He Jingyao directly pushed him away in disgust, "Can you stop being so disgusting?"

"Fuck, am I disgusting like this? Chasing girls is not disgusting, and who is showing your energy!" Yin Xingze shook his head, "Okay, I will teach you what I should teach you, and I will teach you what I shouldn't I taught you, you can figure it out, if you can't catch up with anyone, don't tell others that you are my apprentice!"

"Get out!" He Jingyao laughed and kicked him.

Shen Zhiyi looked at the various gifts stuffed into the bag, and gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing to throw them all into the trash can.

But she can't.

That guy He Jingyao was very thieves, as if he had installed monitoring equipment on her body, but whenever she wanted to do something, she would always be discovered.

Since he has a plan, then she has a plan. She and He Jingyao can't continue to entangle like this.


"Have you heard? Our manager Shen is getting engaged to his boyfriend!"

"Really, who is her boyfriend?"

"Tsk! I really doubt what your eyes are usually used to see. It is the elegant and stern young master Qingyan!"

"Oh, oh, that's the gentleman who often comes to our Manager Shen, wow! The two seem to be a perfect match, but what about Manager Shen's ex-husband?"

"You are stupid, the two of you divorced a long time ago. As the saying goes, good horses never turn their heads back. Look at Manager Shen's attitude towards Young Master Qingyan, and look at his attitude towards Mr. He! Oh, by the way, a friend of mine just I also saw Manager Shen and Master Qingyan buying diamond rings at the mall!"

Everyone chatted in full swing, but they didn't know that He Jingyao, who was not far away, clenched his fists, and his jawline stretched into a cold and hard line.

Ah Shen wanted to gag the mouths of those female employees. Whenever it was impossible to talk about this matter, why did it happen when his husband passed by? It was really terrible.

"Go and find out where Shen Zhiyi is now!"

Ashen bowed his head and accepted the order.

Under He Jingyao's pressure, his subordinates got to Shen Zhiyi's location within 10 minutes.

Department store.

As soon as he reached the second floor, He Jingyao saw Shen Zhiyi and He Qingyan at a glance. The little woman was still holding He Qingyan's arm, and the two were choosing a diamond ring.

"Please take this one out and try it out!" He Qingyan said after pointing to one he liked.

Then he held Shen Zhiyi's hand in one hand, and put it on for her with the other. Shen Zhiyi looked shy, and his eyes were full of happiness and sweetness that could not be concealed.

"Miss Wow, your hands are so white that you can make hand models. No matter which one you wear, you look good!" The counter attendant was very good at talking, and kept praising Shen Zhiyi.

"Zhizhi, do you like it?" He Qingyan looked into Shen Zhiyi's eyes and asked softly.

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "I like it!"

"Okay!" He Qingyan summoned the waiter, "Let's wear it and go, let's swipe our card!"

"Okay, this way please!" The waiter's eyes were full of excitement.

The two kept looking at each other affectionately, like a pair of deeply in love couples who were about to fall into the palace of marriage.

When leaving, Shen Zhiyi turned her face away.

He Jingyao stood there like a sculpture, his whole body was stiff, his blood surged in his chest one after another, as if he was going to explode in the next second.

These two are actually buying engagement rings, they're getting engaged?
When did it happen, why didn't he know?
"Sir? Are you okay?" Ah Shen was a little worried.

He Jingyao closed his eyes and raised his palms.

"Then, shall I take you back?"

"Follow up, let's see what they are going to do?" He Jingyao didn't know what was wrong with him, he knew that if he continued to follow, he would be asking for humiliation, but he still chased after him with both feet.

He Qingyan took Shen Zhiyi to buy a few more sets of clothes, each of which he personally selected for Shen Zhiyi.

He Jingyao could see clearly that the smile in Shen Zhiyi's eyes was almost overflowing, which was unprecedented when facing him.

For a moment, his heart was pricked like a needle.

She didn't even dare to accept the terrible fact that Shen Zhiyi had fallen in love with someone else.

Do not!
It must not be like this, she was just acting for him.

After shopping all afternoon, Shen Zhiyi was a little tired, so He Qingyan sent her back to the warm community.

"I'll pick you up for work tomorrow morning?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled softly, "Okay!"

She took out a tissue, motioned He Qingyan to come closer, and then stamped on his forehead, "Why are you sweating even though the air conditioner is on!"

He Qingyan joked, "Maybe it's... a little nervous when facing you!"

He got out of the car and opened the car door for Shen Zhiyi. Before parting, the two even hugged. If you look carefully, you will find that they are only superficially fit, and there is still a gap between their chests.

They separated in just a few seconds.

A pair of eyes in the night can see everything.

Saying goodbye to He Qingyan, Shen Zhiyi walked towards the unit building with big bags and small bags. The sensor light in the corridor was broken, and the vision was dark, only the shaking of light and shadow.

As she walked, Shen Zhiyi saw a smear of scarlet in the darkness flickering on and off, and she subconsciously stopped.

Someone slowly walked towards her.

Shen Zhiyi is very sensitive to sound, only listening to footsteps, she vaguely guessed the person, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

Unexpectedly, everything went so smoothly.

"Who?" Shen Zhiyi asked in surprise.

"Me!" The male voice was mellow and low, looking lonely and mysterious in this boundless night.

Shen Zhiyi squinted his eyes and looked at the other party in the dim light, "He Jingyao? What are you doing here?"

"Come back from shopping with He Qingyan?" The man asked indifferently, full of jealousy.

Shen Zhiyi subconsciously carried the things behind her back, "What does this have to do with you? Is it too lenient?"

Leave when you're done.

There was a sudden sharp pain in the wrist.

She couldn't shake that big hand, "He Jingyao, you're crazy, let go!"

"Let go? Is there something you don't want me to see?" He Jingyao raised her wrist, and there was a shiny diamond ring on her middle finger.

The classic style is indeed very suitable for Shen Zhiyi, even in this dim environment, you can still feel its shining brilliance.

He Jingyao's eyes were stung, and his heart was also stung, "Please explain to me, what is this?"

Shen Zhiyi met his gloomy gaze, smiled and said, "Wear it on the middle finger, what do you mean?"

"When was it decided? Why are you engaged to him?"

He Jingyao increased his strength like crazy, and Shen Zhi frowned in pain. The man's hand was like a big pliers, firmly clamping her wrist.

"It's funny, do I have to tell you about my private affairs? Or are you going to send me an engagement?"

He Jingyao's eyes fell, and Shen Zhiyi subconsciously carried a few bags behind her back, but she still couldn't hide and was snatched by the man.

"Shopping with him must be very happy, right? He also bought so many things for you, so considerate!"

"Give it back to me!" Shen Zhiyi tried to grab it, but his body was at a disadvantage and he was completely hopeless.

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