Star Entertainment.

The company arranged a tour for Zheng Fanxing, and the main creative staff discussed the plan for three days, and finally finalized it, with Hangzhou as the first stop.

"The entrance of the tour will definitely be sold out as soon as it goes online. Do we still have to guess the popularity of Fan Xing?"

"In my opinion, it's better to arrange a meet-and-greet with fans after each tour to increase interaction!"

"No, for Fanxing's top traffic artist, it's best to reduce his exposure. Excessive consumption will only diminish his popularity!"

Fang Huaizhou looked at the scene of people complimenting Zheng Fanxing from a distance through the glass wall, and couldn't help laughing.

Xin said, isn't it because he is young and handsome that he can enjoy himself in the entertainment industry, Fang Huaizhou is no worse than him, Song Jiaojiao really has blind eyes, and sooner or later she will regret it.

After the seminar was over, Zheng Fanxing was so exhausted that he took his assistant to take a step ahead.

In the corridor, he met Fang Huaizhou.

The two looked at each other, neither of them spoke first, the atmosphere was weird.

"Mr. Fang!" The assistant behind Zheng Fanxing broke the calm at the moment.

Fang Huaizhou stared straight at the former, raised his chin, "How is the preparation for the tour going?"

"With Mr. Labor's concern, the plan has been finalized!" Zheng Fanxing tilted his head, "Ah Lun, wait for me in the car, and I will report to Mr. Fang about the tour work!"

"Okay!" The assistant walked away.

"Mr. Fang, don't you really care about my work?" Zheng Fanxing joked with a smile.

Everyone is a company, you can't see up and down, and Fang Huaizhou is half of the boss of Canxing Entertainment. There are some things that cannot be said too absolutely.

Fang Huaizhou hooked his lips, "Based on our relationship, you are right to think so!"

"Oh, if you don't care about me, then you care about Sister Jiaojiao, but you should go find her!"

Fang Huaizhou took a step forward, put his hands in his trouser pockets, the front of his suit jacket was opened a little, and his abdominal muscles were looming under the colorful shirt.

One of them is wild and dissolute, and the other is handsome and young. Obviously, the former is superior in aura.

"Zheng Fanxing, are the recent rumors about you and Song Jiaojiao true?"

Zheng Fanxing didn't show much surprise, because the news about him and Song Jiaojiao going to the restaurant for dinner somehow spread to the company, but luckily the paparazzi didn't catch it.

"Then Fang has to ask Sister Jiaojiao!"

"You have to ask a woman to come forward to such a question, what kind of man are you?" Fang Huaizhou tilted his head and looked at him disdainfully, and his words became more and more ironic.

Zheng Fanxing has a good temper, and still maintains his usual comfortable and clean smile, "Is Mr. Fang jealous?"


Zheng Fanxing was taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't expect Fang Huaizhou to admit it so generously.

After calming down, he continued, "This is between me and Sister Jiaojiao. It's really inconvenient to reveal too much to Mr. Fang. I'm very sorry!"

Fang Huaizhou laughed, "You and Song Jiaojiao? What kind of relationship do you have? It's just a meal, did you really associate yourself with her?"

"I understand President Fang's feelings, you can say whatever you want!" Zheng Fanxing has such patience and upbringing at such a young age, which really surprised Fang Huaizhou.

Fang Huaizhou pressed the tip of his tongue to his chin, smiling unrestrainedly, "Don't talk about those useless things, if you really date Song Jiaojiao, I will admit it too, but as far as I know, one of the items you signed in your contract is that in the company's During ten years, don't talk about dating, don't talk about marriage leave, otherwise, you will pay [-] million liquidated damages!"

Because of this, your former company went out of their way to support you, otherwise you would never have this day, so according to the contract, you are not allowed to fall in love. Since you don’t fall in love, then you and Song Jiaojiao are counted What?To lie to her, to play with her? "

"I didn't!" Zheng Fanxing retorted loudly, "I just..."

Fang Huaizhou raised the corners of his lips, "Just what?"


"Can't you tell? The answer is, you can't give her a certain future. If that's the case, what's your current behavior called? Do you need me to remind you?"

Facing Fang Huaizhou's aggressiveness, Zheng Fanxing lowered his head, speechless...

He Group.

"Director Xu, is there anything wrong with this proposal? Please point it out." He Qingyan knocked the document on the table and asked calmly.

Mr. He let him join the He family. In order to train him and convince the public, he arranged for him to start from the grassroots level of the administrative department.

Although Director Xu is the leader and he is the subordinate, but standing face to face, it is obvious that He Qingyan's aura is overwhelming.

"Oh, this... Don't be angry, Master Qingyan. The proposal was returned by the superior, and you will be responsible for it. So we can't say where to modify it. I'm afraid you have to think about it yourself!" Director Xu Rubbing his palms, he was a little embarrassed to explain.

On the one hand is the big boss of the He Group, and on the other is the young master who is also personally assigned by Mr. He to study. He dare not offend either, and it is really difficult to be caught in the middle.

He Qingyan's eyes flickered, as if he had guessed something, he didn't point the finger at Director Xu, but asked, "When will it be handed in?"

Director Xu was trembling, and kept rolling his eyelids to look at him, "Just... just before getting off work today!"

Before getting off work today, plus the lunch break, that is about seven or eight hours. For a novice who is just getting started, is it more than difficult?

This is clearly a deliberate embarrassment.

President Office.

"Ah Shen, tell me, what do girls generally like?"

A sudden question from his husband caught Ah Shen off guard. He almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears. After rubbing his hands several times, he was sure that what his husband really asked was what girls like.

"Ah... sir, this subordinate has never had a girlfriend, so I'm afraid..."

He Jingyao pinched his forehead, "Yeah, I forgot, you've never been in a relationship!"

Ah Shen: I always feel a little ironic. Isn't it shameful not to have been in a relationship?
"By the way, sir, you can ask Young Master Yin. Young Master Yin has contacted a lot of girls, so he must have experience!" Ah Shen reminded.

It's not that He Jingyao didn't think about it, but none of Yin Xingze's bad ideas are reliable, and it's okay to pick up girls, and they must have no effect on difficult women like Shen Zhiyi.

Seeing his indescribable expression, Ah Shen said to himself, "This is easy, I'll just check it out!"

Said, really did so.

"Yes! The best gifts for girls, jewelry, bags, cosmetics, high heels, etc... Oh, the bouquet is also indispensable!"

"Wait, what did you say earlier?" He Jingyao stopped.

"Jewelry, bags, cosmetics, high heels..."


Ah Shen thought for a while, "Sir, you can ask Young Master Yin, Young Master Yin contacted..."

He Jingyao threw the phone to Ah Shen, "Call him!"

Ah Shen: Why don't you fight yourself?

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