The foreman took out a note for comparison, "Winxin Community, Building B, Donghu, 11th Floor, Unit [-], that's right, it's your home!"

Shen Zhiyi wanted to say something else, but suddenly a big guy came behind him, and two workers moved into a side-by-side refrigerator.

She stepped forward to stop them, "I didn't buy these, you move them away, move them all away, or I will sue you for trespassing!"

"No, miss, are you kidding our part-time workers? Now that the order has been placed, we must fulfill our obligations. Why don't you discuss the return with the person who placed the order!" The worker was speechless.

Shen Zhiyi got the order form from him, and wrote a word after the orderer, congratulations.

If it wasn't He Jingyao, who else would it be!

What exactly does he want to do?
"Hello, is this Miss Shen Zhiyi's home?" Two female staff stood at the door and knocked on the door.

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "Are you okay?"

"You are Miss Shen, great, here are the clothes you ordered, please sign for them!"

"You guys are mistaken, I didn't order it!"

"It may be ordered by your husband or a friend, just sign here!" The staff pointed to the signature on the list.

Shen Zhi didn't move, "Go back to the original way, I refuse to accept the clothes!"

The two staff looked at each other in embarrassment, "Miss Shen, this is our big client, you are making it really difficult for us, we have old and young, and we are just waiting for this month's bonus to live, If you're like this, we might not even be able to keep our jobs, it's really..."

Before they could finish speaking, Shen Zhiyi bit the bullet and signed his name with a pen.

As if they were afraid that she would regret it, the two staff quickly put away their things and ran away.

A new refrigerator, a new TV, a new coffee table, everything is brand new, all high-end goods, it's almost like tearing down her house and rebuilding it.

After picking up the clothes, they were all luxury brands that belonged to her style, and there were three or four pockets in total.

Shen Zhiyi sat in the living room full of luxury, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

He Jingyao, why does he control her life?
Under the moonlight, the He mansion is brightly lit, like a night pearl left in the world, exuding magnificent colors.

Shen Zhiyi checked the time, at nine o'clock in the evening, she didn't believe that she couldn't wait for anyone.

Think of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

I saw two car lights not far away gradually approaching. Under the night, they looked like the eyes of a beast waiting for food, mysterious and dangerous.

The silver Bentley stopped in front of He Mansion, and the driver got out of the car first. After a while, a tall and long-legged man got out of the back seat.

The man probably just got off from a meeting, and he was still wearing a handmade suit with dark gray vertical stripes, which looked elegant and capable.

Even in such a lighting environment, his perfect face and graceful temperament can bloom infinitely.

Always eye-catching.

The driver whispered something in his ear, and then he looked towards the inconspicuous corner of the door, his black eyes narrowed.

Shen Zhiyi hugged her shoulders to meet him, "Isn't Mr. He on a business trip? Could it be that he was on a business trip in the city?"

These words are somewhat ironic.

The dog was really lying to her, he was caught now, let's see how he can argue.

He Jingyao didn't have the slightest nervousness and embarrassment of being caught, but calmly said, "Oh, it's temporarily canceled!"

He glanced at the brightly lit building, "Is it to see the big tree, come in and have a seat?"

Shen Zhiyi nodded her arm with her fingertips, with a half smile on her face, "I'm here to find you, Mr. He!"


"Stop pretending, Mr. He, tell me, what is the purpose of what you did?"

He Jingyao lit the cigarette between his lips, took a puff, and said, "Oh, let's talk about remodeling the office!"

"And those at my house!" Shen Zhiyi reminded indifferently, "By the way, why do you have the keys to my house?"

She didn't remember letting the guy touch the keys to their house.

He Jingyao exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and said lightly, "It's very simple, my daughter gave it to me!"

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's eyes twitched.

After thousands of calculations, he never calculated that it would be his own daughter who betrayed him.

"So, what do you mean, what do you want to do?" The topic came back.

"Don't you like it?" the man asked back.

"Ha! It's not a matter of liking or not, it's a matter of being dominated by others. Why should I let you interfere in my life? He Jingyao, don't you think you are meddling?"

He Jingyao shook his head leisurely, "This is not called being nosy, this is what I should do, no matter what, you have given birth to two children for our He family, this is your benefit and compensation, not only now, but there will be more in the future !"

"No need!" Shen Zhiyi raised his hand, "I can't afford the welfare of your He family, I'm just a commoner, I just want to live a peaceful life, so Mr. He, please hold your hands high and don't disturb me How is your life?"

He Jingyao threw away the cigarette butt and crushed it out with the toe of his shoe, "Calm? What do you call peace? Is being married to He Qingyan a peace?"

"You can't control this. In short, I hope you won't meddle in my life in the future!"

The man looked away and chuckled lightly, "This is my freedom too, it depends on my mood!"


"Shen Zhiyi!" The man suddenly approached step by step, and Shen Zhiyi retreated subconsciously.

In the end, she was pushed against a tree, the man's arm was propped on her side, he bowed slightly, his eyes fixed on hers.

As long as Shen Zhiyi raised her eyes, his sexy Adam's apple and cold jaw were in her eyes.

That familiar masculine fragrance, magnetic and mellow voice lingered in her heart, pulling, disturbing her mind.

"Say something quickly!" Shen Zhiyi turned his eyes away, trying to stay calm.

The man leaned closer, nose to nose, all the breath he exhaled hit Shen Zhiyi's face, and the sound of chaotic breathing was unknown, but after a while, the two breaths with different frequencies were entangled together.

The atmosphere once evolved from tense to ambiguous.

The style of painting changed too quickly, and Shen Zhiyi was caught off guard.

She regretted it, and she shouldn't have given this man a chance to get close. She wanted to break free from his encirclement, but she was blocked by the man's other arm on the other side.

She is completely surrounded.

"He Jingyao, you, stay away from me!" Shen Zhiyi's blushing face from shame reduced her hostility. She didn't know that in the eyes of men, she looked a little cute in the eyes of a man. .

"Shen Zhiyi, why are you nervous?"

Shen Zhiyi said stiffly, "Who is nervous, it's nothing!"

The man raised his eyebrows, "Really? Then turn your head and look into my eyes!"

Who is afraid of whom?Shen Zhiyi made it for him to see.

It's just that at the moment when their eyes collided, Shen Zhiyi's heart beat faster and her face flushed.

Damn it! Why does she still feel this way about this bitch?

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