Yin Xingze had just had an unpleasant quarrel with Xiaomei, and in order to save face, he sent her to the rest room to treat her injuries, while he stayed to vent his anger on her.

"You guys, who hit Xiaomei?" Yin Xingze leaned on the desk with his hands folded, one leg slightly bent, and lightly resting on the other.

He is very popular with women, and he is very patient and educated with girls on weekdays, so the female employees are not very afraid of him.

"Young Master Yin, it was that Xiaomei who spoke rudely, and she also made the first move. We fought back to protect ourselves!"

Yin Xingze's sharp eyes swept over them one by one, and they were stared at without knowing what to do, and they didn't dare to make mistakes.

"Self-protection? This is the first time I've heard that five people protect themselves against one person. Do you think I'm stupid or an idiot?"

A few people look at me and I look at you, but no one speaks.

"All five of you have done it, right?" Yin Xingze turned his wrist, his voice sounded a little frightened.

Employees default.

"Very well, in my chassis, people who dare to touch me without my consent, I can only understand that you don't take me seriously!"

"No, Young Master Yin, you misunderstood, how could it be possible!" Someone had a bad feeling and began to find a way out for himself.

Yin Xingze didn't listen, "It's fine if you hit someone else. I managed to trick the person who did it. I'm so precious. How can I allow you to bully her? Today, I have to vent my anger on her. Tell me, how can I punish you better?"


After Shen Zhiyi had a falling out with He Jingyao, she had no choice but to call He Qingyan over.

She feels that if you don't do it, you're done, and if you do it, you have to be more ruthless.

Continuing to succumb will only make He Jingyao pinch her seven inches and make more progress.

"Zhizhi, I have thought about something for a long time, and I want to discuss it with you!"

Seeing his serious look, Shen Zhiyi said, "Then you go first."

The man's fingers were intertwined, his eyes hesitated, it was obvious that he was still struggling, "I went to find my brother!"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly raised her head.

"He made up his mind to use Xiaobao to threaten you to come back to him!" He Qingyan stared at her face, not wanting to miss any of her expressions, "Zhizhi, if I choose to bless you, are you still willing to get back with my brother?" ?"

Shen Zhi shook his head without thinking.

He Qingyan's hanging heart finally let go, and he was even ecstatic in his heart.

Even if the woman he loves still loves other men, so what?As long as she doesn't give that person a chance, then he will have a chance.

"Zhizhi, thank you!" He Qingyan grabbed her hand uncontrollably. He was so excited that the answer was completely unexpected. Even when he came, he had already prepared to wish Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao.

"Hiss! Master Qingyan, you hurt me!"

"Um, sorry!" He Qingyan let go belatedly, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "I'm just so happy!"

These simple words made Shen Zhiyi feel guilty and remorseful.

It turned out that He Qingyan cared so much about her, and she wanted to make it clear to him before, how could she be willing to hurt such a good man.

"Master Qingyan, is that why you told me this?"

"Of course not, I thought about it all night, Zhizhi, I want to help you, if you want to get rid of my big brother, there is only one way now!"

Shen Zhiyi was curious, "What way?"

"Get engaged to me quickly!"


"Oh my god, what do you guys call this, Zhizhi? If you want me to tell you that you can just tell He Qing that you have done a fake show. They have paid so much for you. If it were me, I wouldn't know how moved you are." No more, why are you so hard-hearted!"

Song Jiaojiao put the grapes in her mouth while expressing her impressions.

What she said, Shen Zhiyi didn't think about it, after all, this kind of deception would also affect He Qingyan's reputation, and she felt very sorry.

But according to the current situation, she only treats He Qingyan as an ordinary friend, so is she going to be together because of being moved?

This is a great injustice to him.

"Zhizhi, I can see clearly, you are indifferent and heartless!" Song Jiaojiao wiped off her grape juice-stained fingers, recalling Shen Zhiyi's past, she was so sad and helpless, "Before Lin Yu didn't say anything to you, he treated you from the bottom of his heart, but as for you, you just tortured his child so badly, now you are particularly resistant to dating, and now you come to He Qingyan, there is no such condition Tell me, I don't know what you're being stubborn about, but if you want me to say, don't hesitate to meet such a good man, finding a man who loves you in this life is more important than anything else!"

Song Jiaojiao's words knocked on Shen Zhiyi's heart, she peeled the fruit silently and didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say.

There are many roads to choose at the intersection ahead, but she is feeling at a loss...

Shen Zhiyi and He Qingyan chose the Marriott Hotel for their engagement.

The venue was very low-key. Shen Zhiyi had invited Song Jiaojiao, Zheng Fanxing, and Lin Yu. She didn't have many good friends, and He Qingyan had no one there, so the venue seemed extremely deserted.

Shen Zhiyi wore a simple-cut white floor-length dress, while He Qingyan also chose a white suit that complemented it perfectly.

The two look very much on the same page.

Song Jiaojiao held up her phone and snapped snaps. Although it was a fake engagement, it could be kept as a souvenir anyway.

"Sister Jiaojiao, you've been standing for a long time, and your ankles can't stand it. I'll help you go over there and rest for a while!" Zheng Fanxing was worried that she would not be able to stand for a long time just after being discharged from the hospital.

"Oh, no need, I'm not that delicate!"

"That doesn't work, what if the old injury recurs?"

The two of you came and went back and forth several times, making everyone look at them.

Shen Zhiyi: Why don't you do today's male and female protagonists?
"Jiaojiao, come here!" Lin Yu, who had been depressed all this time, called Song Jiaojiao to a corner, "Let me ask you, is Zhizhi really planning to get engaged to Master Qingyan?"

Song Jiaojiao didn't know how to play, and when others asked casually, she became a little nervous, "Look at what you said, what are you doing here if you don't plan to get engaged to him? Didn't you see that, Zhizhi?" He is wearing a big diamond ring on his hand, it was given by the young master Qingyan!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu lowered his head in pain.

He has liked Shen Zhiyi for so long, but he has never been able to win her heart, and this He Qingyan has only known her for a few days, and he has easily chased after her.

Is he really inferior to He Qingyan?

Why Zhizhi would rather give others a chance than not?

It felt like a piece of my heart had been torn off, it was sore and painful.

Although he had long vowed to let go of Shen Zhiyi, but seeing her and another man looking at each other and smiling at this moment, as a couple, no matter what, he still couldn't bless them.

Seeing him like this, Song Jiaojiao felt sympathetic, "Hey! Don't be like this, even if Zhizhi married someone else, you are still her best friend. If you are not together, it means there is no fate, just rely on your Conditions, I believe there will be girls with better conditions waiting for you!"

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