"What? Not with you? Then she..." Realizing that something was wrong, she called the school again anxiously.

The answer I got was, "Xiao Bao was picked up by her father!"

He Jingyao!
Shen Zhiyi became inexplicably angry, "How is your school managed? How can you let others pick up the children casually? Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

The teacher was puzzled, "But...but isn't that Xiaobao's father!"

That's right, He Jingyao is Xiaobao's father, what can he do to the child?

But thinking of what He Jingyao said yesterday, Shen Zhiyi felt that it was not that simple for him to pace the child.

Turning around, he called He Jingyao. The phone rang for an eternity, but he didn't answer it.

On purpose, he definitely did on purpose.

Shen Zhiyi felt more and more that something was wrong, and immediately drove to He Mansion.

"Where is Xiaobao, is Xiaobao here?"

"He Jingyao, come out!"

"Miss Shen!" Mama Wang heard the sound, "Miss Xiaobao is not here, neither are the young master and sir!"

not here?Shen Zhiyi became even more suspicious, "Where did they go?"

"I don't know about this, don't worry, it's safer to have a husband with a child than anyone else!"

hehe!is it safe?God knows that He Jingyao is a devil when he goes crazy!Shen Zhiyi felt powerless.

She was driving aimlessly on the street, not knowing where to park, let alone what she was doing.

Perhaps, he just played with the children purely and had no other ideas.

With this understanding, Shen Zhiyi fell asleep in a trance until the next day, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to continue calling He Jingyao.

This time it worked by accident.

"Morning, Miss Shen!"

Shen Zhiyi's chest was suddenly filled with flames, but through the phone line, she couldn't do anything to him, and she didn't want to provoke him, so she had to suppress her resentment for a few seconds, "He Jingyao, Xiaobao was brought by you. Are you leaving? Where did you take her?"

"Don't worry, I took her abroad to play, with me and Dashu, she had a great time!"

"Going abroad? You... Why didn't you say hello to me? Who told you to take her away casually?" Shen Zhiyi growled. If He Jingyao was in front of her at this moment, she would definitely grab his collar and question him.

He Jingyao yawned, "You are her mother, and I am her father. We have equal rights, don't we?"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, "When will you bring her back, she still has to go to school!"

"Well... don't worry about it, I've already asked for leave for her, kid, you should play hard at your age!"

"No, I don't agree, you bring her back quickly, He Jingyao, I don't need to participate in Dashu's affairs, but I hope you respect me in Xiaobao's affairs, I...Hello? Hello?"

Your sister actually hung up!

A WeChat message came over.

It was a photo sent by He Jingyao. In the photo were Xiaobao, Dashu, and himself.

The two children were playing with paper airplanes on the fresh green lawn, while He Jingyao sat under the parasol drinking coffee and watching them.

The blue sky, white clouds, lawn, and big trees constitute a beautiful picture.

He was telling her that he took care of the children well, and at the same time, he was provoking her that he wanted to keep Xiaobao by his side.

Shen Zhiyi's alveoli were filled with anger, no, she must not let Xiaobao out.

After much deliberation, she only thought of one person who might be able to help her...

A vineyard somewhere on the hillside.

This is the property of the He family. In addition to planting large tracts of grapes for wine making, it can also be used by the elders of the He family to cultivate themselves.

Usually, the He family seldom comes here, and occasionally the younger generation come here to have a wine party, or it is Mr. He who brings the old lady to clean up here.

Shen Zhiyi has inquired, and Mr. He is here during this period of time.

"Miss Shen, please go back, the old man is taking a lunch break, so please don't disturb me!" The old servant explained to Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi didn't believe it, "Then when will Grandpa He wake up?"

"Oh, I don't know that!"

"Why don't you just let me go in and wait!" There's no reason to come back without success, and she didn't even see anyone, wouldn't it make her seem too useless.

Before the old servant could respond, Shen Zhiyi took the opportunity to squeeze in.

"Hey Miss Shen..."

"Don't worry, if you say wait, just wait, and never disturb Grandpa He's rest!"


Mr. He was sitting on a rocking chair, holding a purple clay pot in one hand, and wearing a light-colored improved Tang suit, which made the old man very energetic.

"The girl is willing to wait, so let her wait, she should give her some trouble for messing up my grandson's marriage!"

There was a sullen tone in the old man's tone. After all, he was complaining about Shen Zhiyi.

The old servant resigned.

When she went downstairs, Shen Zhiyi was admiring the ink painting on the wall.

"Uncle, these are all drawn by Grandpa He, right?"

The old servant was surprised, "How do you know?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and didn't say anything, in fact, she was just guessing casually.

Mr. He not only wrote good calligraphy, but also painted ink and wash paintings vividly. Some of them were exhibited in foreign exhibition halls.

But the old man is very low-key in this regard, except for a few old servants who are close to him, no one else knows.

The girl saw it all at once, which is really amazing.

This made the old servant look at her even more with admiration.

"Girl, I advise you to go back and come back another day, maybe it will be smoother!"

Hearing something in the old servant's words, Shen Zhiyi's eyes flickered a few times, and since he smiled and thanked, "Thank you uncle for reminding, okay, then I will come back tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, she appeared in the vineyard again. After the old servant welcomed her in, she went about her own business.

The whole morning, she stayed in the hall alone without seeing anyone, as if there was no one here.

The hungry Gulu screamed, and Shen Zhiyi despised himself severely.

At the critical moment, can I still fight for my anger?
In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and Shen Zhiyi was standing, sitting, reading, watching TV, swiping her mobile phone, all kinds of ways to pass the time, except for the tea brought by the old servant, she didn't eat a single grain of rice.

"Old man, if you are angry, you will be angry, and you will be punished. People should see each other, right?" The old servant was moved by Shen Zhiyi's sincerity, and tried to speak for her.

Mr. He insisted on the brush, and walked on the rice paper like clouds and flowing water.

But in the blink of an eye, the words "Heaven rewards diligence" appeared in front of my eyes. The font was vigorous and powerful, graceful and smooth.

"Even you speak to her now?"

The old servant didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Old man, what are you talking about, Miss Shen is the biological mother of the young master and Miss Cousin, and we can't neglect her because of the reason. ! Father, with all due respect, our older generation can live for a few more days, so don’t get involved, and deal with their own affairs!”

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