Shen Zhiyi quickly recalled what he said and did just now, and felt ashamed for a while, and felt like dying.

Pushing the man away abruptly, and retreating eight feet away, she was ashamed and angry, "Are you planning me?"

He Jingyao spread his hands, "It was a friendly reminder."

Shen Zhiyi didn't say a word, and after glaring at him fiercely, she climbed onto the bed angrily, and covered her head with the quilt.

He Jingyao was so teased that he laughed out loud, and then turned his head. He had already returned to his former aloofness. "The meeting continues!"

Because of Shen Zhiyi, He's stock plummeted, Huang's family was ridiculed, and Qiu Wanqing's plan also ran aground.

When Huang's mother found her, she first accused He Jingyao of something wrong, then felt sorry for her daughter, and finally expressed her intention to come, both inside and outside, reminding Qiu Wanqing of one thing, that is, once the marriage between the He and Huang families fails, He Jingyao will lose the big tree of the Huang family.

Qiu Wanqing said to reassure them, "Ah Yao has always done things properly. Although he was a little impulsive this time, he did not lose his bottom line. He is just pitiful for Shen Zhiyi. He thinks that she is Dashu's biological mother, and he is afraid of being attacked. Don't worry, when Shen Zhiyi's side is stable, I'll let him get a marriage certificate with Xiao Nian immediately, and when the marriage certificate is received, everything will be settled!"

These words were only to appease the Huang family temporarily. Her son understood what He Jingyao was thinking, and Qiu Wanqing could see a thing or two.

She will never allow what she imagined to happen, and she will never allow Shen Zhiyi to enter their He family's door again.

So, she made a special trip to the hospital and wanted to have a showdown with Shen Zhiyi about this matter, and if they couldn't agree, she would never be merciless.

Who knew that the person was stopped by the bodyguard.

"You are blind, don't you know who I am? Hurry up and let me go!"

The bodyguard was in a dilemma, "Of course we recognize Madam, it's just that Mr. has ordered that no one else is allowed to enter Ms. Shen's ward. If we violate it, we will be held accountable!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it if something goes wrong!"

The wall that the bodyguard pulled away did not move at all, "Madam, don't embarrass us. You also know your husband's temper. Forgive us for not being peaceful. Madam please understand!"

"Bold, you don't listen to my words!" Qiu Wanqing shouted.

"Ma'am!" Ashen came over and winked at his subordinates, who backed away.

"Why did you come here?"

Qiu Wanqing snorted, "Why, I can't come to this place yet?"

"Of course not, it's just that it's really inconvenient right now!" Ashen leaned forward and whispered, "You don't know, Mr. is exhausted these days because of the wedding and Ms. Shen's affairs. You also know it, the six relatives don’t recognize it, so..."

Qiu Wanqing rolled her eyes, raised her airs and said, "Since that's the case, then I won't bother him anymore. You can tell him when you go back and let him make arrangements for the Huang family's affairs, otherwise, I can only intervene." !"

"Hey, Ma'am, I'll definitely bring the news to you!" Ah Shen sent the man out of the hospital himself.

Even though Qiu Wanqing was He Jingyao's biological mother, when her son got angry, she was still a bit afraid, and it was better to do something less than one thing more. If her son was pushed into a hurry again, her marriage with the Huang family would be completely cold. It's counterproductive to come here once, so it's not too late to come back when he's in a better mood.

Forget it, this time I can only take advantage of that Shen Zhiyi.

How could Ah Shen dare to bring the words to his master, He Jingyao has been busy as a spinning top recently, and the hospital company ran on both sides.

No, there was something wrong with the company at night, and he had to go there himself.

Shen Zhiyi went to bed early, and during this time with the company of two big men, the ward was suddenly empty, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

Before going to bed, I received a call from He Qingyan. He was on a business trip for the past two days, and he was worried that Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao would be alone. He Jingyao got there first.

Others don't know him as a big brother, but he knows it very well. It's definitely not like what he said, because Shen Zhiyi is Dashu's biological mother, so he was entrusted by Dashu to leave the company and the wedding. Run to the hospital to take care of her.

He Qingyan had already seen through his thoughts.

On the other hand, He Qingyan has no confidence in himself at all. In terms of time, he is not as long as He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi, and has been in contact for a long time. In terms of emotions, he is the man Shen Zhiyi once cared about He Qingyan didn't dare to guess rashly, nor did he dare to guess how he felt about him now, but he had a premonition, as if the two of them had never given up on each other from the very beginning.

Despite this, He Qingyan still pretended to be confused, but whenever there was a glimmer of hope, he would firmly grasp it and never stop.

Silent night.

Shen Zhiyi felt a huge sense of suffocation, as if her throat was tightly strangled by a pair of hands.

Do not!
This is not a dream!

Opening her eyes suddenly, her pupils dilated, and the person in front of her against the light had disheveled hair, and she couldn't see the facial features clearly, but Shen Zhiyi's memory of those sinister and vicious eyes was still fresh.

It used to be these eyes that stared at her hatefully and indifferently through the front windshield of the car, watching her helplessly and terrifiedly running for her life.

Shen Zhiyi firmly grasped the hands around his neck, and pulled them out forcefully, the two of them competed in strength.

Just when she was about to lose all her breath, as Shen Zhiyi grabbed the opponent's face, the ultimate contest ended.

The man covered his face and screamed, and the profile of his face could be seen clearly under the projection of the weak light.

"Shen Yichun, you're crazy!" Shen Zhiyi panted heavily, her face flushed red due to severe lack of oxygen.

Fortunately, she recovered a little bit of physical strength, otherwise she would definitely fall into Shen Yichun's hands today.

Shen Yichun turned his face away, stared at her viciously, and said hysterically, "Yes, I am crazy, driven crazy by you, Shen Zhiyi, I have long wanted to settle accounts with you, your life is really big, The car didn't hit you to death, but tonight, I want to see how lucky you are!"

As she spoke, she rushed towards Shen Zhiyi.

The latter rolled over and got off the bed, wanting to run out, but Shen Yichun quickly grabbed him.

Shen Zhiyi is not afraid of her, but her current physical condition is not suitable for tearing up with her, otherwise the injury will be disadvantageous, and it may not necessarily occupy the top spot.

Shen Yichun also just pinpointed this point, as if she knew her injury well, grabbed something and knocked it on Shen Zhiyi's ribs.

It was the place where the bone was broken, and Shen Zhiyi trembled with pain, and fell to the ground curled up.

"Shen Zhiyi, if it falls into my hands today, don't think about it!" Shen Yichun grabbed Shen Zhiyi's hair and pushed it back violently, then the high heels stepped on her ribs, crushing them hard.

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