, He Cancan came to the ward.

"Shen Zhiyi, I didn't say that, your life is really big, it's all right, and it's amazing, I almost thought you were making up a plot to deceive us all!"

Shen Zhiyi glared at her, not wanting to speak.

Because she was in a coma for a few days, her voice was in a period of fatigue, so the doctor advised her not to speak for the time being.

"You are not only fateful, but also more charming. Look, my brother-in-law terminated the wedding because of you. Huang Runian would faint from crying so many times. When you are well, don't forget to show off and let her completely give up! "

The little girl wanted to continue talking blah blah blah, but she was dismissed with a look from her uncle, "If you have free time today, go home and honor your parents!"

"No time, no time, I'm here to see you, uncle, I'm afraid that you take care of patients and work hard!" He Cancan flattered.

He Jingyao glanced at her sideways and snorted, "I might believe you if you say something else. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Tell me, what trouble do you encounter?"

"Hee hee, my uncle knows me best!" He Cancan coquettishly said, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that I have a business with a good friend in two days, and I want to book a room in Uncle Yin's clubhouse to celebrate!"

"This matter is out of my control!"

"I know, but Uncle Yin said that he dared to reserve a room for me only if you let go!" He Cancan was aggrieved, obviously acquaintances are easy to handle, who knows that the more acquaintances he has, the less face he will give, and even push it to himself Uncle here.

Yin Xingze had suffered from this before. Once when He Cancan approached him to reserve a room, he directly booked a super luxurious private room for her without saying a word. He also gave her drinks and snacks at the end, which really gave her enough face.

Unexpectedly, He Jingyao made a phone call and gave him a slap in the face, saying that he was helping the evildoers and that he would be held responsible for any accidents.

This wronged Yin Xingze badly, and finally did a bad thing with good intentions.

So when He Cancan asked him to reserve a room again, he became more considerate and asked He Jingyao to nod first, otherwise it wouldn't count.

"I can't be the master of this, I can't let you use the private room in my hotel, and all the expenses will be charged to the company's account!" He Jingyao was business-like and did not discuss.

He Cancan lowered his face, obviously unhappy.

There is no entertainment club in the hotel to have fun, uncle, this is intentional.

It's a pity that she dared to be angry and dare not speak out, otherwise He Jingyao would report to her parents, and it would be difficult for her to even go out that day.

"Zhizhi!" Song Jiaojiao was filming a promotional video in other places these days, and when she heard the news that Shen Zhiyi had woken up, she wished she could fly back with her wings.

No, as soon as the work was over, she rushed over without stopping, and she didn't even have time to put her luggage home.

"You scared me to death. I thought you were going to... Thank God, it's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine!" Song Jiaojiao was agitated, and she made the sign of the cross in front of her chest in a dignified manner.

Turning her head, her expression immediately changed, "He Cancan?"

He Cancan clasped his hands behind his back, "It's me, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter, is this a place where you can come? Do you understand that a place like a ward should be clean?"

"Then if you can come, why can't I come!" He Cancan said, looking at her, "What about Lin Yu, why didn't he come with you?"

Song Jiaojiao chuckled, "Hey, why are you still thinking about other people's boyfriends?"

He Cancan blushed, and stammered, "Who, who is thinking about it, don't talk nonsense!"

Song Jiaojiao thought about it for a while, and decided to add further anger, "Anyway, Lin Yu is mine, so you'd better not get his ideas, besides..."

She wanted to look He Cancan up and down with a smile on her face, "Your figure like bean sprouts is not his style either, save yourself the effort!"

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