"Yeah, isn't our current relationship in front of my brother a couple?" He Qingyan smiled mischievously, "Zhizhi, you know, I am willing to give everything for you."

Shen Zhiyi remained silent for a few seconds, then said softly, "He Qingyan, you know my current situation, and I don't want to drag you down."

He Qingyan shook his head and said, "You won't drag me down, I am willing to stay by your side and take care of you."

Shen Zhiyi lowered her head silently, she knew that it would be difficult for her to refuse He Qingyan's kindness.She also knew that he was very kind to her, but she didn't know if she could open her heart to accept him.

A luxury private car parked at the entrance of Little Apple Kindergarten.

"Miss, slow down!" The driver opened the car door and greeted Huang Runian respectfully.

"Uncle Zhao, take things slowly, don't break them!" Huang Runian reminded the driver.

In the trunk of the car, there are beautiful clothes, toys, and snacks she prepared for Xiaobao.

Since He Jingyao was indifferent to her, she had no choice but to try on Xiaobao's side, but she would never give up if there was a glimmer of hope.

When she expressed that she wanted to see Xiaobao, the kindergarten teacher lingered on her, "May I ask if you are..."

"Oh, I'm Xiaobao's...godmother!"

"It's godmother, okay, come with me!" The teacher took her to Xiaobao's teacher.

"Xiaobao, hurry up, your godmother is here to see you!"

Xiaobao frowned, godmother?Since when did she have a godmother?

"Little Treasure!" Huang Runian smiled gently, and she has a good personality, which is very attractive to children.

As soon as Xiaobao saw that it was Shen Zhiyi's rival in love, his expression immediately became alienated, "It's Aunt Huang, what can you do with me?"

"It's okay, I just came to see Xiaobao, and I brought you something!" Huang Runian asked the driver to bring the things over.

Little Treasure blinked her eyes. They were all her favorites. It seemed that this Aunt Huang had paid a lot of money.

But there is no way, who made Shen Zhiyi's blood flow in her body, and her elbows cannot be turned outward.

"Ahem, Aunt Huang, you should take the things back. If I want them, Shen Zhiyi will buy them for me, and my father will buy them for me too. It's impolite to accept you!"

Huang Runian smiled amiably, "It's okay, I'm your aunt too, it's right to give gifts to children!"

The little girl squinted her eyes, "Aunt Huang, if you have something to say, just tell me, if I can help you, I will definitely help you!"

Huang Runian didn't expect that such an older child could be so good at reading people's hearts, so she calmed down and knelt down, "Xiaobao, your father and I have a marriage contract, which is equivalent to a check between you children. You have to keep your word, you can't change it, and after I get married to your father, I can help him develop better in his career, can you understand that?"

The little girl shook her head uncooperatively, "My father is already very powerful, why do you need your help?"

Huang Runian was asked all of a sudden, she smiled and touched the top of the little girl's head, "It's like this among wealthy families, sometimes there is no reason, and your father... also needs my help, I hope you can persuade me Advise your mother!"

Xiaobao shrugged, "I'm sorry, Aunt Huang, I can't manage the affairs of your adults as a child, and oh, although I don't understand the love between adults, I know that you can't force others to like you oh!"

"Oh, by the way, our family, Shen Zhiyi, is also very good, otherwise Dad wouldn't like her so much, and he would pursue her again. I'm sorry, Aunt Huang, I really can't help you!"

Huang Runian's face flashed an unsightly look, a truth that even children can understand, why is she struggling to see it?

"Anyway, thank you, I still have to give these things to you!" Huang Runian stood up, maintaining her usual elegance and upbringing.

The little girl shook her head, "Thank you, Aunt Huang, for your kindness. Aunt Huang should take it back, otherwise Shen Zhiyi will be unhappy! At the same time, I also hope that Aunt Huang can find her own happiness!"

Huang Ru Nian: "..."

Returning in vain, and being pointed out by a child face to face, Huang Runian felt bitter. She felt that her efforts were useless.

"Brother Jingyao..." She didn't expect to meet He Jingyao here, and she was flustered for a while.

He Jingyao had nothing to do today, so he came to the kindergarten to pick up his children early. When he saw Huang Runian coming out of the kindergarten, his eyes were wary.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I came to see Xiaobao and gave her some things. However, she doesn't seem to like it very much. It's okay. I'll give it away next time!"

He Jingyao glanced at the things in the driver's hand, his expression was indifferent, and the words he said were even colder, "You don't need to deliver, even if you do, that person shouldn't be you, Xiao Nian, you really don't need to waste time on these things !"

Every word hit Huang Runian's heart fiercely, making her unsteady on her heels. She bit her lip, still maintaining her elegance, "Brother Jingyao, can you give me a chance to have a good talk?"

Huang Runian looked at He Jingyao with a pleading tone.

"There's no need." He Jingyao replied indifferently, "There is no relationship between us, and you should understand in your heart that from the beginning to the end, I just regard you as my sister."

As a sister...

It turned out that the man she loved with all her heart really regarded her as a relative.

It's not that she doesn't know, it's just that she doesn't want to admit it, and she still daydreams that she wants He Jingyao to fall in love with her.

"Then you..." Huang Runian was already a little disappointed, she tried to save the relationship between herself and He Jingyao.

"I will announce the dissolution of the engagement as soon as possible. The fate between us is over." He Jingyao said firmly. "However, I, He Jingyao, will never forget your kindness to me. If there is a need, even if I go through fire and water, I am willing to help you!"

"I don't want you to go through fire and water, I just want you to marry me, brother Jingyao!" Huang Runian screamed with tears, her whole body trembling.

The driver couldn't bear to watch, so he simply turned his back.

He Jingyao didn't answer, and walked towards the kindergarten, only leaving her with a lonely and cold back.

Huang Runian stood on the side of the road for a long time, she felt that her dream of love had been shattered, and she didn't know where she should go.


Xiaomei transferred all this month's salary to the account of a certain hospital.

Her grandfather's condition worsened, and the money previously stored in the hospital was almost gone, and the old man's pension was squandered by her unsatisfactory father. Therefore, the grandfather's next treatment expenses can only be relied on her.

It was obviously not enough to rely on Marriott's monthly salary, so she found a part-time job in a bar, working for three hours a night, plus commissions for drinks, about 2000 yuan.

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