Don't look at Xiaobao as a girl, the so-called women don't give in to men, the little girl put on a small face, and with all her energy, she threw her classmates out half a circle in the first lap.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned.

This, is this still her little treasure who only knows how to divination and fortune-telling, but only dislikes and bury her?

It's too awesome!
Shen Zhiyi almost wanted to become her own daughter's little fan girl.

The second stick was given to her, and with the determination not to embarrass her daughter, Shen Zhiyi rushed up when she got the stick, her ponytail flicked in the air, and her small waist loomed with her movements.

She was born white and had a thin waist. When she ran on the playground, she looked like a female student doing morning exercises. She was full of vigor and a little sexy, and attracted all the male parents in the audience.

"What are you looking at, the eyeballs are almost popping out?"

"Have I read it? No!"

"Does that beauty suit your taste?"

"Cut! She's petty, how can she be as beautiful and sexy as my wife!"

"Who are you calling petty?" A small head suddenly appeared between the couple, startling them.

"Let me tell you, the most beautiful one is my mother. She is not petty. She is the most beautiful in the audience. You are not allowed to speak ill of her!" Dashu raised his fist, bound to defend his mother's reputation.

The race is still going on, Shen Zhiyi finally finished the first lap on the middle track, and is currently tied with the other mothers. In the second lap, she wanted to leave the other mothers by a distance, but her physical strength was limited, especially the one on the next track. A treasure mother, bit her tightly from beginning to end.

Shen Zhiyi speeds up, she speeds up too, Shen Zhiyi slows down, she also slows down.

The two stared at each other several times.

Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth and sprinted for the final distance, the treasure mother also started to accelerate, and the two stood side by side again.

Suddenly a force struck from one side, and Shen Zhiyi was knocked off the runway and fell heavily to the ground.

Although the rubber runway is soft in texture, the surface is rough and not smooth, and it is easy to stab.

Baoma, who rushed up from behind, had no time to brake, and stepped on Shen Zhiyi's palm.

The piercing pain traveled from the fingertips to the whole body, and Shen Zhiyi gasped.

I thought, it's over, the game is going to lose!
Suddenly a shadow fell in front of him.

"How are you?"

He Jingyao grabbed her hands to check, then looked down at her knees, they were all torn, and there were blood spots oozing out.

Shen Zhiyi was in a trance for a moment, as if the time had returned to half a year ago.

Once again she was pushed down by Shen Yichun, and this man was also like this, he even vented his anger on her and cleaned up Shen Yichun.

"I want to see us go home and I'll let you see enough!" He Jingyao didn't lift his eyelids, Shen Zhiyi was caught and blushed.

Seeing that the man was about to pick her up, she hurriedly pushed him away, and said anxiously, "What are you doing here? Go and stand up, there is still hope!"

He Jingyao sighed, "Shen Zhiyi, are you stupid? Take a look at how badly you have been hurt. What is the competition? Is No.1 that important?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't want to explain so much to him, "You don't understand, hurry up and stand up, it will be too late!"

"It's too late!" He Jingyao said, and hugged him horizontally, right in front of the crowd.

Dashu and Xiaobao applauded, encouraging love, "Wow, dad is so handsome, mom is so beautiful!"

I don't know if He Jingyao has the budget, but he also wore a light gray sports suit, which formed a perfect parent-child outfit with Shen Zhiyi Xiaobao.

He easily walked from the sun with Shen Zhiyi in his arms, his shoulders were straight and straight, his chest was hard and muscular, like a fortress, like a city wall.

This is not a sports meeting, it is clearly an idol drama.

"Look at someone's husband, he can easily pick up his wife, and look at you, even carrying a bag!" Some wives dislike their husbands.

The husband refused, "Look at his wife, she has long legs and a thin waist, and she is light. If you look at you again, she has a big waist and a round body. It's strange that I can hug her. To be honest, you should lose weight!"

As soon as the words fell, the husband's ears were twisted by his wife.

"Shen Zhiyi, are you okay?" He Jingyao carried Shen Zhiyi to the recliner under the parasol, and Dashu and Xiaobao ran over anxiously, terribly worried.

"Mom, your knee is broken!"

Shen Zhiyi rubbed the top of Dashu's head, "Mom is fine!"

Then he looked at Xiaobao with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, Xiaobao, for holding you back!"

Xiaobao pretended to be chic and raised his hand, "Cut! It's just a small gift, Dad said, as much as you want later, Dad has money!"

Shen Zhiyi raised his forehead, how did this father educate him.

After a while, the school doctor rushed over with a medicine box.

"Where is the injury, let me see!"

"Give it to me!" He Jingyao forcibly took the box from his hand.

The school doctor was about to say something when he was dragged away by Xiaobao and Dashu, "Uncle Doctor, I feel sick to my stomach, why don't you help me too!"

"Yes, yes, my wrist hurts too, can uncle doctor show me?"

He Jingyao secretly praised the two little guys, knowing their daddy too well.

"Put your legs on mine!" He Jingyao ordered.

Shen Zhiyi stared at him suspiciously, and said in her heart, you, a young master who doesn't touch the sun with his ten fingers, would you know this?
In my impression, he seemed to be able to do some simple bandages. Thinking about it, she put her calf on the other's bent thigh.

Shen Zhiyi's feet are very white and beautifully shaped, and her nails are round and full like shells.

She was still a little embarrassed, she didn't let go for a long time, and she was in a state of restraint, compared to He Jingyao, who seemed much more natural.

Clean the wound, bandage the wound, the whole process is done in one go.

From time to time, his hands brushed her ankles, insteps, and between the touches of the skin, it seemed that something strange happened, and it swept across Shen Zhiyi's heart.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't help but shuddered, and in the next second, quickly moved away from this man, "Okay!"

"I think you might as well not go to the hotel these days. Although the injury on your knee looks fine, it will still be affected if you exercise too much!" He Jingyao explained while wiping his hands with alcohol wipes.

Shen Zhiyi put down her trouser legs, "I'm a medical student, so naturally I won't let myself end up in such a miserable situation!"

In other words, no bullshit, I know what to do.

"He Jingyao, tell me the truth, you don't have any other purpose in coming to the sports meeting today!" Shen Zhiyi felt that it was necessary to make it clear to him that it was really uncomfortable to be bitten all the time, as if As if being stared at by a pair of eyes all the time.

The man raised his eyebrows, "What purpose?"

"It's, it's..."

"What is it?"

Shen Zhi was exasperated, "Anyway, don't pretend to be stupid, I know what I'm talking about, so I'll ask you a question, what exactly do you want to do?"

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