The lipstick was smudged to the outside of the lips, the hairstyle was a bit messy, the clothes were wrinkled and the shoulder straps were crooked, and it was carried in by He Jingyao, so it was easy to miss.

Shen Zhi felt very embarrassed, and hurriedly explained, "I'm fine, thank you!"

"Don't be afraid, now is a society ruled by law, this kind of scum must not be let go!"

"Thank you, I'm really fine!" Shen Zhiyi seemed to see the halo of holiness on the head of this female doctor, she was so touched, it turns out that there is true love everywhere in the world.

After coming out of the hospital, He Jingyao sent her back to the warm community. He didn't say anything more on the way, but Shen Zhiyi could clearly feel that he seemed to be in a good mood, and his attitude when talking to his subordinates was different.

Strange, is this the power to do that kind of thing?
There is such an effect!

Before leaving, the man left a sentence, "Have a good rest, I will come back to you in two days!"

Shen Zhiyi really wanted to answer him, go to hell, you'd better never appear in front of me.

After opening the door and arriving home, Shen Zhiyi talked about the picture of the living room.

"Zhizhi, you're finally back, we're all worried to death, where did He Jingyao take you? Are you okay?"

Shen Zhiyi was really afraid that Song Jiaojiao would suffocate herself to death, could she not ask so many questions at once?

"I'm fine, don't worry!" She said absently.

What happened in He Jingyao's car must never be known to anyone, especially Song Jiaojiao, who has a big mouth.

After finishing speaking, her eyes met He Qingyan's.

In just a second, she dodged away calmly.

Although there was nothing between her and He Qingyan, she still felt sorry for him.

On Song Jiaojiao's side, which pot is still not open and which pot is still on, "How can it be nothing, He Jingyao must have bullied you, right? Zhizhi, don't worry, with me here, I will avenge you, come on!" Say, what did he do to you?"

Shen Zhiyi kept winking at places He Qingyan couldn't see, Song Jiaojiao tilted her head, looking innocent, as if she really didn't understand, "Zhizhi, what's wrong with your eyes? Blink and blink, isn't it restrained?"

Shen Zhi wanted to strangle her to death.

"It's okay, I'm a little tired, Jiaojiao, you should go back too!"

Why has she been good girlfriends with Song Jiaojiao for so many years?What a blind dog.

Song Jiaojiao looked at Shen Zhiyi, then at He Qingyan, "Oh, alright, then you guys talk slowly, I'll be leaving first!"

Finally left, Shen Zhiyi relaxed a lot without a fan.

"I'm sorry Zhizhi!" He Qingyan lowered his head, under the light, he looked thinner than before, but still handsome.

Shen Zhiyi laughed, "I'm sorry for what?"

"I failed to protect you!"

"It's not your fault. Whoever it is, wouldn't be He Jingyao's opponent, so you don't have to blame yourself. Everyone has worked hard. I don't blame you!" On the contrary, Shen Zhiyi faced him shamelessly.

He Qingyan took her hand, pampering and cherishing her softly, "But I'm still very guilty, Zhizhi, I'm sorry..."

With that said, he took Shen Zhiyi into his arms.

Shen Zhiyi's back stiffened, she wanted to push away, but she couldn't bear to hurt her.

It's just a hug between friends, why bother so much, thinking about it, she relaxes.

But what she didn't know was that He Qingyan's downcast eyes inadvertently swept across the red mark on her neck.

That is the mark left by the man.

Like a steel needle, it pierced He Qingyan's eyes fiercely, making his breathing numb with pain.

it is as expected.

It turned out that he was the most ridiculous and most sympathetic person.

But at this moment, he didn't even have the qualifications to question.

Invisibly, he felt a suppressed suffocation creeping up his throat, his arms slowly tightened, and Shen Zhiyi was strangled until he couldn't breathe.

"Master Qingyan..."

He Qingyan suddenly let go of her soberly, panting heavily, his face showed some fatigue and grief, "I'm sorry Zhizhi, I'm sorry..."

Under the bright moonlight, the silhouette of a lonely man was outlined in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He Qingyan held a glass of wine and shook it in his hand, he looked at the boundless night, as if he was a love that he would never get.

He couldn't help but sneered, mocking himself.

He raised his head and drank a glass of wine. Alcohol invaded every nerve in his body, and his brain was quickly paralyzed. Even his eyes became dazed and hesitant.

He remembered a sentence his father once warned, the softer you are to the local government, the more you will always be defeated.

The phone called He Zhenxuan: "Father, don't you want me to have my own place in the He Group? Tell me, what should I do?"



"What? Refunded the order? Why?" Shen Zhiyi was a little incredulous after hearing the news of Jiaqiang's chargeback.

Jiaqiang Company and Marriott have been cooperating for nearly a year, and they have been very happy during the process. A few days ago, she met with the boss of Jiaqiang Company, and it was a surprise that she would refund the order as soon as she said it was cancelled.

Xiaomei reported the situation to her, "I also find it strange that it should not be so good. The discount we gave was not available in other hotels. Later, I inquired and found out that there were other hotels that gave them a lower group purchase price. price!"

"Which hotel?"

"Merida, Jiaqiang didn't say anything about the group purchase price, but I think it must be much lower. Otherwise, why would Jiaqiang abandon our old friend? Sister Zhiyi, I think this is malicious competition, and we have to pay attention to it!"

Shen Zhiyi tapped on the table with her fingers.

What Xiaomei said is not unreasonable, Marriott has reached the limit of discounts, in line with the concept of not making profits, only earning word of mouth.

Jiasheng has very high requirements for hotels, and it goes to the mid-to-high end. Under such circumstances, some hotels are willing to offer lower group purchase prices, which is really unreasonable.

"Xiaomei, go and check the information on this Merida!"

"Alright sister Zhiyi, I'll go right away."

In the afternoon, the hotel encountered another unexpected situation.

A guest ate a cockroach while eating.

Shen Zhiyi immediately put down her work and went to deal with it. First of all, she sincerely apologized to the guest, but the guest did not buy it.

"Huh! Such a big matter, can you solve it with a few words of apology? Tell you, it's impossible!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled apologetically, "I know, don't worry, I will accompany you to a medical examination, and then I will give you housing and food vouchers as a gift. If you think it is not enough, we can discuss other things!"

Hearing this, Dui Dang immediately patted the table, "What? Send us away with such a small favor? Do you think we are begging for food? But you have this little thing, let me tell you, don't say anything about catering and housing vouchers, just let me eat for free If you stay for a year, I have to expose your hotel."

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