Seeing her reaction, He Jingyao raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction, "Shen Zhiyi, no one can stop what I want to do, and no one can take away the person I want, do you understand?"

Shen Zhiyi was confused, what a mess, taking advantage of the man not paying attention, she quickly bent down and got out from under the man's arm.

"What you want to do and who you want have nothing to do with me. Please don't disturb my life in the future, otherwise you will be unable to come down when the time comes. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Shen Zhiyi put on an uncompressed face, said the harshest words, then turned her head and left.

He Jingyao couldn't help laughing as he followed her further and further away.

At this moment, a phone call came in, and Ah Shen reported to work, "Sir, Ms. Shen does not accept office renovations, nor does she accept electrical appliances and furniture sent home!"

He Jingyao looked up at the night sky, "It's okay, she refused hers, I will give mine!"

There is nothing that stalking can't solve, and if there is, it is not thick-skinned enough.


"Do you know how much my car costs? You hit me into a big hole when you mentioned it just now. If you don't lose money today, you don't even want to go anywhere!"

"Hehe, I haven't asked you for anything yet. You still care about my money. Let me tell you. If I want money, I will kill you!"

Xiaomei's father was crossing the road while talking on the phone, but he was hit by a car.

Yes, Rang is a new car, and if he is caught, he will not let him go. He insists on losing money. Xiaomei's father is used to being arrogant, so he will not give him money, let alone no money, even if he has money.

"Okay, won't you?" The car owner waved his hand, and a few people got off the back seat. They were all tall and tall, and they were all his friends. They approached Xiaomei's father with a fierce face.

Xiaomei's father is a typical coward. When the critical moment comes, the cowardly group will turn around and run away as soon as his expression changes.

"Want to run? It's not that easy. Since I won't give you any money, I'll ask my buddies to treat you well!" The car owner winked, and the next second, Xiaomei's father was punched in the face.

The beating made him somersault on the ground, and two of his teeth fell out.

He spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, "Damn it, I'm not a vegetarian, okay, if you don't let me go today, then no one will feel better about it!"

As he said that, he sat down on the ground and yelled to the surroundings, "Look, the car has hit someone, and I want to run away, oh my leg, I'm afraid it's going to break, please judge! "

What Xiaomei's father said was clear and discerning, and the onlookers pointed their finger at the owner of the car one after another.

Car owner: "Damn it, you still want to touch porcelain, brothers, beat me to death, and I will be blamed if something happens!"

Xiaomei's father never expected that the owner of the car was not only not afraid, but also violent to him in full view.

The prediction was wrong, he got up and wanted to run, but was surrounded by the car owner buddies.

Coincidentally, Yin Xingze passed by here, and Xiaomei's father saw him, as if seeing a savior, he hurriedly rushed forward, "Young Master Yin, help!"

Yin Xingze didn't recognize him at first glance, "You are..."

"It's me, I'm Xiaomei's father, you forgot, last time you were a guest at my house!" Xiaomei's father clapped his chest and explained anxiously.

The group of people chased after them, and one of them grabbed Xiaomei's father by the collar and lifted him up, "You still want to run? I want to see where you can run, and get the money quickly, otherwise you won't be able to escape today." I want to get out of here unscathed!"

"Young Master Yin, please lend me some money first, or I will die here today!" Xiaomei's father pleaded to Yin Xingze.

Yin Xingze is rich, but he is not being taken advantage of, and he doesn't have a good impression of Xiaomei's father, so he has no plans to make a move, "I'm really sorry, I have other things to do in a hurry!"

"Hey, young master Yin, don't go!" Xiaomei's father hurriedly stopped, rolled his eyes, and said viciously, "Okay, if you don't lend me money, then I will go to that damn girl Xiaomei to ask for it. If she has no money, at worst, I'll sell her to accompany the wine, I don't believe I can't get this little money!"

Yin Xingze had already stepped out with one foot, but when he heard this, he stopped, and in the next second, he punched Xiaomei's father in the face.

Xiaomei's father was so dizzy from the beating that he fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Yin Xingze slammed a check in his face, "The extra money is for your injury, if you dare to play with Xiaomei in the future, I will break your neck!"

Xiaomei's father shivered in fright, and subconsciously touched his neck, but it was still there.

Look down again, wow! 20, get rich!

Shen Zhiyi repeatedly applied to work in Shen's company for no other reason, she wanted to stay away from He Jingyao.

To put it bluntly, He Jingyao is like a hot potato, getting too close will only cause trouble for himself.

Originally, she was ready to apply again and again, even to move Jiang Dongyi out, or she could go to He Jingyao to talk to her in person, and use various means and methods to return to Shen's company.

But who knows, the application sent out in the morning received a reply within an hour: yes.

He actually agreed?

Shen Zhiyi was really surprised by being so straightforward and easy to talk about.

Whatever his purpose, it's a good thing.

Shen Zhiyi went to Shen's company, and after explaining the situation to Jiang Dongyi, she went to Marriott on the way.

Xiaomei was very happy, and told her all the interesting things she saw and heard in the hotel in one breath.

"Manager Shen, Miss Xiaomei, a person who claims to run a travel agency wants to cooperate with our hotel!" The employee came over and said.

Shen Zhiyi and Xiaomei looked at each other.

Shen Zhiyi went to talk in person, and Xiaomei was by her side. The other party showed her business card. She is the major shareholder of a chain travel agency. This travel agency is not small, and it also has a branch in Hangzhou.

They want to expand the market in Hangzhou, so they want to find several hotels to cooperate with.

Xiaomei secretly showed Shen Zhiyi the information she found.

The business card is real, and the person is real, so the other party is not a liar.

This is strange. Marriott Hotel does not have any advantages among local hotel brands, and its reputation is not the biggest. Moreover, Marriott had tried to cooperate with this travel agency before, but was directly rejected. Now the major shareholder has come to the door in person. This point It's incredible.

Shen Zhiyi was still thinking, but the other party had already offered an olive branch, "Miss Shen, do you have any questions?"

"Ah? Question, you have made it clear just now, Mr. Chen, I also intend to cooperate with your company. In this way, let's go back and study the business case. I'll wait here to draw up the contract..."

"No, I've already finished the contract!" The other party's assistant gave Shen Zhiyi a contract.

"Miss Shen, if there is no problem, you can just sign here!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Growing up so big, the first time I saw Party A was even more anxious than Party B. It wasn't that I was in a hurry to give money.

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