He Jingyao stood up suddenly, walked to Shen Zhiyi's side, and said, "Shen Zhiyi, it's really hard to lead a child into a career alone, why don't we get back together, and the child has a biological mother by his side, wouldn't it be better?"

Shen Zhiyi pushed He Jingyao away forcefully, and said angrily, "Do you know what you're talking about? I won't be with you."

He Jingyao was pushed away a step, smiled and said: "Such a big reaction shows that you still have feelings for me, am I right?"

"The time left for you is over, hurry up and pick up Xiaobao." After Shen Zhiyi finished speaking, she went straight back to the room.

Hearing the quarrel between He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi, Xiaobao couldn't help walking out of the room. She felt the need to help her father and mother ease the conflict.

Going around into Shen Zhiyi's room, "Aiyou, Shen Zhiyi, don't be angry. Dad likes you too, he is still worried about whether I can live well." Xiaobao explained to his mother.

"But, do you understand? I can't be with He Jingyao, we can only be friends." Shen Zhiyi tried to make Xiaobao understand her thoughts.

"I know. But Dad is serious this time, why don't you try to give him a chance?"

"But...the matter between us is more complicated, you should leave it alone." Shen Zhiyi said while stroking Xiaobao's head.

"Shen Zhiyi, although Dad did many wrong things to you before, it was because he lost his memory. Dashu and I need a complete family, and I want you to be with Dad. Our family of four can live a happy life. How nice it is to be together!"

Shen Zhiyi felt warm in her heart. She felt that her child was really smart and mature in thinking.

Xiao Bao came out of Shen Zhiyi's room and shook his head helplessly, "Sorry Dad, maybe Shen Zhiyi needs a little time!"

He Jingyao pulled the little girl to sit beside him, "Thank you, Xiaobao, I will wait for her."

A bright smile appeared on Xiaobao's face, "Don't worry, Dad, I will help you catch up with Mom, come on!"

Recently, He Jingyao has frantically shown his presence in front of Shen Zhiyi, either picking up tabloids for school in the morning, or picking up Xiaobao from school in the afternoon.

Shen Zhiyi can see him several times a day, even in Marriott.

Shen Zhiyi realized He Jingyao's purpose, and she felt the need to come up with a plan to make He Jingyao retreat.

The next day, He Jingyao arrived at Xiaobao's school on time in the morning to pick him up from school. The two returned to the warm community together, but he found that Shen Zhiyi was not at home.

Usually at this time, Shen Zhiyi has already returned.

"Xiaobao, why hasn't mom come back yet?" He Jingyao asked worriedly.

"Oh, mom said I have something to do, let me make something to eat myself." Xiaobao replied.

He Jingyao frowned slightly, "Is she working? Or something else?"

"I don't know. Mom didn't tell me yesterday." Xiaobao shrugged.

He Jingyao made several phone calls to Shen Zhiyi, but was hung up all the time.

For one night, Shen Zhiyi had been out of contact, and He Jingyao became more and more uneasy.

He decisively asked Ashen to investigate, and within half an hour, he found Shen Zhiyi's whereabouts. She was shopping with He Qingyan.

"Shopping mall?" He Jingyao became irritable, "What are they doing together?"

He suddenly wanted to find Shen Zhiyi and see what she was doing.So, He Jingyao decided to go to the mall to find Shen Zhiyi.

When he arrived at the mall, he saw He Qingyan sending Shen Zhiyi a bouquet of flowers.Shen Zhiyi took the flowers with a smile, and then He Qingyan took her hand and kissed her forehead.Seeing this scene, He Jingyao became angry.

"Shen Zhiyi, why are you here? What are you doing together?" He Jingyao said in a worried tone.

Shen Zhiyi's expression was a little strange, she said to He Qingyan: "We should go."

Shen Zhiyi and He Qingyan started walking towards the car hand in hand.At this time, He Jingyao caught up and blocked their way.

"What are you doing in the mall? Are you already together?" He Jingyao asked angrily.

"He Jingyao, how can you ask me like this? Why do you want to meddle in my affairs." Shen Zhiyi's expression was a little angry.

"Because you are my child's mother, of course I have to take care of style issues." He Jingyao was confident.

He Qingyan laughed beside him, he walked to Shen Zhiyi's side, and took her hand. "Zhizhi, are you hungry? I have reserved a table, let's go eat hot pot."

"Okay!" Shen Zhiyi smiled softly at him.

"Shen Zhi, do you know what you are doing?" He Jingyao became more and more angry.

"Don't ask me like this, what does the matter between He Qingyan and me have to do with you?" Shen Zhiyi's words were deliberately contradictory.

"Shen Zhiyi, have you ever thought about letting Xiaobao face an outsider as her father? You are hurting her. Do you think you are a competent mother?" He Jingyao threw out the truth.

Shen Zhiyi raised her head, "Don't worry, I will have a good talk with Xiaobao. There are a lot of divorced and remarried women in the world, and nothing is found, so Mr. He, you don't have to!"

She originally planned to let He Jingyao quit, but he was still very persistent.

He Qingyan took out a dress from the car and put it on Shen Zhiyi's shoulder: "Zhizhi, put this dress on, let's go eat."

Shen Zhiyi didn't refuse, she got dressed, and got into the car with He Qingyan.She didn't look back at He Jingyao, but she knew he had to understand her and let go.

He Jingyao looked at the backs of the two quietly, and he felt that his heart had been stepped on.

Anger, jealousy, unwillingness, all kinds of emotions are mixed together and rampant in the body...

"Sir, are you alright?" Ah Shen walked up, not knowing how to comfort his husband.

He Jingyao frowned, raised his hand, and signaled that he was fine, "Send me the report that He Qingyan made!"

For a long time, he felt that He Qingyan was just wishful thinking, so that he would have more opportunities to get close to Shen Zhiyi. It wasn't until today that he realized that the truth was not what he thought. Shen Zhiyi actually allowed He Qingyan to kiss her. she.

This was something He Jingyao could not accept no matter what.

So, he had to take steps.

On the way He Qingyan sent Shen Zhiyi home, neither of them spoke.Shen Zhiyi remained silent, not knowing how to face the current situation. "Thank you for your help today. Without your cooperation, I don't know what I would do." She said suddenly.

He Qingyan smiled and said, "This is what I should do. After all, you are my girlfriend, and I will do anything for you."

"Girlfriend?" Shen Zhiyi suddenly raised her head and looked at He Qingyan.

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