I thought I could get He Cancan's compliment by saying a few flattering words, but what I got instead was, "I'm willing to chase him, what's the matter!"

The classmates were surprised.

You must know that in school before, it was always male voices who took the initiative to chase her. For ten days and a half months, He Cancan didn't care about each other at all. She liked hanging on to him the most.

For He Cancan, looking for freshness and excitement was the reason for her determination in the first place.

She was already tired of being chased by others all the time. Only people like Lin Yu who ignored her could arouse her desire to conquer.

As soon as the words were finished, the classmate patted her on the back excitedly, "Look Cancan, Lin Yu has come out!"

He Cancan looked along and saw the most eye-catching person in the crowd at a glance.

She has a thin body, a straight back, and delicate features but not a woman.

A plaid shirt was worn open on him, and a white short sleeve was worn inside, which was refreshing and clean, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

He Cancan's eyes were shining, and he secretly praised himself for his good eyesight, and found the treasure.

"Lin Yu!"

He Cancan went up to greet him.

When Lin Yu saw her, he walked away as if he didn't see her.

He Cancan went around in front of him, "Hey, hey, don't go!"

"Miss, what's the matter?"

He Cancan smiled with his hands behind his back, "Miss Biao, don't call me that, just call me Cancan!"

"I dare not, I can't afford to offend your congratulatory family!" Lin Yu said sarcastically, "Is there something wrong? I'm leaving!"

"Don't, don't, don't worry, I want to treat you to dinner!" He Cancan straight to the point, without any sign of embarrassment.

"Sorry, no time!"

Seeing that this person wanted to leave without knowing what to do, He Cancan waved his hand behind him, and several classmates rushed out and stopped Lin Yu to death, "Lin Yu, don't you want to toast and eat fine wine, okay? We Cancan invite you to dinner It's for your sake, why pretend?"

"Shut up, do you have the right to talk?" He Cancan stood in front of Lin Yu and taught them a lesson for him.

Lin Yu couldn't understand, "He Cancan, what exactly do you want?"

He Cancan turned around, hugged his shoulders and smiled sweetly at him.

This smile is pure and clean, sweet and well-behaved, completely inconsistent with her, almost making Lin Yu dazzle, but fortunately, he has strong concentration and quickly stabilized his mind.

"I've said it all, I want to invite you to dinner, if you don't go, I will go to your company..."

"Okay, I'll go!" Lin Yu interrupted coldly.

He knew He Cancan too well, the He family was the same, there was nothing he couldn't do.

Rather than being entangled by her, it is better to go along for the time being.

"That's right!" He Cancan smiled even more happily.

He Cancan has unlimited pocket money, so it's natural to order a meal generously.

"You order so much, two people can't finish it!" Lin Yu couldn't help reminding.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you!"

Lin Yu was just surprised at He Cancan's obedience and obedience, and then heard her say, "Waiter, did you hear? My Lin Yu said too much to finish, so just keep the first four dishes!"

When the waiter looked over with meaningful eyes, Lin Yu was so embarrassed that he wished he could get under the table.

"What are you looking at? Don't you want to eat?" Lin Yu was eating, and felt that someone was staring at him, and raised his head to meet He Cancan's big eyes full of aura.

Her eyes are very bright, glowing with water, regardless of her bad personality, but looking at her eyes gives people a very pure feeling.

He Cancan rested his chin on both hands, tilted his head, and stared at him without blinking, "Just eat yours, leave me alone!"

Lin Yu pressed the chopsticks on the plate, and as soon as he raised his hand, a paper towel reached his hand.

He Cancan laughed, "You wipe it!"

As if out of anger, Lin Yu rubbed against his mouth so hard that his lips were almost swollen.

"I'm full, can I go now?"

He Cancan took the chair and moved towards him, "Let's have a chat!"

"I have nothing to talk to you about!"

"How can you say that? There are so many topics we can talk about, such as... love!" After He Cancan finished speaking, he covered his mouth with embarrassment and smiled.

"Lin Yu, will you be my boyfriend?"

The ambiguous and romantic confession, He Cancan uttered a feeling of "what time do you get off work".

Lin Yu grinned, "Impossible!"

He Cancan was aggrieved, but he was not hit. He said, "I am very rich. My parents will give me a lot of pocket money every month. I will give it to you when the time comes, okay? Of course, you want a car, luxury goods , I have the ability to buy it for you, then you don’t have to go to work, just fall in love with me, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing, and you will have a fixed income every month, how about it?”

Lin Yu laughed when he heard this.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

"He Cancan, did you treat your ex-boyfriend like this before?"

The little girl told the truth, "How can they compare with you? They are trying to please me in every possible way, I don't even look at them, you are the first person who let me take the initiative, and I, He Cancan, will treat you well in the future of!"

Lin Yu nodded, "Oh, so you're just playing with them!"

"You can also say that, how dare I dare at school!"

Everything was just to pass the time, and she, He Cancan, really didn't like those so-called school grassroots.

Lin Yu looked at her immature face and sighed helplessly, "He Cancan, I'm not one of your male classmates, and I'm not going to curry favor with you like them, so please don't treat her with a playful attitude. My feelings, come to me after you truly understand the meaning of love!"

After speaking, he got up and left.

"Hey Lin Yu, Lin Yu..." He Cancan chased him out slowly, but he was gone.

She stomped her foot in frustration, Lin Yu, just wait and see, you can't escape from my palm.


The moment she stepped into the office, Xiaomei was stunned.

"This...is this your office?"

"Hmm, how's it going? Isn't it very grand?" Yin Xingze opened his arms and spun around, completely immersed in the environment he created with his heart.

Xiaomei smiled but didn't smile, "It's quite impressive!"

In fact, what she wants to say more is, local tyrants!Rustic and luxurious!

Just glanced at it, the landline phone on the table was gold-plated, and the mural on the wall was Zhang Dashan's. She couldn't tell if it was authentic, but since it hung in Yin Xingze's office, it must be authentic.

Look at the tea set on the coffee table. She had seen a similar set in Shen Zhiyi's office. At that time, Shen Zhiyi told her that even if it was a Class A fake, it would cost several hundred thousand. ...

Thinking of this, Xiaomei shivered, because she was stimulated by money.

"Xiaomei, you will work here from now on, the wind won't blow, the rain won't blow, just tell me if you need anything!" Yin Xingze put his arms on Xiaomei's shoulders naturally, and told her to walk towards the French windows.

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