The severe pain in Shen Zhiyi's body tormented her, making her forget to react. Shen Yichun's crazy and sharp laughter was in her ears.

"How is it? Doesn't it feel good to be stepped on by me? This day, I have waited for a long time, and finally I can let you taste the pain, hahaha..."

"Shen Yichun, you, what on earth do you want to do?" Shen Zhiyi tried to twist her foot away, but she crushed her harder.

The pain exhausted all her strength, her hair was wet with sweat, Shen Zhi lay powerlessly on the ground, her face was frighteningly pale.

Shen Yichun bent down, she really liked this condescending feeling, "What do I want to do? Of course I want your life?"

"If it weren't for you, how could I be sold to a perverted man? If it weren't for you, how could I fall off the cliff and almost die. God has mercy on me, so I let me get back my life and survive, but you know what? ? I've had enough of that kind of life without people and ghosts! So, it's time for you to go to hell!"

The last few words were almost squeezed out by Shen Yichun between her teeth, which shows her hatred for Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi's brain worked quickly, and she suddenly laughed.

Shen Yichun narrowed her eyes, stared at her nervously, and growled, "You're dying, are you still in the mood to laugh?"

"Shen Yichun, to say that you are a fool, I really don't wrong you! Think about it carefully, is what happened to you because of me? It's because of your greedy mother and younger brother, right?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't panic, and continued, "Who kept treating you as a job to make money and introduced you to someone with a financial backer? And who betrayed you, leaked your whereabouts, and harmed you? You were caught? Who did you sell to the perverted man? It was your closest and most trusted person, so what does it have to do with me? If you have to talk about self-forgetfulness, then at most I tore yours Dream of a wealthy family, but those didn’t belong to you in the first place, it was you who took over the care and everything that my mother and I deserved, shouldn’t I go back?”

The furious Shen Yichun calmed down little by little. She was recalling, weighing, and analyzing...

My mind is getting more and more confused, and my heart is getting more and more painful, as if I was stabbed in an artery by someone close to me, and I will die in the next second.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes froze, he saw the opportunity, and kicked out with a heartfelt kick. Shen Yichun's calf hurt and he lay on the ground.

When she reacted and wanted to rush forward again, Shen Zhiyi quickly pressed the call bell, and immediately, there was a crisp jingle.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shen Yichun had no choice but to run away. Before leaving, she said, "Shen Zhiyi, let's wait and see!"

The next day, He Jingyao learned about this from nowhere, and immediately asked the medical staff to conduct a comprehensive examination on Shen Zhiyi. The examination results were fine, except for the deepening of the rib injury, there was no other serious problem.

At the same time, he ordered Ah Shen to investigate the person who wanted to hurt Shen Zhiyi.

"No need!" Shen Zhiyi stopped Ah Shen, "I know who she is!"


Shen Yichun's face was turned away from the blow.

She covered her painful and numb face and stared back unwillingly, "I, did I do something wrong?"

"Shen Yichun, no wonder you have come to this point, you are really stupid, extremely stupid!" the masked man sarcastically said. "How many times have I told you to calm down and listen to my arrangements, but you are lucky to take the initiative to send it to your door. You are lucky this time. If you are caught by He Jingyao's men, your efforts will be in vain. Said, I'm afraid you will never go back to Hangcheng again!"

Shen Yichun didn't take it seriously, "Hmph! I don't believe that He Jingyao can use his hands and eyes? Besides, Shen Zhiyi is just a worn-out rag to him. How could he make a move for a piece of junk? Don't be so exaggerated, okay?" ?”

"Shut up!" the masked man roared, making Shen Yichun tremble with fright.

"What do you know? I worked so hard to snatch you back from the God of Death, but I didn't want you to be stupid here. If I'm right, He Jingyao's people are looking for you all over the world. You just need to show up." , you will be caught, and then even the gods will not be able to save you!"

Shen Yichun panicked all of a sudden, and grabbed the masked man's sleeve, "Then, what should I do now?"

She just wanted to scare Shen Zhiyi, who knew it would happen, if she had known that He Jingyao would be offended, she would never be so impulsive.

The masked man flicked his sleeves, "You stay here honestly, you are not allowed to go anywhere without my order, and everything will be done according to my plan. As long as you are obedient, I promise to avenge you!"

Shen Yichun nodded repeatedly.

In a corner at the entrance of a certain bar, a group of young people were punching and kicking a man around him.

The screams came one after another.

"I'll give you another three days, if you don't pay back the money..." The young man in the lead grabbed Shen Shujie's hair, forced his head back, and patted his face with the other hand, "You are so young, but There is a place to make money!"

When the words fell, everyone burst into laughter.

Shen Shujie's face changed, "I, I will pay back the money, I will definitely pay back the money!"

After the young man left cursing, Shen Shujie slapped their backs hard, "Damn it, when I was messing around, you were still bubbling in your mother's womb. If you dare to threaten me, let's wait and see!"

Shen Shujie owed a lot of money outside during this time, the hole on this side has not been filled, and the hole on the other side is bigger. Every day, different debt collectors come to him to collect debts.

He either made excuses to procrastinate, or just hid. For this, he suffered a lot of beatings. When he was standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus with his bruised face, he saw a familiar figure.

In the next second, turn around and run.

Liu Xiang moved faster than him, "Xiaojie!"

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Shen Shujie had no choice but to accept his fate, "Mom, why did you come here?"

"You kid still have the nerve to ask me why? Of course you want my things. You promised me to redeem my jewelry in a few days. It's been several days. Where are my things?"

Shen Shujie's eyes turned wildly, "Oh, Mom! I am your son, we are a family, I said I will redeem it for you, and I will definitely redeem it for you, but I have not had a good time recently, waiting for me to invest If the store gets the dividends, it will definitely return the things to you, okay?"

"Who knows if what you said is true or not? It's been half a month, and you still don't answer the phone calls. Tell me, don't you even think about returning the things to me?" Liu Xiang was very disappointed with this son, Don't believe his nonsense anymore.

"I'm wronged, Mom, how could I lie to you!"

"That's fine, you take me to the store I invested in now!" Liu Xiang dragged Shen Shujie to leave, but the latter hurriedly avoided.

"Mom, listen to me, I really can't leave now, look at my face, it's all beaten by those people asking for the bill, if I sip my noodles, I'm sure I'll be beaten to death by them, when the time comes your son I am crippled and disabled, who will take care of you until the end of my life!"

Liu Xiang took a closer look under the light, and was startled, "How could this be? Your face..."

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