Lin Yu opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally managed to show a smile that was uglier than crying.

Song Jiaojiao looked at his lonely back, shook her head helplessly, and said to herself, Lin Yu and He Qingyan, this pair of brothers and sisters, will be planted in Zhizhi's hands for the rest of their lives...

It will take a while to start. Although the engagement is fake, Shen Zhiyi is still a little nervous.

She can't remember the wedding scene of her first wedding clearly. In short, she was looked down upon and insulted at that time. On the other hand, this time, it seems that it is more in line with the traditional engagement ceremony.


He Qingyan was standing not far away, dragging a glass of red wine, looking at Shen Zhiyi with infatuated and affectionate eyes, and gradually, a warm smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

Such a scene was what he dreamed of, and he even thought of how beautiful Shen Zhiyi looked in white gauze.

He even imagined that she was holding his arm, smiling shyly and happily, stepping into the marriage hall side by side with him, and becoming his wife who accompanied her all her life.

He Zhenxuan always said that he had no desires or desires, just muddling along, no, Shen Zhiyi was the most distant dream in his life.

This dream is at the highest point, visible but unattainable, like a single bright light in the dark night, making him feel no longer alone and lonely.

What if it can't be realized, it is enough for him to stay in her light and shadow.

"Master Qingyan!" Someone called his name.

"Mr. Lin!"

Lin Yu raised his glass to him, "Congratulations!"

He Qingyan couldn't describe the feeling in his heart. He smiled and raised his glass, "Thank you!"

"Zhizhi is a good woman. She had a hard time in Shen's family during those years, and finally made it through. As her good friend, I hope you will treat her sincerely, otherwise, I will never let you go." !"

Although Lin Yu didn't dare, but it had become a fact, he could only smile and bless Shen Zhiyi.

The more he said this, the more ironic He Qingyan felt, but no matter what, he had to finish today's play perfectly.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her!"

The time was almost up, and the two protagonists walked to the center, under the spotlight, was their superior temperament.

He Qingyan took Shen Zhiyi's hand, and gently pinched her palm with his fingertips, signaling her not to be nervous.

Shen Zhiyi received the signal and cast a grateful look at her.

"First of all, thank you for coming to our house today for my engagement with Zhizhi. I will announce that starting from today..." He Qingyan's gentle eyes fell on Shen Zhiyi, "Miss Shen Zhiyi will be my girlfriend." Fiancee, I will cherish her, take care of her, take care of her, never leave her, and grow old hand in hand!"

There was a round of applause of blessings.

"I object!"

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was opened, and with the bright sunlight coming in, a group of people rushed in.

Song Jiaojiao covered her mouth excitedly, and said to herself, "Oh! The fun has begun!"

"The restaurant is closed today, please go out!" Lin Yu just stepped forward to stop them, but was blocked by several bodyguards.

"He Jingyao, what are you doing here? Get out!" Shen Zhiyi didn't expect this guy to appear suddenly, and he obviously blocked the news, how did he know?
He Jingyao's face was covered with frost, his eyes were on fire, and the next second he slapped Shen Zhiyi's wrist, "Shen Zhiyi, you are so brave, do you know what you are doing?"

"Brother, let her go, tell me what's going on!"

He Jingyao was annoyed, and tilted his head to stare at He Qingyan, his eyes wished he could be dealt with right away, "You? What are you?"

He Qingyan smiled, and announced word by word, "I am Zhizhi's fiancé, if you touch my fiancée, do you think I am qualified?"

"Fiance?" He Jingyao chewed on these words with a gloomy expression, and suddenly laughed, "I didn't nod, what kind of fiance are you!"

"Mr. He, you are also a public figure in Hangzhou, do you think this is appropriate? If there is any matter, it is better to deal with it in private, so as not to hurt the peace!" Lin Yu couldn't bear Shen Zhiyi being bullied by He Jingyao, so he broke free The bondage of bodyguards spoke for her.

He Jingyao sneered, "I don't need to be kind, I just want to be calm!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to take Shen Zhiyi away. He Qingyan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed Shen Zhiyi's other hand, "He Jingyao, don't go too far. I think you are my big brother. I will bear it again and again, but today you Take people away, no matter what, I don't agree!"

Facing the aggressive He Jingyao, He Qingyan didn't need to be polite any more and just called him by his first name.

But He Jingyao didn't care at all, let alone put him in his eyes. With a glance, several bodyguards moved towards him.

He Qingyan had one enemy against many, so naturally he had no chance to protect Shen Zhiyi, so he could only watch Shen Zhiyi being dragged away by He Jingyao.


"He Jingyao, are you deaf? I want you to let me go!" Shen Zhiyi's flamboyant fists and embroidered legs were almost vulnerable in front of He Jingyao, and he was pushed away abruptly by He Jingyao.

"It's too much, what can he do if he is the president of the He Group, he can't bully people like this!" Zheng Fanxing really couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to save Shen Zhiyi, but was stopped by Song Jiaojiao.

"Don't chase, don't chase, it won't be fun after chasing!"

Zheng Fanxing: "???"

"Oh, you don't understand, let them solve their problems by themselves, natural selection, survival of the fittest, whoever is good at weaving will be his!"

Zheng Fanxing: "..."

I have a new understanding of Song Jiaojiao.

The silver Bentley raced all the way along the ring road, just like a flash of lightning, flashing past.

"Husband, it seems that something flew over just now, and it scared me!"

"Nonsense, I don't have anything to look after. It must be because you usually use your phone to watch too many strong men, and your eyes are not good!"

The wife of the co-pilot was unconvinced, and specially called out the driving recorder. Facts have proved that there was indeed a car passing by them at high speed just now.

Lifting her husband's ears, "Look, I'll just say yes, and dare to say that I like hunks?"

"Yes, yes, everything my wife says is right!"

"He Jingyao, slow down!" The speed of the car was so fast that Shen Zhiyi's heart was about to be thrown out.

He Jingyao didn't listen, not only didn't slow down, but stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, Shen Zhiyi screamed, grabbed the handle above his head tightly, and closed his eyes the whole time.

She was really afraid that this pervert would drive the car into the sea on impulse and die with her.

Forget it herself, her children...

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