Song Jiaojiao talked with her agent for nearly an hour.

It was obviously only a few words, but the manager seemed to be chattering, talking on and on.

Fang Huaizhou didn't leave either, just sat on the side sofa with his legs crossed and read magazines, as leisurely as he wanted.

Song Jiaojiao was surprised, why didn't this person go back, what was he doing here?Could it be that he also has something to discuss with his agent?
Another half hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The agent looked at Fang Huaizhou while talking, and said to himself, boss, is that enough?When is the time, I can't hold on any longer.

Fang Huaizhou gave him a look that continued to tease.

Brokers despair.

"Brother Liu, why don't you come here first!" Song Jiaojiao couldn't sit still and yawned.

"No, no, this fan meeting is very important to you, let me tell you the precautions!"

If the boss doesn't speak, how can he, a person who takes money to do things, dare to make decisions without authorization.

Just like that, the manager delayed Song Jiaojiao for another hour, until Fang Huaizhou glanced at the time, "It's too late, we'll stop talking today, we'll talk about it tomorrow morning!"

During this period of time, even if Song Jiaojiao wanted to find Zheng Fanxing, she might not have a chance.

The manager seemed to be amnesty, and ran away in a hurry.

Song Jiaojiao also hurried back, she was really sleepy.

She walked towards the door of the company, and Fang Huaizhou also walked in that direction.

"What are you doing with me?"

Fang Huaizhou shrugged, "Did you make a mistake? Who is following you? If you go home, don't you let others go home?"

"You!" Song Jiaojiao couldn't help but nodded, "Okay, whatever you say is what you want!"

"I send you?"

Song Jiaojiao stood on the side of the road and used her mobile phone to call an online taxi. When she went to the restaurant, she took Zheng Fanxing's car, and when she came to the company, she took Fang Huaizhou's car. Now she can only take a taxi when she goes home.

"No need, the boss's car, I'm afraid it will get dirty!" Song Jiaojiao was unlucky, there was no car to take her order.

Fang Huaizhou couldn't stand it anymore, couldn't help it, grabbed her wrist and stuffed it into his car, "When you call the car, it will be dawn!"

"Fang Huaizhou, let go of me!"

Not only did Fang Huaizhou not let go, but he also locked the car door, "What's wrong? Zheng Fanxing can touch you, but I can't touch you? Don't forget, everything has happened to us, there is nothing we can't accept!"

"You!" Song Jiaojiao blushed with anger, "We agreed, this matter will never be mentioned again!"

Fang Huaizhou started the car and let go of the clutch, "Don't worry, I didn't mention it to anyone except you and me!"

Song Jiaojiao glared at him fiercely, wishing she could stomp on this man a few times.

Fang Huaizhou seemed to have eyes on the side of his face, "Stop staring at me, you can only blame yourself, you can't tell which is which, which is which, which is which, which is which, which is which, which is which, where which is which, which is which is which, which is which is where it is located!"

Song Jiaojiao was caught and felt guilty for a while, "Where am I fascinated, please explain to me clearly!"

"Hmph! You know it in your heart. Let me tell you, Song Jiaojiao, that Zheng Fanxing is only interested in you for a while. An uncertain boy like him will never give you a future and an explanation. You'd better be sober!"

Song Jiaojiao laughed, and she had to say goodbye to him, "I'm sober, Mr. Fang, don't think of anyone else like you, Zheng Fanxing is a very nice person, don't slander him!"

"Really? Are you nice? I hope you don't cry one day!" After Fang Huaizhou finished speaking, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

The car speeded up suddenly, scaring Song Jiaojiao into a panic...

Early in the morning, Shen Zhiyi was brushing her teeth when she heard someone ring the doorbell.

She didn't even think about opening the door.

Half an hour ago, Song Jiaojiao called her and asked her to borrow her maple leaf diamond brooch. Song Jiaojiao was going to attend a formal occasion, and that brooch matched her clothes very well.

With a toothbrush still in Shen Zhiyi's mouth, he took a mouthful of foam and slurred his speech, "Jiaojiao, what are you participating in..."

People startled suddenly.

"why you?"

He Jingyao's eyes moved down her neck, obviously a little darker, with a certain restraint and forbearance.

Shen Zhiyi lowered her head, and in the next second, she yelled, wrapped her neckline tightly with lightning speed, turned around and ran into the room with a bang, and the door slammed loudly.

He Jingyao rolled his Adam's apple and regained his senses.

Who is this woman wearing so sexy early in the morning for?

Shen Zhiyi in the room was about to die of annoyance.

She doesn't have the habit of wearing a corset when she wakes up in the morning. When she went to open the door just now, she just casually hung a suspender nightdress on her body. The texture of the nightdress is very smooth. One can imagine that the front...

When she thought of He Jingyao's ambiguous eyes, she wished she could bite her tongue and kill herself, because he saw everything!
Hastily changing into a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, she walked out of the room and asked He Jingyao, "What are you doing here?"

He Jingyao smiled and said, "I'll take Xiaobao to the playground, we agreed."

"Oh... Then you should notify me earlier, I'm not ready yet."

"No problem, I can wait for you to get ready."

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, who wants you to wait for me to get ready. "Okay, just sit down."

"The breakfast you made is not bad, can I have some for free?" He Jingyao said, coughing slightly.

Shen Zhiyi's face was a little red, and she said with some embarrassment: "Aren't you still going out?"

"Don't worry, it's never too late to finish eating!"

Dare to love this person is not here to pick up the children, but for breakfast!Shen Zhiyi was embarrassed to refuse, "Wait, don't be disgusted if you do good or bad!"

He Jingyao smiled and sat on the sofa, watching Shen Zhiyi walk into the kitchen.

At this moment, he felt very warm and happy, as if this was the feeling of home.

Shen Zhiyi washed some vegetables, made some bread, put them on the dining table, and looked up at He Jingyao: "It's ready to eat."

"Thank you, come and eat some too." He Jingyao invited Shen Zhiyi to sit down, and the two sat facing each other, and began to enjoy breakfast.

"The area here is not big, I think it can be moved to a place with a better environment." He Jingyao looked around, picked up a piece of bread and said.

"It doesn't matter whether the house is big or not. It doesn't matter if the car is good or not. The important thing is to look at the people you live with, and live with your most important people. Even if you sleep on the street, you are happy!" Shen Zhiyi lowered her head to eat, and said lightly , seems to have experienced something.

He Jingyao was silent for a moment, his eyes were complicated.

Since she had no idea about the house for the time being, he changed the subject, "Shen Zhiyi, have you ever thought about us getting back together?"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her head and did not speak.

Regarding the He family and He Jingyao, she no longer had any thoughts.

"I'm thinking... There seems to be a feeling between us." He Jingyao looked into her eyes and said suddenly.

"What are you talking about..." Shen Zhiyi replied uncomfortably with averted eyes.

"I think we can try to develop it, how about it?" He Jingyao asked bluntly.

"No, you know our current situation." Shen Zhiyi's tone was firm.

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