He Jingyao spread his hands, "You have seen it all, I am here to participate in the in-person sports meeting, or are you planning to temporarily spend money to rent a man to attend instead of me?"

Shen Zhiyi moved his mouth and stopped talking.

He Jingyao put his hands in his pockets, his two sky-defying long legs stretched straight, he looked in the direction of Xiaobao and Dashu, "Don't forget, you are the mother of two children, and I am also their father, what do you want to give to them?" Theirs, I want to give more than you, even better and more than what you give!"

Shen Zhiyi was silent.

Maybe, she really thought too much?

"Auntie, you have to apologize to my mother today!" Dashu and Xiaobao stopped a woman from leaving.

That woman was the treasure mother who bit Shen Zhiyi tightly during the second relay race just now. She pushed the big tree aside impatiently, "Go, go, play, what do children know? It's your mother herself!" Those who fail to live up to their expectations and fall, don't care about me!"

The big tree pushed it to the ground and burst into tears.

Xiao Bao ran over to help him up, and even dusted him off, "Don't cry, big tree, let's see how I deal with her!"

Saying that, the little girl pinched her waist and leaned in front of the precious mother, "I remind you one last time, apologize to my mother, and apologize to my brother!"

"Yo Yo Yo, you scared me to death. What about your mother, who hides herself like a turtle and sends you two little devils to trouble me. It's all kinds of things!"

This treasure mother obviously didn't take Dashu and Xiaobao seriously, and after glaring at them, she was about to leave.

Xiao Bao suddenly sat down on the ground, kicking his legs while crying, "Come here, look quickly, adults are bullying children!"

Other parents heard the sound and came to watch.

"Why is it like this, even children are bullied, what quality!"

"A child who is the same age as my child, how could he have the heart to do it! It must be exposed!"

"Yes, expose her, she is not worthy of being a parent!"

Some parents even used their mobile phones to shoot wildly at the scene, preparing to rush to the hot search list.

The mother's son was also in the crowd, accusing his mother in front of everyone, "Mom, how can you do this, I don't like you anymore!"

"Son, listen to me, things are not like this..." Unfortunately, the son and husband had already run away, and the treasure's mother regretted so much, she turned to face Xiaobao, "Can't I apologize?"

Shen Zhiyi, who had taken care of the wound, was coming here, something was wrong, why are there so many people here.

Suddenly a person rushed over, Shen Zhiyi took a closer look, it was the mother who knocked her over.

"I'm sorry Miss Shen, I didn't mean to bump into you, don't worry, I will pay for all medical expenses!"

After finishing speaking, he turned back and asked Xiaobao, "Is it all right now?"

Only then did Xiao Bao get up from the ground in satisfaction.

Shen Zhiyi realized after a while, she took Xiaobao's hand, "Xiaobao, you..."

"That's right, I did it. Why can she bump into you, and I can't deal with her? This kind of unqualified person should be taught a lesson!" Xiaobao raised his chin, majestic.

Dashu turned into a little fanboy, "Mom, you don't even know how handsome Xiaobao is just now. I've made up my mind. I will worship her as my teacher and punish the bad guys in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." The four of them went out, and they had to scare everyone away.

Although they didn't even finish the relay race, one of the five events won No.1, which is enough.

When receiving the award at the end, Xiao Baofei took the big tree and came to the stage. Finally, a sibling stood on the stage of No.1. The two little guys looked at each other with the most sincere and hearty smiles on each other.

And seeing this scene, Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao couldn't help but smile knowingly.

The personal sports meet was successfully concluded, and the family of four happily returned home.

I don't know who started it in the middle, and the little guys clamored to eat hamburgers.

Shen Zhiyi didn't quite agree, it seemed like going out with He Jingyao, but the little ones couldn't help it, and finally set off for the hamburger restaurant.

Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao sat together, opposite He Jingyao and Dashu.

The mother and daughter are beautiful and aura, and the father and son are cool and beautiful, sitting there is very seductive.

He Jingyao didn't eat fast food, so he didn't know much about it. Shen Zhiyi ordered a family set meal. As soon as the meal came, the two little guys turned into hungry wolves and devoured it hungrily.

Shen Zhiyi doesn't usually eat much, but she doesn't hate it. The table is full of family meals, and she also relishes it. As she ate, she felt a gaze staring at her.

Looking up, He Jingyao was looking at her with his arms around his shoulders.

Shen Zhiyi looked down at herself, everything was normal.

"What do you see me doing?"

"How old are you, why do you still eat children's food?"

These words do not sound mocking, but give people a feeling of pampering.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned when he heard that, and took a tissue to print on the corner of his lips, "Is it a rule that adults can't eat children's food? If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that others don't like it!"

Although the two were bickering, there was no tension like before.

"That's right, Dad, the hamburger and French fries are always delicious, why don't you try it!" Xiaobao handed his hamburger to He Jingyao's mouth, and the latter hid himself and said with a relieved smile, "You eat, Dad Not used to this!"

The little girl shrugged, feeling a little regretful.

Dashu also followed Xiaobao's example, holding up his Coke, "Mom, drink it!"

Shen Zhiyi rubbed the little guy's soft hair, his eyes were full of happiness, "Thank you Dashu!"

After speaking, he glared at someone.

How can we discourage the enthusiasm of the children? There is no love at all.

"Wow, Dashu, your Super Beef Burger is delicious!" Xiaobao exclaimed with his eyes wide open as if he had got a big baby.

"Your food is delicious too!"

"If you like to eat, I'll pack another one for you later." Shen Zhiyi looked at them with a smile.

The two little guys cheered happily.

He Jingyao shook his head incomprehensibly, his eyes fell on the French fries in Shen Zhiyi's hand.

"Why don't I give you a taste?" Shen Zhiyi probed.

He Jingyao didn't take it seriously at all, "What's so delicious about this?"

"Try it, how will you know if it's delicious if you don't taste it, right?" Shen Zhiyi was taken aback after finishing speaking.

She was acting like a baby just now, and she was still facing He Jingyao, my God!It's so embarrassing.

Fortunately, He Jingyao concealed it well.

"Hey! There is something special about eating these French fries. You must eat them just out of the pan. They must be hot, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and then dipped in some tomato sauce. This is the soul!"

Shen Zhiyi operated while talking, holding a French fries dipped in sauce and holding it in front of He Jingyao, who frowned in disgust, as if he would be poisoned if he ate it.

Do not eat and pull down!Shen Zhiyi was about to take it back when the man slammed his wrist.

The next second, he looked at Shen Zhiyi, opened his mouth and bit into the French fries inch by inch.

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