Chapter 513
Muse Bar.

Yin Xingze came here to play with his friends tonight, everyone else was crazy, only he was absent-minded.

"Young Master Yin, what's going on tonight? Could it be because you're too tired from doing things these days?" A friend came over to tease, shaking a wine glass.

Yin Xingze drove the man away irritably, "Go, go, play, I'm not in a good mood, don't hit the gun!"

Everyone laughed, thinking he was joking.

Yin Xingze looked at his phone for the third time. He sent Xiaomei a WeChat every day for the past few days, just a daily greeting, but she just pretended to be dead and refused to reply.

I don't know what she was thinking in her heart, can you die if you reply to the message?

Yin Xingze, who had never had a problem with a girl before, was obviously extremely depressed and unwilling, so he went out to smoke a cigarette.

After a while, I saw a girl in a bar uniform wandering hesitantly at the door.

It is said to be a uniform, but the skirt is so short that it might be exposed if you bend over a little. The top is also tight-fitting, with a rabbit ear headband on the head, and a tail hanging from the hip.

The boss of the night market usually likes to do this, which is more attractive to male customers.

However, seeing the back view getting more and more familiar, Yin Xingze tilted his head and walked over, "Xiaomei?"

Xiaomei turned her head when she heard the sound, and the tray in her hand was almost unsteady.

Yin Xingze took advantage of the situation to hold her back, "Why are you dressed like this? You are..."

Xiaomei bit her lip and replied truthfully, "I'm working part-time here, the first day!"

Yin Xingze opened his mouth, but he still didn't say some words. With the lessons learned from the past, he was afraid of hurting the girl's self-esteem.

So he nodded, "Oh, it's not bad to have a part-time job, young people, it's a good thing to be able to endure hardship!"

"Young Master Yin, everyone is waiting for you, come in!" The friend leaned out and called him.

After Yin Xingze pinched his cigarette, he motioned for Xiaomei to come in together.

Xiaomei has worked in the Marriott Hotel for four years and has seen all kinds of scenes. She can be considered an old man in the society, but this is the first time she has come into contact with this kind of nightclub environment, so she is inevitably a little nervous.

She secretly cheered herself up, tried her best to naturally put the drinks in the tray on the coffee table, and tried not to pay attention to Yin Xingze.

"Hello, everyone, is there anything else I can serve?" Xiaomei said with a smile.

"Hey, why does this girl look so familiar?"

"Yes, I seem to have seen it somewhere before!"

"Ah, I remembered, this is not Young Master Yin's..."

Everyone looked at Yin Xingze with deep meaning.

Yin Xingze stared back, and everyone quickly looked away.

Those who have something to say are afraid that the private room will not be lively, "Beauty, pour us a drink first."

"Okay, wait a minute." Xiaomei forced a smile, picked up the wine and the ice bucket and started to work.

"Beauty, aren't you our Young Master Yin's friend? Why don't you dare to look at our friends when they meet? Is it because you two are angry at each other?"

Xiaomei smiled awkwardly, "I'm not angry, I'm just a little busy."

"If you are angry, you can vent to me." The friend stared at Xiaomei with an uneasy look.

Xiaomei was startled, she had seen this kind of teasing in bars a lot, but she still kept smiling, "Thank you, I don't need to vent."

Seeing this, Yin Xingze couldn't help but said, "Xiaomei, let's go, let's pour the wine ourselves."

Xiaomei nodded respectfully, "Okay, everyone, enjoy slowly."

After finishing speaking, Xiaomei left the private room in a hurry and walked to the backstage of the bar, feeling full of grievance and uneasiness.She didn't want to do this part-time job, but for the sake of grandpa's medical expenses, she could only bite the bullet and continue doing it.But she was really unwilling to endure this kind of teasing.

"Xiaomei, what's the matter? Are you in a bad mood?" the bar owner asked with concern.

Xiaomei shook her head, "It's nothing, my head hurts a bit, can I take a rest?"

The boss nodded, "Okay, you go to the lounge for a rest, and come back when your headache is better."

Xiaomei nodded gratefully, she really needed a while to calm down.Walking into the lounge, she sat on a chair, quietly thinking about the scene just now.

At this time, the phone rang, Xiaomei picked it up and saw a text message from Yin Xingze: Xiaomei, I'm sorry, my friend went too far.You go back to the private room, and I will give you a reasonable solution.

Xiaomei looked at this text message, hesitating in her heart.She didn't want to be molested and insulted anymore, but Yin Xingze was her biggest customer, if she offended him, her job would not be guaranteed.

Finally, Xiaomei decided to go back to the private room to see how Yin Xingze would solve this matter.Entering the private room, Yin Xingze stopped her, asked her to sit down, and poured her a glass of water.

"Xiaomei, I'm sorry, my friend offended you too much, I will tell him well." Yin Xingze gently put the water glass in front of Xiaomei.

Xiaomei nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Yin."

Yin Xingze stood up and walked to Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, I have a proposal, if you are willing to accept it."

Xiaomei looked thoughtfully at Yin Xingze, "Please tell me."

"I can help you find a formal job, so you don't have to work in bars anymore." Yin Xingze said with a smile.

Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Yin Xingze to act like this, she was grateful, "Thank you, Young Master Yin, I appreciate it, but a person like me who has no diploma and no skills can't do any job Come."

"I say it can be done, so it can be done!" Yin Xingze said firmly.


Yin Xingze interrupted, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, and the money you earn is more than you earn here, and the environment is better than here. Didn't you go out to make money? No one would refuse!"


Yin Xingze showed a smug smile, "I'll give you the materials to prepare for the interview."

Xiaomei: "..." She hasn't nodded yet.

No matter what, Yin Xingze was doing it for her own good, and if he continued to refuse, it would only refute his face.

She felt a warmth in her heart. Sometimes, kindness and courage will get an unexpected good result...

Shen Zhiyi lay leisurely on the bed with her eyes half closed.

Her throat felt dry and a little sore.She coughed a few times and found that her throat was not lubricating, so she got up to drink some water.As soon as she got off the bed, she felt dizzy, walked unsteadily, and seemed to have a fever.She hurriedly touched her forehead, and sure enough, the thermometer showed 38 degrees.

Shen Zhiyi remembered that He Jingyao didn't return to the hotel last night, so he called the hotel front desk and found out that he went to her house.

"Hey, is He Jingyao? Why did you go? I'm sick, do you still want to be infected?" Shen Zhiyi sneered and hung up the phone.

Sure enough, He Jingyao knocked on the door soon, and Shen Zhiyi opened the door sleepily.

(End of this chapter)

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