"Cancan, you are such a good girl." The old man said to He Cancan.

A sweet smile appeared on He Cancan's face, "Thank you for your compliment."

Lin Yu felt that the time was almost up, and He Cancan's role was almost done, and it was time for the ending, so he said to He Cancan, "Cancan, you seem to have a cold? Why don't you take a rest, and I will talk to Grandpa again. .”

He Cancan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Yu, so she withdrew, leaving Lin Yu and Lin Yu's grandfather behind.

Seeing He Cancan's departure, Grandpa Lin Yu was very dissatisfied, "Xiao Yuzi, how could you treat her like this? She is a good girl, so it doesn't hurt to say a few more words."

Lin Yu said with some embarrassment, "Grandpa, you are not in good health, so I have to do this."

Lin Yu's grandfather was silent for a while, then he suddenly changed the subject, "Hey, you are still too young, you have to cherish such a good girl, otherwise there will be times when you are single."

Lin Yu wanted to say something, but he felt unprecedented confusion and anxiety. What his grandfather said seemed to imply something important.

He Cancan has always been close to Lin Yu's grandfather, trying to show his own advantages and elegant appearance.She was completely unaware that there was a fierce dispute between Lin Yu and his grandfather.

"Grandpa, can we let go of the blind date? Look, isn't my girlfriend pretty?" Lin Yu was in a very bad mood.

"Well! I will tell your mother when the time comes, but are you familiar with the situation in Cancan's family? Our family does not require the woman to be a big family, but she must be of a good family. This will be good for you in the future!"

Lin Yu sighed, "Grandpa, let's talk about this matter later. It's alright, we're almost done eating, I'll let Cancan go back first, she still has something to do."

He Cancan was stunned when he heard Lin Yu's words.She didn't know what she did wrong, she was in a happy mood and before she could react, Lin Yu had already walked towards her.

"He Cancan, hurry up and leave. I have urgent matters to deal with." Lin Yu's tone was very cold.

He Cancan felt very lost and confused, she wanted to say something, but Lin Yu had already thrown her out.

He Cancan felt uncomfortable all over.She was walking down the street feeling down.She kept thinking, what went wrong?Is there something wrong with her attitude?Or has the relationship between her and Yu Lin changed?
After entering the private room, the old man said to Lin Yu: "Xiao Yu, I like He Cancan, take her to meet your parents sometime!"

Lin Yu frowned, "Grandpa, what do you mean?"

Lin Yu's grandfather smiled, "Silly boy, it means that I approve of Cancan, the next step is to prepare for your wedding!"

Lin Yu's face became very ugly. His grandfather didn't consider his feelings at all, but only wanted him to associate with He Cancan.

But he and He Cancan were just acting. If he told grandpa, the girl had just come of age, and he could imagine what grandpa would look like.

"Grandpa, I have a lot of things to deal with now. It's too early to get engaged. Let's talk about it later!"

The old man glared, "Huh! Your parents are waiting to hold their grandson, old man, I am anxious to hold my great-grandson, but you tell me that there is no rush? You are not too young, so you should settle things quickly!"

"I..." Lin Yu paused, "I will discuss it with Cancan!"

"Well, let her family decide what to do with the bride price, and our family will not treat their daughter badly." Lin Yu's grandfather looked thoughtful.

Lin Yu understood that his grandfather must have his own plans, and he couldn't convince his grandfather, so he could only suffer silently.

He Cancan has been thinking about Lin Yu.

She realized that she had to find Lin Yu and explain clearly about chasing him.


Zheng Fanxing and Song Jiaojiao ate at the restaurant together. They both tasted delicious food and enjoyed a pleasant time.

Zheng Fanxing has been taking care of Song Jiaojiao very carefully. He not only helped her wipe the corners of her mouth, but also poured her a glass of warm water.

Song Jiaojiao felt his kindness, and she felt very lucky.She looked at Zheng Fanxing with a smile on her face, and there was a gentle and considerate emotion in his eyes, which made her feel refreshed.

"This dish is really delicious." Zheng Fanxing said.

"Yeah, I think it's delicious too." Song Jiaojiao replied.

"You look very beautiful today." Zheng Fanxing said.

Song Jiaojiao was surprised, but also very happy. "Thank you for the compliment." She responded with a smile.

"You know, I always thought you were great. Every detail of you surprised me." Zheng Fanxing's eyes were gentle.

Song Jiaojiao felt that his gaze was like a gentle morning light, warm and charming. "Really? I think you're fine too," she said.

Fang Huaizhou did not expect to bump into Song Jiaojiao and Zheng Fanxing here.

His first instinct was that the two were dating.

when did it happen?Why doesn't he know?
Fang Huaizhou felt very uncomfortable. He already had a crush on Song Jiaojiao, but he couldn't express it.Now when he saw Song Jiaojiao and Zheng Fanxing together, he was not only angry, but also jealous.

He stared at them secretly, seeing that Zheng Fanxing was extraordinarily considerate and gentle to Song Jiaojiao, his heart was even more angry.In his opinion, Song Jiaojiao should belong to him.

So Fang Huaizhou decided to make trouble, he got up and strode to their table, looking down at them, "Song Jiaojiao, do you still have time to eat?"

When Song Jiaojiao saw Fang Huaizhou, her smile froze on her face. She was flustered and guilty, as if she had done something to offend him, "Ah? What's wrong with me, it's just a meal, is there something wrong?"

He straightened his rocker and spoke with confidence.

Fang Huaizhou glanced at Zheng Fanxing, and then said, "I have a task for you, and I need you to go back to the company."
"What's the matter? I'm a little busy right now, do I have to go back now?" Song Jiaojiao asked.

"No, I need you to go back immediately." Fang Huaizhou's tone was a little tough.

Song Jiaojiao was very skeptical, hesitated for a while, but finally put down the tableware in her hand and bid farewell to Zheng Fanxing, "Sorry, I can't finish eating with you tonight, can I treat you another day?"

Zheng Fanxing smiled softly, "It's okay, you are busy first, we can talk another day!"

"Well, goodbye!"


Fang Huaizhou looked at the two reluctantly, and a fire ignited in his heart.

Zheng Fanxing felt very sorry to see Song Jiaojiao leaving in a hurry, but he knew that Song Jiaojiao was a very serious and responsible person, and if there was a task to be dealt with, she would definitely go all out.

Fang Huaizhou watched all this in secret, feeling that his plan had succeeded.

Back at the company, the manager was waiting for Song Jiaojiao.

"Brother Liu, what's the matter, I have to rush here now, I haven't finished my meal yet!" Song Jiaojiao complained.

The manager glanced at Fang Huaizhou behind her, rubbed his palms and hesitated, "It's okay, just discuss next week's fan meeting!"

"What" fan meeting?That's all?Isn't it all up to you to decide, when did you ask for my opinion! "Song Jiaojiao was at a loss for words.

It's such a big deal to call her over together.

The agent expressed his grievance. He was called by the boss when his wife and children were hot on the bed at home.

Just leave a sentence, "No matter what, we must hold Song Jiaojiao!"

God knows what kind of trouble the boss will have with Song Jiaojiao.

In desperation, he had no choice but to think of an idea.

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