
With a screeching brake, the car came to a sudden stop. If it wasn't for the safety belt, Shen Zhiyi would have almost rushed out of the front glass.

The back fell heavily on the backrest, shaking her head and blindfolded, and it took her a long time to recover.

"He Jingyao, why are you so nervous!" Unbuttoning the safety buckle, Shen Zhiyi was about to push the door and get out of the car.

"Do you think you can go?" He Jingyao leaned on the car door, and slowly lit a cigarette.

Sure enough, the door was locked.

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, didn't even bother to tell him a word, took out the phone and called the police, "Hello, the police station? I want to call the police..."

The phone was snatched away, and He Jingyao threw it out of the car with a raised hand.


"Shen Zhiyi, you dare to get engaged to someone else, do you know how I will punish you?"

When Shen Zhiyi saw the pair of handcuffs this guy showed off, his pupils dilated for an instant, "He Jingyao, what do you want to do?"

The man was biting a cigarette, clamped Shen Zhiyi's struggling hands with one hand, handcuffed her to the car door, pressed her legs against her twitching lower body, and imprisoned her tightly.


The sound of cloth being broken rang in the air...

When Shen Zhiyi woke up, it was already evening.

It was raining lightly outside, and the raindrops hit the car glass, making a rhythmic muffled sound.

"Hiss..." Shen Zhiyi moved a little, and there was an indescribable pain from below.

Damn dog, torturing her like that.

She was so angry that she tore off the man's coat on her body. She was so cruel when she bullied him, so she still pretended to be kind now.

Through the car window, you can see the tall and straight back of the man. He is standing by the seaside smoking with one hand in his pocket. The sea breeze blows his white shirt into a bulge, and the lingering smoke faintly floats in along the direction of the wind. Touching the tip of Shen Zhiyi's nose, the weakened smell of tobacco seemed to have a different feeling.

Sensing something, the man turned around, just in time to meet Shen Zhiyi's gaze.

Shen Zhiyi turned his face to one side, leaving him with an angry profile.

The car door opened, He Jingyao got in, and threw her a tube of medicine, "I can't control my strength, just wipe it off!"

Your sister's dog thing!No wonder she felt some pain down there!Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth, angrily ignoring him.

"If you're like this, then I'll be tough!" He Jingyao said, grabbing Shen Zhiyi's clothes.

"He Jingyao, stop and don't touch me!"

The man paused. Originally, she said a few words to soften him, but he didn't force him anymore. Who knew she would touch his back.

What's wrong?Do you really regard yourself as He Qingyan's fiancée and guard her body like a jade for him?

An unknown fire blazed up.

He pressed Shen Zhiyi with almost great effort, then dipped his fingertips in the ointment, and applied the medicine skillfully and gently for her.

The eyes of the two of them met, the tips of their noses met their noses, and Shen Zhiyi's face, which was so red to the neck, appeared in front of He Jingyao.

Shame, so shameful.

"Apply three times a day!"

Shen Zhiyi yelled at him, "Don't worry about me!"

The man smiled instead of anger, "Really? You are mine, and I don't care who cares about you!"

Shen Zhiyi laughed, "Mr. He is confident, let me tell you, since we divorced you, me and...uh..."

He Jingyao closed his mouth, and then warned, "If you dare to say something I don't want to hear, it will not be such a punishment, and..."

He tilted his head, nibbling her earlobe ambiguously, "Whether you have ever had a man after that, I have just verified it!"

Shen Zhiyi's face flushed red again.

Satisfied, the man wiped his hands vigorously with a disinfectant, and then got out of the car and walked around to the driver's seat. Shen Zhiyi took advantage of this gap, quickly jumped out of the car and ran.

The man was slow to react, and drove after him.

beep beep—

He Jingyao didn't overtake her, and followed her without panic or dissatisfaction, as if waiting to see the joke of this prey.

Shen Zhiyi was tired from running, so she slowly slowed down.

Beep beep!

He Jingyao blew his whistle behind her to warn her.

The little woman turned a deaf ear.

The car window was half down, revealing the man's astonished face, "There are very few cars passing by in this area, do you want to walk back?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't even look at him, "Even if I'm exhausted, I won't get in your car!"

"Okay, have a backbone!" The man laughed angrily, and the next second, the car rushed out and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

Shen Zhiyi stopped and scolded the man severely, but after walking for more than ten minutes, she couldn't take it anymore.

The back heel was stunned to have a big blood blister from the high-heeled shoes.

She sat on the curb to rest, and waited for the passing vehicles. Five minutes passed, but she didn't even see a ghost.

Shen Zhiyi's anticipation was exhausted a little bit, and at this moment, a group of blurred car shadows gradually approached.

She instantly ignited hope again, stood up and stretched her arms and waved to the other party.

She didn't realize until the car got closer, isn't this He Jingyao's car?

The car turned around and stopped by her, "I'll ask you one last time, do you want to get in the car?"

He Jingyao exhausted all his patience and asked again.

For this little woman, he has never been ruthless.

Shen Zhiyi is as arrogant as her, "No!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and left, not caring about the bastard's blackened face.

After walking a few steps, He Jingyao suddenly rushed over from behind, grabbed her by the waist and stuffed her into the car, held her down with one hand, and forcibly buckled the safety buckle.

"He Jingyao, you bastard, don't touch me!"

"You are so dishonest again, believe it or not, I will do you again!"

He Jingyao's threat took effect instantly, and Shen Zhiyi suddenly became honest, staring at him with only one pair of eyes.

Quickly into the city.

"Hey, this is not the way home, where are you taking me?" Shen Zhiyi felt that something was wrong and immediately became vigilant.

"Hospital!" The man opened his lips softly, and turned the steering wheel at the intersection.

"What are you going to the hospital for? I want to go home!"

"With your feet like this, you are not afraid of being infected and becoming disabled?"

Shen Zhiyi gave him a hard look, and said to herself, you are the one with the disability.

When he arrived at the hospital, He Jingyao didn't see Shen Zhiyi following him for a long time, but when he turned around and saw her limping and struggling to walk, he turned back and picked her up by the waist.

"Don't hug me, trouble me down, He Jingyao, do you hear that, are you deaf?" Shen Zhiyi struggled to kick her legs.

He Jingyao put her down, changed her posture seamlessly, and bent down to lift her onto his shoulders.

"He Jingyao, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to let me hug you? You can always carry it, right?"

Shen Zhiyi almost laughed out of breath, did this man do it on purpose?
The doctor treated her blood blisters, and He Jingyao was waiting outside. He seemed to be very busy and kept answering the phone.

Shen Zhixin said, it deserves it, if you don't go to a good company, you insist on pestering her, now you know you're busy, right?
"Miss, have you encountered any difficulties? It's okay, you can tell me, I can help you!"

It was a female doctor in her fifties who treated Shen Zhiyi's wound. She glanced out cautiously and said in a low voice.

It's not that the doctor thinks too much, but that Shen Zhiyi's appearance at the moment really seems to have experienced something.

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