At the end of the day, the hotel was not too busy. After tidying up the rooms for the guests with the staff, Shen Zhiyi clutched her neck and went downstairs.

As soon as the front foot arrived, there was a courier, "Hello, Miss Shen? I have a courier for you!"

Shen Zhiyi walked out of the hotel to pick it up, but the other party ran away after delivering the things.

She took it apart as soon as she got back.

Inside was a square box with a black bow tied on it. When it was unpacked, there lay a pair of champagne-colored high-heeled shoes with a few diamonds on the inside of each heel.

Shen Zhiyi blinked, feeling that something was wrong, hurriedly checked the message to make sure that the recipient was herself.

But who sent such a valuable thing?
She first thought of He Qingyan.

After some debating, he still called He Qingyan, and Shen Zhiyi didn't ask directly, but rather tactfully, "Master Qingyan, I don't need anything, you don't need to buy me anything! "

I was stunned for a few seconds, apparently surprised by her sudden words, "What? What do you want? I'll go buy it, or I'll accompany you!"

From He Qingyan's words, Shen Zhiyi heard some answers, and explained, "It's okay, there's a guest, I'll go get busy first!"

He Qingyan looked down at the phone that was hung up, feeling strange for a moment...

The next day, another courier was delivered to Shen Zhiyi, a luxury bag.

Shen Zhiyi stood still.

The next day, a set of top skin care products was delivered to Shen Zhiyi.

The employees are almost envious.

"Manager Shen, is there a handsome guy chasing you? I'm really willing to spend money for you. I'm afraid the money spent these days can buy a house, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, our Manager Shen has a boyfriend!"

"Oh yes, yes, sorry, I forgot about this!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and said nothing.

An hour later, she drove to the downstairs of He's Group, parked in neutral, and heard someone talking.

"Young master Qingyan is really pitiful. You have only been here for a long time, and you have been made things difficult by our big boss!"

"If you don't say that he is a big boss, the power is in his hands. If you want to make things difficult, you can make things difficult!"

"But they are cousins, so they can really do it!"

"Damn! These days, brothers are still clear about their accounts. It's not like you don't understand the character of our big boss. If you are ruthless, you will definitely deny it!"

Shen Zhiyi raised the window of the car.

He Jingyao made things difficult for He Qingyan?

She didn't go upstairs, so she waited in the rest area on the first floor and asked the front desk to notify.

With the lessons learned from the past, the front desk didn't dare to show the face of the big boss's predecessor, so he immediately notified the secretary department, and the secretary department notified He Jingyao.

He Jingyao was in a meeting, and when he heard that Shen Zhiyi was waiting for him downstairs, although he knew she must have come in a fit of anger, he still looked forward to it in his heart.

Qu Zhi tapped on the desktop, "Pause, today's meeting ends here, if you have any comments from various departments, you can email me, and the meeting ends!"

In the big meeting of cross-border cooperation, the big boss will suspend it as soon as he says it will be suspended. This is too casual, and it is not his style at all.

A group of people whispered and asked Ah Shen, "What's wrong with Mr. He?"

Ah Shen coughed lightly, "Meet someone more important!"

Shen Zhiyi was a little angry, she didn't calm down even when she was sitting, her expression showed everything.

As soon as He Jingyao came out of the elevator, he saw her faintly angry, and couldn't help laughing. After managing his expression, he cleared his throat, "Are you looking for me?"

Shen Zhiyi turned her head when she heard the sound, "You should know, I will definitely come!"

"Oh? How honored I am!" The man bent down to sit down with the hem of his suit pressed down, with an elegant manner and a dignified posture.

There was a coffee table between him and Shen Zhiyi, they looked at each other, and the little woman's face turned red with anger.

"He Jingyao, what are you playing hard to get? What's the point of giving away those things? Misters, can't you be more upright?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't hold back her words at all, and reverberated in the spacious and bright hall, causing the passing employees to look back in surprise.

Who dares to call their big boss name directly!

He Jingyao changed his posture, leaning on the backrest with one hand resting on his chin, very relaxed.

The whole person is changeable, he can be dignified and elegant, but also lazy and evil, without violating harmony.

"It turns out that you like to be upright. This is easy to handle. I will send it over in person some other day!"

"You!" Shen Zhi was angry.

She lowered her head and pulled out the things from the bag she brought. High heels, perfume, jewelry...all of them were placed in front of He Jingyao.

"Here, it's all yours. I haven't moved either. You can give it to someone else!"

He Jingyao kept his head down, glanced down with his eyelids down, and his expression was a little cold, "What I give you is yours!"

Shen Zhiyi also leaned back, crossing her shoulders with her hands, "Do I have to accept what you give me? Sorry, I don't accept it!"

After finishing speaking, she got up and was about to leave.

The man's words grabbed her firmly, "If you don't want it, then I will have someone deliver it to you every day until it is delivered to you!"

"He Jingyao, what on earth do you want?" Shen Zhiyi clenched her fists, trembling all over, almost squeezing out every word from between her teeth.

In stark contrast to her was He Jingyao's nonchalant attitude, "It's just some gifts for you. Look, it's such a simple thing. You insist on making it so complicated!"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, swallowing the anger in her chest.

Dog thing, bastard!
"Ah Shen, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and help Miss Shen put away her things!"

Ah Shen, who was named, was stunned for a moment, "Okay sir, Miss Shen, let me help you..."

"No need!" Shen Zhiyi aggressively stuffed the things into the bag again, gave He Jingyao a hard look, got up and left.

"If you've been so obedient, then nothing will happen?" He Jingyao spread his hands and said to himself.

Ah Shen: As expected, you are still very good at Mr., and you have learned it again!

Because of this, Yin Xingze laughed at He Jingyao inside and out.

"I said, Ah Yao, if you want to pursue others, you pursue them. You also say that there is no reason to take back the gifts you send out, and you force them to accept the gifts. Are you the one who pursues others like this? If it were me Girl Zhizhi, she ran away with someone else, you are so cold, you can't do it!"

He Jingyao squinted at him, his eyes were like knives, "What do you think?"

Is this like asking for advice?It's good to say something soft to make a smile, Yin Xingze swallowed, rolled up his sleeves, and showed his skills, "First of all, you have to be gentle when speaking or doing things to others."

"for example?"

"For example, when you ask her what to eat, just say, Zhizhi, what do you want to eat? May I accompany you to eat?" Yin Xingze squeezed his throat, especially the last sentence "OK", which is so soft affectation.

Ashen on the side suddenly retched.

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