"Look, don't be fooled by others and you don't even know it. I have already said that women are just for fun. Don't take it seriously. It's more important than giving your feelings. They are all cold-blooded. If you give your life She, she won't be moved either!"

He Zhenxuan knocked on the table, his facial wrinkles were obvious due to being too emotional, and he looked exaggeratedly hideous.

He Qingyan dialed the dial casually, and chuckled, "I said, what are you busy with these days, it turns out that father is so bored, he went to follow a woman!"

"I'm doing it for your own good, Ah Yan. Who knows if that woman Shen Zhiyi is loyal to you? If she puts all her heart on you, I'll just turn a blind eye. If she doesn't care about you, I will It is not recommended that you keep her by your side, but if her heart is on A Yao..." He Zhenxuan leaned forward, his eyes were unpredictable, and he pointed his fingertips at the table, "This woman must not be wanted!"

He Qingyan smiled slightly, raised his head to meet his father's gaze, and said in a flat voice, "But if I say, I still want her!"

He already knew about Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao's one night together. It's not like he doesn't know what can happen to two adults, a man and a woman, in one night.

That night, he lost countless wine bottles around him, and that night, he smoked cigarettes that he had never challenged.

I didn't close my eyes all night, just leaning against the fence and watching the endless and long night.

In his memory, he experienced heartache for the first time.

After doing a whole night of psychological construction, he was able to have the current self, to stand in front of Shen Zhiyi again as if he didn't know anything, and to be considerate and gentle to her.

Because, he was afraid that once the matter was exposed, he would really have nothing.

He Zhenxuan was about to be vomited blood by this son, grabbed his crutch and threw it on the ground forcefully, "I think you are just obsessed with obsession and madness!"

"There's nothing wrong with you saying that!"


"Master, calm down, the young master just said that after being dazzled for a while, don't take it to heart!" The subordinates leaned over to comfort him, and promptly put a quick-acting heart-relief pill into his mouth.

Seeing that his father was now using a pill to save his life, He Qingyan couldn't express the feeling in his heart.

He felt distressed and hated at the same time.

The reason why my father became like this was all caused by himself, no wonder anyone.

He Qingyan left.

It's like this every time, coming in a hurry, the father and son would quarrel if they couldn't finish a meal, and finally broke up unhappy.

"Second Master! In fact, you really don't need to quarrel with the young master. The young master is stubborn, the more he is like this, the more disobedient he will be!" The subordinate bent down and came up with an idea, "Isn't the young master deeply in love with that Shen Zhiyi? That Shen Zhiyi is entangled with He Jingyao again, Second Master, why don't you make a fuss about this woman and use her to arouse the young master's fighting spirit in He's family?"

He Zhenxuan was stunned, "You mean..."


"Where is Shen Zhiyi, call her out, I have something to do with her!"

He Cancan knocked on the bar counter, very arrogant.

I didn't recognize her in front of the stage, "I'm sorry, our Manager Shen is busy, but I don't have time to see you, so call her and make an appointment!"

He Cancan, who was dismissed casually, became angry, "Do you know who I am? Dare to dismiss me like this, be careful, I will let my uncle drive you all out of Hangzhou!"

The staff at the front desk couldn't help laughing, "Hey, you little girl has such a big tone, you are the king of heaven, I have to make an appointment in advance when you come, why are you so arrogant!"


"Okay, let's go quickly, I'm still busy, don't interfere with our reception of guests!"

"Let her in!" Xiaomei had repeatedly confirmed just now that the little girl in front of her was He Cancan, Miss He Jiabiao, and He Jingyao's niece.

The employee looked at Xiaomei suspiciously, and Xiaomei blinked at him.

"You're still winking, don't worry, I'll ask my ex-aunt to give you a bonus after a while!" He Cancan patted Xiaomei on the shoulder, and when he walked by, he stared proudly at the front of the stage.

"Sister Xiaomei, what are you afraid of this little girl?" The receptionist was not convinced.

Xiao Meizhao knocked on her forehead, "Do you know who she is?"

"Who is it!"

"He Jingyao's niece!"

The face of the front desk turned into a liver color.

"Please come in!" Shen Zhiyi heard the knock on the door and responded casually.

"Shen Zhiyi, what is the quality of your staff? You actually stopped me from coming in. With that attitude, no wonder your hotel has never been rated as a five-star hotel!" He Cancan completely regarded this place as his own home, Sitting down on the sofa, hugging the pillow and pinching it.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyelids, "What are you doing here?"

He Cancan smiled at her, "Of course you can't come here to stay in a hotel like my uncle!"

She got up and jumped onto the desk, dangling her feet back and forth, "I'm here to find you!"

"Get down!" Shen Zhiyi grabbed a feather duster and drove people down, He Cancan was afraid that he would be hurt by it, so he quickly jumped down, and said in disbelief, "Cut, it's so hard, who cares about sitting! "

"Miss Biao, if you have nothing to do, go back quickly. My temple is too small to accommodate a big Buddha like you!"

"No, I didn't say anything!" He Cancan hugged his shoulders.

Shen Zhiyi asked her what was the matter with her eyes.

"I'll just ask you, what kind of girl Lin Yu likes!"

Shen Zhiyi was looking at the document, and suddenly raised her head when she heard the words, "Why are you asking this?"

He Cancan didn't want to hide it, and said directly, "I'm going to chase him!"

The folder in Shen Zhiyi's hand flew out.

After a while, she was sure that her ears were fine, and what she heard just now were indeed the words "I'm going to chase him".

"He Cancan, hurry up and go home if you have nothing to do, lest your uncle come to ask me for someone again!" Shen Zhiyi didn't know what to say, a little girl who had just grown up said it in front of her without shame To chase a man.

Are today's students so open?

He Cancan sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, "I won't leave, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "It's useless to ask, anyway, he won't like your type!"

"What's wrong with my type?" He Cancan looked down at himself subconsciously, unconvinced, "Let me tell you, I am very popular with boys at school, and the male voices chasing me are all lined up on the Bund of Hangzhou. I don't even look at him, I like the kind of careless, stupid, but kind-hearted boy, after my contact, I found that Lin Yu is that type, so I decided to chase him!"

This girl is brave!Shen Zhiyi took a deep breath, "Little girl, if you like someone, do you want them to like you too? Do you know what love is and what marriage is? When you are with someone, you must start well and end well. You cannot betray or let you down. It's not that you treat love as a game on a whim, Lin Yu is a very simple boy, once he has identified someone, he will treat her wholeheartedly, such a good man, how can you have the heart to hurt him?"

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