Chapter 498

Shen Zhiyi suppressed the soreness at the tip of her nose, forced a smile, "I clicked on the wrong room, sorry for the interruption!"

After speaking, he turned his head and left, not wanting to stay here for another second.

Her heart was in a mess, and she lost her rhythm as she drove her steps.

Forget it, just like Jiaojiao said, treat it like being bitten by a dog.

"Uh..." Shen Zhiyi bumped into someone at the corner of the corridor.

A big hand covered her forehead and rubbed it lightly, "You are not reckless, why are you in a hurry?"

The male voice was full of doting reproach, which was very nice, and it made Shen Zhiyi feel warm, but the next second it made her feel even colder.

Looking up to meet a pair of dark eyes, although Shen Zhiyi didn't know why He Jingyao appeared here instead of Room 502, but she could allow Huang Runian to dress like that in his room, no matter what, she couldn't convince herself.

It had nothing to do with her before, but at least ten hours ago, they were still friends with benefits.

"Don't touch me!" Shen Zhiyi opened his hand, and walked away quickly without looking back.

He Jingyao looked back at Ah Shen, who lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose, expressing that he was powerless.

Therefore, he only regarded this woman as a childish character, and when he returned to room 502, he finally understood why Shen Zhiyi had that reaction.

"Brother Jingyao, you are back. I saw you were out, so I asked the waiter to give me the room card. I'm sorry, I came in without your permission. Are you tired? I made you soothing tea, and it was my aunt who asked me to bring you the room card." came over..."

"No need, please go out now!" He Jingyao interrupted coldly, without showing any sympathy.

Huang Runian was startled by his indifference. Although He Jingyao was a bit lonely and cold, at least he was very patient with her and got along well with her all the time.

Such a sudden outburst made her unable to accept it for a while.

She bit her lip, trying to keep herself calm, "I'm sorry Brother Jingyao, I, I just want to come and see you..."

"Do you want to come over and see how I dress like this? Xiao Nian, I don't like girls who are scheming. You know what you have done yourself. I don't want to blame anyone, but please respect my private life in the future!"

After He Jingyao finished speaking, he stopped looking at her and walked outside.

Huang Runian staggered two steps unsteadily, her aggrieved eyes were red, and she was also a little annoyed and regretful.

I knew that her brother Jingyao hated other people's tricks the most, but she had to listen to Qiu Wanqing's method with a glimmer of hope, and put herself in danger, so that she would not die if she didn't hit the south wall.

Her Brother Jing Yao must hate her to death now!

At this moment, Qiu Wanqing called, "Xiao Nian, how is the progress?"

Huang Runian bit her lower lip aggrievedly, "Auntie, let's stop doing this in the future, okay? This will only push Brother Jingyao further and further away."

Shen Zhiyi's car door just opened a crack, only to hear a bang, and was pressed shut by another hand.

She got angry when she saw He Jingyao, and she didn't want to talk to this heartless guy, a big scumbag at all.

"Shen Zhiyi, have you misunderstood me?" He Jingyao blocked the car door with his body, not giving her a chance to leave.

Shen Zhiyi smirked professionally, "What kind of misunderstanding, Mr. He, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know why Xiao Nian appeared in my room, but it's definitely not what you think. I said before that I don't like her, let alone touch her!"

Shen Zhiyi looked away impatiently, "What does this have to do with me? Mr. He, you are really strange, why are you explaining this to me?"

She didn't care, but her extremely impatient appearance made the man's cheeks move, and the latter closed his eyes, suppressing the emotion that wanted to explode, "Shen Zhiyi, can you stop doing this, you clearly know that last night... ..."

"We were acting impulsively last night. Don't worry, adults can still play this kind of game. I promise I won't tell anyone, and I won't use this threat to seek benefits from you!"

With just a few words, the man's complexion changed successfully, and even the jaw line revealed a daunting sense of sternness.

"Shen Zhiyi, do you want to put on your pants and deny it?"

Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then laughed, "What Mr. He said, isn't it you who put on his trousers and refused to admit it? Oh, I see. Could it be that Mr. He took it seriously and wanted to deal with this matter?" Is it okay to make a statement?"

The man suddenly knocked on her wrist, and then she was pushed against the car door, but this was not enough, the man even used his lower body to hold her against her viciously.

The magnified handsome face was right in front of his eyes, giving people a sense of contrast that was both majestic and lustful.

Shen Zhiyi's throat was hot, "You, what are you doing, am I wrong?"

"You said it wrong, Miss Shen, you are the one who is responsible to me now!" the man said with his lips curled up.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned, "What?"

Make her responsible for him?Why doesn't he go to heaven!

"It was you who asked me to go to your room that day!" Shen Zhiyi argued vigorously.

The man raised his eyebrows lazily, "That's right, seduced me!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Please, when did I seduce you? It's want to take advantage of me, okay?"

This guy is really good at shouting "stop thief", it's too shameless.

"You came to my room alone to seduce me. Miss Shen, you forgot who hugged my neck from behind and who yelled all night..."

Shen Zhiyi hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, glanced around, and then stared at him to warn him, "You're crazy, can you keep your voice down? I'm afraid that others won't know what's wrong between us?"

He Jingyao had a smug expression, "So, you have to be responsible to me!"

Shen Zhiyi was speechless.

Why was it that he was the one who took advantage of it, but in the end he was wiped out, and she became the one who committed the most heinous crimes and deserved to die.

Shen Zhiyi sighed haggardly, "How do you want me to be responsible?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but I'll let you know when I think about it!"

Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth and stared at him, "So, can I go now?"

He Jingyao let the car door out, "Yes!"

Shen Zhiyi stepped on the gas pedal and couldn't wait to rush out of the man's sight.

He Jingyao straightened his tie, feeling satisfied.

When Qiu Wanqing saw the photos about her son's entanglement with Shen Zhiyi, she was so angry that she threw the photos away.

The people on the side were still reporting the situation, "It is said that the young master booked a room in Marriott for a month, and he would occasionally return to the He Mansion, oh! Not only that, he also helped Marriott with several big orders, enough for Marriott to eat for several years! Yes, the young master upgraded Shen Zhiyi's office in the He Group, using all the office equipment of the same brand as the president's office. The young master even ordered a variety of high-end home appliances for Shen Zhiyi's home. clothing..."

"Enough!" Qiu Wanqing couldn't listen any longer, and couldn't press down on the protruding veins on her temples, "Crazy, he is really crazy! But one Shen Zhiyi made him forget himself Identity, if you don't intervene again, you don't know what you will be harmed in the future!"

"Ma'am, what are you going to do?"

After Qiu Wanqing squinted her eyes and thought for a while, "Contact me with some media outlets!"

(End of this chapter)

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