She stood in front of the hand washing mirror outside the bathroom and looked at herself. If she had to say that this face was quite pretty, otherwise she wouldn't have stood out from a kind of Internet celebrity in the entertainment industry, and then reached her current status.

But compared with those little girls who follow the idol route, she is obviously not as interested.

Zheng Fanxing, who is used to seeing all kinds of top beauties, how could he have a crush on her? According to his own words, he just took care of her for the sake of being an old senior.

Coming out of the bathroom, a figure at the door startled her.

"I'm scared to death, what are you doing standing here?" Song Jiaojiao patted her chest.

Fang Huaizhou moved his back from the wall, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at her contemptuously, "Sure enough, you still didn't listen to my dissuasion, and insisted on hooking up with that Zheng Fanxing, are you really going to smash it? "

Song Jiaojiao laughed, "Are you peeking at me?"

"Sneaking at you? Good idea!" Fang Huaizhou dodged his eyes.

In fact, when he passed by here with his subordinates just now, he caught a glimpse of Song Jiaojiao and let his subordinates go first.

Zheng Fanxing handed her a sweat towel and purified water, he saw them all, he couldn't be jealous, he couldn't be sour.

I wanted to follow her, but my footsteps just followed her.

"So, why did Mr. Fang say that?"

"I..." Fang Huaizhou was dumb, "Don't worry about it, just answer my question just now, are you really going to date that kid named Zheng?"

Song Jiaojiao didn't bother to talk to him, "Since when have you been more gossip than a paparazzi? Are we colleagues? It's okay for those little girls to talk nonsense, but you, an old man, also like to gossip. Is it interesting?"

Fang Huaizhou tugged on his tie, "Whether it's Zheng Fanxing or Lin Yu, I don't care how many men you have or how much you play, in short, please remember your identity as an artist. Once the black material is picked up by the media, you may be in this life." If you can’t turn over, no one will be able to save you then!”

Song Jiaojiao smoothed her hair backwards, and broke the pot for him, "If you can't turn over, you won't turn over. Anyway, I, Song Jiaojiao, was originally a commoner. I made a little money for me to spend. I will find a good husband to marry in the future." People are fine, who cares so much!"

"Who are you going to marry!" Fang Huaizhou grabbed her wrist violently.

The latter felt pain, "It hurts!"

Fang Huaizhou let go of his hand belatedly, "Sorry, I just..."

He just stretched out a hand, but Song Jiaojiao avoided it in disgust, "It doesn't matter who I marry, Mr. Fang should take care of his own business!"

"Song Jiaojiao!" Fang Huaizhou wanted to chase her, but he was chased, so what could he say?

Do you want to tell her that he doesn't want her to marry anyone, but that he is the only one in her eyes?

However, her heart clearly belongs to the victim. She can't see what he has done for her so much. One can imagine that it's not that she can't see it, but that she already has her own heart, no matter how much he has done. , not as good as a smile from another man.

He, Fang Huaizhou, is also a man with backbone, he will not chase after a woman whose heart is not on him.

Let it be like this, let it be like this between him and Song Jiaojiao!

"Sister Jiaojiao!"

As soon as Song Jiaojiao looked up, she saw Zheng Fanxing standing in front of her. She immediately adjusted her expression, "I'm fine, let's go in and continue training!"

"Sister Jiaojiao, if you are too tired, come here today!"

"Where is this? You underestimate me too!" Song Jiaojiao said and went to the training room with a smile.

When Zheng Fanxing turned around, he glanced in the direction of the bathroom.

Song Jiaojiao felt that she was really old, her arms and legs were all stiff, and after a few movements, her bones seemed to be falling apart.

But she didn't want to hold back, she gritted her teeth and insisted.

The other backup dancers are gone, only she is still practicing hard.

"Sister Jiaojiao, your exercise volume has exceeded your quota today, be careful that your body will hurt tomorrow!" Zheng Fanxing reminded kindly.

Song Jiaojiao replied while practicing, "I'm fine, I can handle it, you go first, isn't there an announcement tomorrow morning?"

Zheng Fanxing nodded.

"Oops!" Spinning and jumping, Song Jiaojiao lost her balance and fell backwards.

At the critical moment, fortunately, someone grabbed her waist.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Zheng Fanxing.

No wonder he is called a top-notch fresh meat. This man is really good-looking. Even his good skin makes women envy him. He also has those sparkling eyes that wink lightly at people.

He is happy to give his life!

"Sister Jiaojiao, are you okay?" Seeing Song Jiaojiao's dumbfounded look, Zheng Fanxing became worried.

"Ah, I'm fine!" Song Jiaojiao wiped the corners of her mouth impatiently when she came back to her senses, and when she was about to pull away, a pair of soft hands tapped her shoulders.

"Zheng Fanxing, you..."

Before Song Jiaojiao finished speaking, she fell into a strange embrace.


She was hugged tightly by Zheng Fanxing, and she was completely dumbfounded...


Shen Zhiyi put the siu mai he had brought on the table, took off his coat, and went straight to the refrigerator door as if he had come to his own home, and pulled out a can of beer from it.

Opened it, without saying a word, raised his head and drank it all in one go.

Song Jiaojiao especially likes to eat the siu mai from the Marriott Hotel, no, she asked Shen Zhiyi to bring it to her early in the morning.

"Drinking cold beer early in the morning, did you do something bad last night?" Song Jiaojiao floated past Shen Zhiyi like a ghost.

"Cough cough cough! What are you talking about? Who did something bad?" Shen Zhiyi choked.

Song Jiaojiao stepped back, pointed at her and said, "Look, your face is red, and there are two big characters written on it, guilty conscience!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"You, you've always been mysterious lately, tell me quickly... wait, what are those things on your neck?" Song Jiaojiao screamed as if she had discovered a new land, wishing that the whole building would be destroyed. can hear.

Shen Zhiyi covered it with his collar like lightning, trying to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, "I'm going back to the hotel first, eat slowly by yourself!"

"Shen Zhiyi, stop!" Song Jiaojiao threw Shen Zhiyi onto the sofa with both hands and feet, "If you don't make it clear, you can't go anywhere, so tell me, who are you with? ?”

"Hey, get your hands off!"

"Hee hee, I'm sorry I made a mistake!"

A posture that if you don't recruit today, you won't be let out of this door.

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, "I'll go! Zhizhi, could it be He Qingyan, right? Unexpectedly, he looked honest and dutiful, but he was actually a sullen man. How is his life? How long? ? How about the tool... um..."

"Song Jiaojiao, shut up!" Shen Zhiyi laughed and scolded, really wanting to kick her.

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