Chapter 497 I just found a duck during my menstrual period
Song Jiaojiao groaned twice, "That's why I guessed it right. Alas, if you say you are too anxious, you will be eaten by him so soon. Be careful not to cherish it in the future. You will hang on for a year or so anyway, man That's the virtue!"

Shen Zhiyi pressed her forehead, "Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing with him!"

"Ah? It's not him, it's He Jingyao. After all, you don't know many men!"

"I..." Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, I guess it's true, right? Ahhh! How could it be He Jingyao, Zhizhi, is this true? Are you confused?" Song Jiaojiao hugged her head in astonishment, Obviously, he was hit harder than Shen Zhiyi himself.

At this point, it was useless for Shen Zhiyi to quibble, after all Song Jiaojiao knew her so well, she couldn't lie even if she wanted to.

So it simply defaulted. "It was just an accident!"

"Accident? Are you having sex after drinking?"

Shen Zhiyi shook his head.

"Who accidentally got into the wrong room?"

Shen Zhiyi was ashamed, did this girl watch too many idol dramas?
Song Jiaojiao clapped her hands, "I see, you two can't help it!"

Shen Zhiyi coughed and said nothing.

What can she say, could it be that He Jingyao forced her, and then she suddenly had a feeling, so she became passive and active, immersed in it?

But the fact is clear that this is the case, even she doesn't believe it herself, let alone others?
Song Jiaojiao fell down on the sofa and shook her head, "Zhizhi, you are finished, you are finished, you fell into the trap that He Jingyao weaved and can't extricate yourself, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

"I know!" Shen Zhiyi squeezed her temples, and didn't have the energy to say another word.

"He Jingyao is Huang Runian's fiancé, and you are He Qingyan's girlfriend, the two of you actually..." Song Jiaojiao gestured with both hands, and couldn't help sighing, "Does He Qingyan know about this?"

Shen Zhiyi shook her head.

"Don't let him know, it's a painful blow and humiliation to a man who loves you so much!"

"Master Qingyan and I have not reached the step you said!" Shen Zhiyi said softly.

Song Jiaojiao was stunned again. "Don't tell us, you and He Qingyan don't even have the most basic kiss and hold hands between couples?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't speak again.

Song Jiaojiao shrugged, "Okay, you are the best!"

"Then what are you and He Jingyao going to do next? You can't be eaten by him for nothing, right?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her head, "Otherwise?"

"You're stupid!" Song Jiaojiao poked her temple, "Take advantage of this opportunity, you have to kill him, it doesn't matter if it's money or not, if it doesn't work, you can threaten him with this matter and let him be your lover So what about Huang Ru Nianzhenggong? She is also not favored. As long as you are a side concubine, you will always be a threat to her. Maybe it will not be long before the throne of the empress in the palace is yours. You must be good at using men to strengthen yourself Career, do you understand?"

Song Jiaojiao's passionate speech only got Shen Zhiyi's indifference.

The former screamed up to the sky, completely disappointed, "Okay, you see things for yourself, from another perspective, just treat yourself as a physical need and find a duck to solve it, and you may feel more balanced in your heart!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

The cell phone on the coffee table rang, and there was a message. Song Jiaojiao clicked on it, and her expression couldn't help but relax.

"Actually, I also have a headache. I don't know what to do. If he doesn't mention this matter, then I will be rotten in my stomach. As you said, just treat it as solving a physical need..."

Shen Zhiyi expressed his feelings, while the other person was busy and enthusiastic.

A greeting message from Zheng Fanxing made Song Jiaojiao's heart flutter.

She deleted it several times over and over again, and finally edited a row of text, 【Hmm, I have nothing to do today, I plan to stay at home for a day, recharge my batteries, and continue rehearsing tomorrow! 】

Since last night, Song Jiaojiao felt that her relationship with Zheng Fanxing had changed, and her mood towards him had also changed.

In the practice room last night, he hugged her tightly, and after hesitating for a few seconds, she seemed to lose her mind and hugged him back.

The two of them hugged like that for a long time before parting reluctantly.

Song Jiaojiao's mentality at the time was like this: she has an affair with a top-notch fresh meat like Zheng Fanxing, she is not at a loss, it can not only improve her career, but also attract young people, it can kill two birds with one stone, perfect!

Unexpectedly, Zheng Fanxing's message actually made her so excited.

What happened to her?Have you met nectar for a long time?
"Who are you talking to?"

The sudden voice from her shoulder made Song Jiaojiao's cell phone almost fly out, and the next second, she knocked her cell phone back nervously, "That's right, just a colleague from the company!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, her eyes suspicious, "Really? But why do I feel like you are excited and nervous?"

"Cut! Where is it!"

"Are you in a relationship?" Shen Zhiyi moved closer, staring into her eyes, leaving her nowhere to hide.

Song Jiaojiao laughed uglier than crying, "How is it possible, as artists, we are forbidden to fall in love, well, now, for me, doing anything is better than doing a career!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, grabbed the beer and took another sip, "It seems that the other party is not Fang Huaizhou!"

"What does it have to do with him? Zhizhi, don't tie me to him. He's just crazy now. He likes to attack me and threaten me every now and then. I don't bother to talk to him!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't know if what she said was true or not, but she was sure of one thing, Song Jiaojiao was just a thick-skinned person who couldn't see someone's sincerity.

I hope she won't hurt the person who loves her and cares about her!

Just after getting off the meeting, an employee walked up to Shen Zhiyi, "Manager Shen, the guest in room 502 wants you to come over!"

It's He Jingyao again!
"Did you say what to do?"

The employee replied, "It seems to be about the shower head in the bathroom. Manager Shen, why don't you go there, that guest..."

He Jingyao has a strong aura, a cold personality, and always likes to put on a bad face. Several employees who serve in his room were cried out. Now everyone has a shadow of 502.

Shen Zhiyi went over in person, but she wanted to see what the dog was up to.

So what if he offended, he couldn't live in this hotel.

A few seconds after ringing the electronic doorbell, the person inside opened the door.

"He Jing..."

It was not He Jingyao who opened the door, but Huang Runian.

She was wearing a pale pink silk nightdress with lace small flying sleeves on the shoulders, which added playfulness and cuteness to the sex appeal, which suited her style very well.

When she saw Shen Zhiyi, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she showed a beautiful smile, "Is sister Zhiyi here to look for brother Jingyao? He is still sleeping, do you want me to call him for you?"

Every word is like a needle stuck in her alveoli, and every breath hurts to the bone marrow.

This is the man who was drunk with her in bed more than ten hours ago?

You can be like other women in a blink of an eye, a dog is a dog, and it's not worthy of others' nostalgia at all.

(End of this chapter)

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