The phone was connected, it was very noisy over there, the sky was bright and bright, it might not be normal for others, but for Yin Xingze, it was perfectly normal. When it was exaggerated, he could run in the nightclub every day for a month in a row.

"Hehe, why is Mr. He calling me today when he is free? Miss me?" Yin Xingze was very poor when he opened his mouth.

Ashen looked at his master worriedly, cleared his throat and said, "Young Master Yin, can I ask you a question?"

"Uh, it's A Shen? What's the problem, tell me!" Hearing that it was A Shen's voice, Yin Xingze became quite serious.

"That is, what do you think is the most suitable gift for a girl?"

There was a few seconds of silence over there, and then there was an explosion, "Ah Yao asked you to ask, right? This guy, why don't you ask me yourself, a big man, I'm sorry, hahaha..."

He Jingyao: "..."

Ash: "..."

Then Yin Xingze shouted to He Jingyao, "Ah Yao, are you going to give Zhizhi sister? Damn! What kind of gift are you giving, you are not soiled, you, let me see, you can just jump straight away, with your appearance and Body, weaving sister designated to be unable to withstand, disarm and surrender, oh yes, and... hello? hello?"

He Jingyao dropped his phone far away.

Knowing that Yin Xingze is unreliable, he didn't expect to be so unreliable. Hearing what kind of bad idea this is, it's no wonder that Shen Zhiyi didn't drive him out as a pervert.

To deal with Shen Zhiyi, it's not suitable to be tough, you can only be soft and hard, and penetrate her world little by little.

He Jingyao rubbed his chin with his fingertips, his brows were furrowed, and Ah Shen followed suit.

Suddenly, I heard my husband say, "Just follow what you said just now, and get some gifts that are more suitable for Shen Zhiyi's temperament!"


He Jingyao glanced over, and Ah Shen bit the bullet and accepted the order, "Understood, sir, I'll do it now!"

When he went out, he almost ran into He Qingyan who came aggressively, "Master Qingyan!"

He Qingyan didn't stop at one step, and walked straight in.

Sitting on the executive chair, He Jingyao lazily flipped through the folder without looking at him, "As an employee of the company, you don't even knock on the door when you enter the office of the leader. Is that what your boss taught you?"

The lines are full of irony.

He Qingyan's expression remained unchanged, he was still cold and arrogant, "So?"

He wanted to see it, so He Jingyao showed it to him, and in front of him, he called the secretary department, "Edit the document, from today, the head of the administration department will be demoted to the team leader. The assessment period is three weeks. If you don't pass, you can go directly." people!"

This is shocking, for He Qingyan to see, if he doesn't abide by He Jingyao's rules in the He Group, he will have to leave.

He Qingyan's eyelashes drew back all the emotions hidden in his eyes. He and He Jingyao have the same thing, they are extraordinarily calm when things happen, and they are never in a hurry.

"Brother, if you don't want to keep me in the He family, you can just tell me directly, why do you have to be so aggressive?"

He Jingyao pressed his palms together against his chin, raised his eyebrows, "Oh? I can't understand what you said, did you encounter any difficulties at work? You can tell me, the family, if you can help, I will naturally help you!"

He Qingyan smiled lightly for the rest of his life, without a hint of a smile in his eyes, "Okay, if you want to act, I'll accompany you!"

"My proposal was sent back. It should be the idea of ​​the eldest brother, right?"

He Jingyao leaned back, took a cigarette from the drawer, tilted his head and nodded, "You said this, yes, it's me, there is something wrong with the content, isn't it normal to be beaten back?"

He Qingyan tilted his head and smiled mockingly, "It usually takes a week to complete a proposal. Brother, do you think it can be revised in seven or eight hours with one person?"

"Then you may not understand the He Group, let alone my style of doing things. Normally, that's what I ask of everyone!" He Jingyao innocently shrugged, "Also, Grandpa asked you to come in for learning and experience. Yes, I mean to cooperate with his old man!"

Word by word, drip-tight, as if everything is so reasonable.

He Qingyan raised his head to suppress his emotions, then spread his hands on the edge of the desk, leaned forward, and met He Jingyao's eyes, "Brother, why do I think you want to take revenge on me at work because women can't compete with me?" Find a balance!"

He Jingyao's expression turned gloomy, and after a few seconds, he suddenly smiled, his smile was like a sharp blade, "Why are you so confident? I didn't think so, but from this moment on, I suddenly told you I'm interested!"

Leaning back lazily, with one hand resting on his temple, "Who does Shen Zhiyi belong to? It's not clear yet!"

"You want to compete with me?"

He Jingyao smiled softly, "Competition needs to be fair, and I will do whatever it takes. Do you understand?"

He Qingyan twitched her cheeks, and her amber eyes were full of waves, "Shen Zhiyi is a person, not an object. If you really like her, you shouldn't be like this!"

"Really? Then if you like her, you shouldn't hold on to her. How about letting her go to me?" He Jingyao spread his hands.

He Qingyan turned his head and left, rushing out the door.

The two brothers broke up unhappy.

He Jingyao grabbed the water glass at hand and smashed it hard, the water glass exploded on the wall.

Shen Zhiyi, he is going to make a decision.

The phone vibrated, and looking at the flashing note on the screen, he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"Hello, cousin!"

Cousin: "Ah Yao, is Cancan with you?"

He Jingyao guessed it was for this, "No!"

Cousin: "That's weird. This girl ran out early in the morning, saying that she was going to play with her classmates. I was afraid that she would cause trouble outside. Ah Yao, Cancan are not afraid of anyone, only you, you Can you tell her well for me, let her be more obedient, don't make troubles, you know, your cousin has been recovering from illness recently, and I don't have time to discipline her..."

"I know my cousin, I will!"

After the cousin thanked her repeatedly, the two hung up the phone.

He Jingyao rubbed his chin, and called He Cancan with his backhand. After a few rings, he was hung up by the other party.

This is very doubtful.

He called Ah Shen over, "Go and check, see where He Cancan is now!"

He Cancan was busy at the moment, when her uncle called just now, but she didn't dare to answer, and hung up in a panic.

Now even the big things can't compare to her Lin Yu.

"Why haven't you come out yet? Cancan, there must be a mistake in our information. Lin Yu didn't come to work today, right?" The classmate touched He Cancan's arm and said.

He Cancan shook his head, very sure, "Impossible, he is inside, just wait and see!"

The classmate curled her lips, "If you want me to say, Lin Yu is also more handsome, compared with the schoolboys in our school, that's the same thing, why is he so arrogant, let us Cancan chase him?"

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