The old servant took the brush from the old man, found a coat and put it on for him.

The old man looked at the distant glow, his cloudy eyes were full of complexity.

Shen Zhiyi's cell phone rang one after another. She was away from Marriott for a day, and the employees kept calling to ask for instructions.

"...Yes, let's arrange it like this. Other things will be settled when I go back tomorrow. No, I'm not sure about going back tomorrow. If you have anything to do, call me first! That's it!" She hung up when she heard footsteps Telephone.

"Miss Shen, I have good news for you, the old man is here!"

Shen Zhiyi was so excited that she didn't care about her image, so she ran upstairs, and before knocking on the door, she straightened her appearance, "Grandpa He!"

"Come in!"

The old man sat at the mahogany desk and drank tea. All the men in the He family were the same, with an aura of calmness and prestige.

The old man pressed his hand and signaled her to sit down.

This is the first time for Shen Zhiyi to come here, so she was inevitably a little curious, so she looked around first.

"I haven't settled with you for disturbing A Yao's wedding, but you came here yourself? Hmph! Tell me today, what else do you want to do?"

Shen Zhiyi sat upright, "Although you may not believe it, don't blame me for this matter. I swear, I have no plans to get along with He Jingyao at all. It's him who I can't figure out. I didn't leave Ms. Huang until later." I know, I'm sorry about that!"

"You young people have a lot of tricky ideas, who knows what you are planning behind your back?" The old man said angrily.

As a last resort, Shen Zhiyi could only say one thing to express her determination, "It's true, my side is going to get engaged soon!"

The old man suddenly raised his eyelids, "Engagement? Who?"

Shen Zhiyi's mouth moved, wondering whether to speak or not.

"Is it Ah Yan?"

The old man hit the nail on the head, he slammed the table, "Absurd! Really absurd!"

Cousin's ex-wife is engaged to his cousin, this matter sounds ridiculous even after 50 years, let alone a traditional-minded person like the old man?

If the news spread, wouldn't it make the world laugh out loud?

Now that the old man has guessed this way, Shen Zhiyi can only bite the bullet and finish the trick, "Grandpa He, we really love each other, please make it happen!"

The old man took a sip of tea to suppress his shock, his weather-beaten face was covered with wrinkles, "You can marry anyone in Hangzhou, but it can't be Ah Yan, unless I die!"

Shen Zhiyi secretly heaved a sigh of relief when the old man spoke harshly, but on the surface he still pretended to be sad and aggrieved.

When the old man saw her like this, his heart softened. After all, she was his favorite junior, so he tried to change the subject, "So why are you looking for me?"

"It's like this. Mr. He came to me a few days ago and said he wanted to get back together with me. I didn't agree, so he secretly took Xiaobao abroad and didn't let me see it. Xiaobao is my life. The big tree has left You guys, I hope you don't think about Xiaobao again!"

The old man squinted his eyes and said in a low voice, "This is something for you young people, you know that when A Yao gets stubborn, he doesn't even listen to me, so what can I do for you?"

"Grandpa He, after all, you are the most talkative person in the He family. I hope you can help me persuade Mr. He to return Xiaobao to me. Besides, don't you want me to get involved with him? This is not only helping me, but also helping your He family!"

"Hmph, you can talk!" The old man gave her a sharp look, "I can only say try it, but you'd better tell the truth, if you dare to lie a word, I won't miss the old friendship! "

After returning from the old man's place, Shen Zhiyi felt a little more relaxed.

The old man is the most talkative in the He family. With him to help, He Jingyao should not insist on going his own way. The most important thing at present is to get Xiaobao back.

He Jingyao took Xiaobao and Dashu on a wild trip abroad for a whole week.

During this period, he never had any contact with Shen Zhiyi, and he didn't answer any of Shen Zhiyi's calls, no matter how worried she was over there.

She didn't want the chance at the first time, but now it's too late to say anything, and she must be given a stern warning.


"Father, Shen Zhiyi must be worried. Will it be uninteresting for us to do this? What if she ignores me?"

Xiaobao grabbed He Jingyao's hand, raised his head and expressed his worries.

It was really cool when I played it, but I regretted it after I finished it.

What if Shen Zhiyi refused to let her go home in a fit of anger?
He Jingyao stopped, pressed his body down, and supported his thighs with both hands, "That's just right, you can live in He Mansion and be with Dashu!"

"Ah? Isn't that bad?" The little girl blinked her eyelashes with a reluctant expression.

At this time, Dashu stood up and spoke, "Xiaobao, don't you like me? Don't you want to make father and mother get back together?"

"No, no, of course I hope our family can be together!" Xiaobao shook his head repeatedly.

He Jingyao patted the little girl's head, "Then listen to Dad, you can do whatever Dad tells you to do, I promise, Shen Zhiyi will come to you obediently in a short time!"

The big one led the two young ones to shuttle through all kinds of obsessive eyes, and Xiao Bao secretly counted.

Wow!Really, it won't be long before Shen Zhiyi really wants to move back to He Mansion.

"Dad, look, that looks like grandpa's car!"

He Jingyao looked in the direction of Dashu's finger, and sure enough, he saw Mr. He's vintage car, the only one in the world.

He's old house.

"Tell me, what the hell are you doing now? The company doesn't care, taking the two children all over the world, Xiaobao is fine, Dashu is still in the observation period after the operation, in case the child has any infection, you..."

The old man blocked his breath and couldn't help coughing. The servant hurriedly brought him tea to moisten his throat.

He Jingyao stood in front of the desk calmly. Although he was being educated and criticized now, his strong aura kept him from being embarrassed at all.

Just listen to his unhurried explanation, "Don't worry about this, I brought the top doctor team, and I also contacted the hospital abroad in advance, and then I will deal with emergencies. Nothing will happen, and I will Nothing will happen to my son!"

Hearing what he said, the old man calmed down a little, and after his breathing became smoother, "Then what happened to Xiaobao? How did I hear that you took her away on purpose?"

"It seems that someone has sued you!" Shen Zhiyi smiled.

"Stinky boy, you can do it, so you don't allow others to say it? Now you are also the chief executive of the He Group, how can you do such a naive and thoughtless thing?"

He Jingyao leaned on the desk, put one foot lightly on the other, and said casually, "Grandpa, don't you also like Xiaobao?"

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