For some reason, Shen Zhiyi always felt that what he ate was not French fries.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, the man's expression froze.

"Dad, how does it taste?" Big Tree asked impatiently.

"I can't feel it after one bite! Another one!" He Jingyao raised his chin.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." She seriously suspected that this guy was doing it on purpose.

After He Jingyao ate another one, the tense expression on his face gradually eased, "It seems that it's not as bad as I thought!"

"Of course, there are thousands of things, only French fries are the rarest, do you understand! Hey, what are you doing?" Shen Zhiyi was about to pick up one and eat it by himself, when someone grabbed the one in front of him aggressively go.

And said brazenly, "Really? I want to experience it myself!"

"Don't you not like fast food? Give it back to me!"

Relying on his long arms, He Jingyao raised it high, "No!"

Shen Zhiyi grabbed it several times but failed to catch it, and it made the people around her laugh, even her two babies were laughing too.

"Two more copies of this, please!" He Jingyao waved to the waiter.

"Why do you want so much? I can't finish it!" Shen Zhiyi didn't understand.

"Sorry, I bought that for myself!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." What a dog!
When the family of four was about to eat, a staff member came over, "Sorry to bother you, our store has a Lucky Star event today, congratulations on being drawn, and you can get a small gift!"

The small gift is four rabbit ear headbands.

The two little guys were so happy that they had no resistance to this furry and cute thing, and they put it on their heads as soon as they got it.

Shen Zhiyi also experienced it, and looked at herself in the mirror, which was quite interesting.

"Huh? Dad, why don't you wear it!" Dashu pouted.

He Jingyao coughed, "Well, Dad is a boy, so it's not suitable for you to wear it, just wear it for fun!"

Xiaobao immediately retorted, "But Dashu is also a boy, Dad, if you don't wear it, it will appear that we are not a family, put it on quickly, just take it off!"

He Jingyao frowned and refused, "No!"

His image as the CEO of the He Group cannot be ruined at this moment.

Facing his stubborn and face-saving father, Xiaobao has a lot of ways.

The little girl deliberately said to Shen Zhiyi, "Shen Zhiyi, if Dad doesn't wear it, we have one more, or... give it to Uncle Qingyan, he must like it!"

"He's an outsider, what are you sending him for? Give it to me!" He Jingyao grabbed him and slapped him on the head without saying a word.

If it wasn't for keeping his position, he swore that he wouldn't do such a thing if he was killed.


Shen Zhiyi couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

I didn't expect He Jingyao to have this day, it's so pitiful and so interesting.

The man's face was dark, "What are you laughing at? Shut up!"

"No, I just... think... you look a little... cute, hahaha..."

He Jingyao: "..."

His patience had reached its limit, and he was about to tear off the headband, but Shen Zhiyi quickly stopped him, "Okay, okay, I just don't laugh!"

"Everyone, please look over here!"

Hearing the sound, the family of four subconsciously turned their heads in the same direction.


The screen freezes.

The two little guys are soft and cute, staring at the same round eyes.

Shen Zhiyi was surprised, and He Jingyao turned black.

It is precisely this kind of discordant picture that looks very loving.

The staff took the photo out of the camera and said, "The store will give you a ten-inch parent-child photo for free. I wonder if you would like to be our models and hang the photo on the wall, because your looks are so good. Already!"

"it is good!"

not good! "

Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao had two different voices.

The latter quickly put the photo into his pocket, "Next time!"

The staff felt a little regretful, "Okay, excuse me!"

When he finally left, He Jingyao asked someone to pack some hamburgers for the little ones.

A family of four returned with a full load.

Dashu lay on the car window, watching Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao disappearing from his sight step by step, the little guy's eyes gradually filled with tears.

Covering his head with one hand, he plucked his hair, "Okay, we're all gone, and Dad will take you to find them next time, huh?"

The little guy pouted aggrievedly, "Dad, we are obviously a family, but why can't we be together? Other children's parents, sisters and younger brothers all live together, why can't we?"

When He Jingyao was questioned, he looked into the distance and thought for a long time, "It won't be long before your mother and Xiaobao will return to He Mansion and live with us!"

Dashu wiped away his tears excitedly, "Is what Dad said true?"

He Jingyao looked at him with a smile, and stroked his little face, "Of course, when did Dad ever lie to you, trust Dad, he will!"


In a very Chinese-style restaurant, the father and son sat at the farthest distance from each other and ate separately.

The light above the head is dim, shrouding this small space, like retro old photos, full of vicissitudes and old memories.

When the servant served the meal, he accidentally knocked over a cup of ginseng soup next to He Zhenxuan. The porcelain fell to the ground and was smashed into pieces, and the soup splashed on He Zhenxuan's arm.

"I'm sorry, Second Master, I didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me!" The servant knelt down on the ground with a look of fear, and kowtowed in apology.

He Zhenxuan took the napkins handed over by other servants to wipe his hands, and his face was expressionless, showing a creepy viciousness.

With a wave of his hand, the servant who was kneeling on the ground was carried out.

He Qingyan on the opposite side sat still from the beginning to the end, with the same expression as usual, as if he was used to it.

"Did you see? This person, you can't show them too much face. Your concession will only make them push their noses in the face!"

He Qingyan pressed the chopsticks on the table, leaned back, and pressed the tissue to his lips, "It's just a servant, isn't father making too much of a fuss!"

He Zhenxuan sneered, "I'm making a fuss out of a molehill? Then you may not know that the more inconspicuous you are, the more dangerous it is. Ah Yan, now that you can't enjoy yourself in He's, you shouldn't just sit around like this, otherwise, sooner or later you will be caught A Yao finds an excuse to drive out, and by then, you won't even have a chance!"

He Qing gracefully stirred the beef soup in the bowl, "But you also need to know that without any real skills, I can't even stand in He's. It's not like you don't know what kind of person grandpa likes!"

"Hmph! Speaking of which, you still have no intention of competing with A Yao!" Speaking of this point, He Zhenxuan had a headache, "You treat him as a good brother, but what about him? He makes things difficult for you at work, makes you look ugly, and even... Still messing with your woman!"

A stack of photos was placed in front of He Qingyan.

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