Chapter 514 Are You a Woman

"Why are you here? I'm sick, you don't want to infect me, do you?" Shen Zhiyi tried his best to show a fierce look to make He Jingyao retreat.

"Are you stupid? A cold is not an infectious disease. Let me come and see you. What else do you need?"

As He Jingyao said, he took out a large bag of ingredients that he brought, "I bought some ingredients to make soup for you."

Shen Zhiyi couldn't help being moved, she drank the soup obediently, but He Jingyao refused to leave.

"He Jingyao, you have taken care of me for so long, should you go?"

"You are the mother of my child. It is my responsibility to take care of you. Don't get me wrong that I like you!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Isn't it?What to pretend.

"He Jingyao, you have taken care of me for so long, will you continue to take care of me?"

"Of course, I'm the big boss, and I'm responsible for my subordinates."

"Oh, so it's because of work requirements, don't worry, I can't die."

He Jingyao tilted his head, his eyes suddenly looked at her seriously, "Even if you want to die, I won't allow it!"

Why do you think his words are so touching?Shen Zhiyi couldn't help shaking her head, no, she must have made a mistake, He Jingyao is not such a person.

If Shen Zhiyi chased him away again, he stopped bickering and went to the kitchen with the food bag.

He Jingyao was busy in Shen Zhiyi's kitchen, chopping vegetables and cooking soup at the same time, not forgetting to adjust the taste of the soup.

Shen Zhiyi leaned on the door frame and watched his movements, very moved but very restrained, she said to He Jingyao: "Since you have cooked so much soup for me, let me drink more."

"Okay, drinking more soup is still good for your health." He Jingyao was very happy when he heard that.

After drinking the soup, He Jingyao took out the medicine box for Shen Zhiyi and drank the medicine for her himself.Looking at He Jingyao's gentle eyes, Shen Zhiyi couldn't help feeling a little happiness in her heart.She feels lucky to have such a gentle and considerate boyfriend.

He Jingyao was also very careful with Shen Zhiyi. Seeing Shen Zhiyi leaning against the door frame, he helped her turn the quilt on the bed and motioned her to lie down inside.

Just now he smelled the faint fragrance on the quilt, and he knew that it must be the fabric softener that He Jingyao added when washing the clothes, so he managed to find the source of the faint fragrance on the little woman's body, and it turned out to be here.

It is much more advanced than those expensive women's perfumes.

Shen Zhiyi lay down reluctantly, she would do whatever he asked her to do, but she wanted to see what he could pretend and how long he could last.

If you get slapped in the face, don't blame her.

Not only did this guy not leave, but he even cleaned up her room.

Shen Zhiyi felt uncomfortable all over, "Hey, don't move my things!"

"Are you a woman?"


"I said, are you still a woman? The room is so messy, which woman is like you?" He Jingyao laughed with all his might.

Shen Zhi was so angry that his body temperature soared, "If you have nothing to do, just rest, don't look for trouble, okay? I'm still a patient!"

"You still know that you are a patient? Go to sleep now!"

Not only did he let her sleep, but he also covered her eyes with his hands. This...why have I seen such an unspeakable scene on TV?
I don't know how long it took.

He Jingyao rubbed his sleepy eyes, and when he saw Shen Zhiyi's face, he almost closed his eyes again, but he managed to hold on and said, "I'm not daydreaming."

Shen Zhiyi smiled and said, "You slept so soundly, why didn't you admit that you were dreaming?"

"I'm taking a nap, how could I be dreaming?" He Jingyao retorted not to be outdone.

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows and said, "Then the 'Shen Zhiyi' you just said means that you are thinking of me in your dreams?"

He Jingyao denied it immediately: "No! I might be thinking of such an annoying woman like you."

Did he say Shen Zhiyi's name?No, this woman must be defrauding him.

"I'm annoying? I'm a kind person who came to check your temperature, and you still treat me like this?" Shen Zhiyi said dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouted.

As soon as He Jingyao saw Shen Zhiyi pouting, he thought she was so cute, and his attitude towards her softened a lot: "You can say whatever you want."

The atmosphere between the two gradually eased, and the quarrel just now disappeared, and the mutual concern and concern seemed even more heart-warming.

Shen Zhiyi said to He Jingyao: "It's getting late, you should go home quickly."

But He Jingyao replied with a smile: "It's still early, it's not interesting to go back at this time. Don't you want to talk to me more?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't want He Jingyao to stay at her house, so he said, "We've talked a lot today, you should go back."

But He Jingyao continued to make excuses and said: "I just remembered, I still need you to help me look at this document, you can see what I need to improve in this report. Isn't it very clear here?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't fight, and said: "These are all your personal affairs, how can I help you look at it? And it's not urgent, you can look at it tomorrow."

He Jingyao could see Shen Zhiyi's displeasure, so he said embarrassedly: "Okay, I know I'm a bit domineering. But it's so cold today, I don't want to go back, so I'll stay here with you for a while."

"No, what's going on here? You are a married person, and I'm a divorced person. Do you think this makes sense?" Shen Zhiyi pushed people towards the door.

He Jingyao was agile, turned sideways and spun around, and then came back, "It's true, I'm Xiaobao's father, it's only natural to come to visit the child!"

Just as they were talking, Xiaobao came back, and it was Ah Shen who brought her back.

"Huh? Dad is here too, so I said why did you ask Uncle Ah Shen to pick me up!"

"Xiaobao, didn't we make an appointment to play games together last time?"

He Jingyao blinked at Xiaobao, who immediately understood like a little monkey spirit, and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, Dad, it's time!"

So the father and daughter held hands and went to play games.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Interesting?Is this man interesting?Shameless enough to use a child as a shield, what is he going to do?

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Shen Zhiyi went into the kitchen to make dinner for fear of starving Xiaobao.

In normal times, she would arrange two stir-fries and cook a little porridge at night, which was enough for the two of them.

Today, she also baked some soft pancake shreds and dipped them in vinegar. It was delicious.

From time to time, he poked his head out to have a look, the father and daughter were having so much fun, He Jingyao simply took off his coat, dropped his tie, and rolled up his cuffs, like a child, shouting excitedly from time to time because of his wonderful performance .

(End of this chapter)

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