Chapter 534 You're looking for death

"It was destroyed by someone!" Shen Zhiyi was inconceivable, and it seemed that it had been premeditated.

She subconsciously shot her eyes at the male guest, and the male guest looked away guiltily.

"This... Mr. He, I'm afraid it's a little difficult to deal with!" Team leader Chen wondered.

He Jingyao smiled and raised his eyebrows, even though he didn't say anything, the other party's heart skipped a few beats.

"Well, it's actually not that difficult. We have to stand on the people's side. Everything is for the people. Naturally, we don't need to waste each other's time on such a small matter. Let's simply register first!"

The male customer was dumbfounded, "Zu Chen, can you let such a big matter go!"

"Oh Mr. Qian, to tell you the truth, in the end I had several cases on hand, and I was too busy to deal with it. You are also a businessman, so please be considerate of each other. Don't worry, this matter will not be left alone. I'll check it out, okay?" Chen Zuo pretended to be walking, so that no one would be offended.


"Okay, okay, I still have a case to work on, so let's go first!" Team Chen didn't listen to the male customer, and returned home after a few perfunctory sentences. Before leaving, he called He Jingyao respectfully. Hello.

This time, the male customer pointed all the blame at He Jingyao, "What are you? How dare you interfere with my affairs? Are you tired of staying in Hangzhou?"

He Jingyao raised his arm to stop Ah Shen who was about to step forward, but he didn't know that there was a suffocating sharpness hidden in the seemingly kind smile, "It seems that you have a lot of background?"

The male customer raised his nostrils to the sky, "Does Donglin Risheng know?"

He Jingyao let out a long sigh, "Mr. Cao..."

"My brother-in-law!" The male customer pretended to dust off his body, "I'm in Risheng in the east. It can be said that I am under one person and above ten thousand people. If you want to kill someone in Hangcheng, it's better than crushing one. It's easy for ants, you kid is really blind and dare to fight against me, before I have a little patience, you'd better kowtow to me and admit your mistake, and I won't pursue this matter, otherwise..."

He pointed at Shen Zhiyi, "You will end up like her, believe it or not!"

"Apologize? Okay, come here, I will personally apologize to you!"

When He Jingyao said that, the male customer really believed it. He took two steps forward and turned his ear, but he didn't know that He Jingyao raised his leg with a kick.

He was stomped so hard that he fell to his knees on the ground, and his knee was hit so hard that it almost didn't shatter.

"Damn, are you looking for death?"

The male customer got up while scolding, but Ah Shen kicked him from behind and lay face down on the ground, "Pay attention to the tone of your speech when talking to Mr. He!"

"I don't care if you are Mr. He or Mr. Bai. If you mess with me, I will make you look good. Wait, I will call my brother-in-law right now, and none of you will run away!"

The male customer picked up his mobile phone to rescue the soldiers, crying and crying, "Hey brother-in-law, I was beaten, and it's at the Marriott Hotel!"

"Who? It's He, anyway. This kid might be pretending to be aggressive and trying to scare me, so I won't fall for it!"

"What? What's your name He?"

The phone was taken away, and He Jingyao stuck it to his ear, "Mr. Cao, your people are really capable. They dare to shout at me. It's not a big deal. You can deal with it!"

Mr. Cao: "Hey, Mr. He, my little brother-in-law doesn't know Taishan, so don't worry about him. Don't worry, I'll deal with him when I go back, and then I'll take him with me again." Let him personally come to the door to apologize to you, do you think it's okay?"

He Jingyao didn't speak, but just let out a chuckle, his scalp tingled and his heart skipped a beat when he heard the phone call.

Mr. Cao swallowed his throat, "Mr. He, tell me, what should I do so that you don't get angry?"

The male customer stared suspiciously at He Jingyao on the phone, seeing how he was chatting with his brother-in-law, he became more and more uncertain and began to panic.

Could it be that this kid is really a character?
"Okay, then I'll sell Mr. Cao's face!" He Jingyao reluctantly agreed, and then threw the phone to the male customer.

The male customer pointed at him warningly, and then called the phone, "Brother-in-law!"

"What the hell did you do to offend He Jingyao, the living king of Hades? It's over now. I have to take a piece of land in exchange for your dog's life. If it wasn't for your sister's sake, what the hell would I do? I can't wait to kill you and cause trouble for me all day long, so get out of here!"

The other party roared like a storm, completely ignoring the male customer.

This... is it possible that this kid is really a powerful character?
"Brother-in-law, this kid is just a little handsome and can act a little bit aggressive. You are afraid of what he will do, but if he can't, I will find someone to punish him severely, and see if he dares to provoke you in front of you!"

Mr. Cao has nothing to love, and he wants to hit the wall through the phone line, "I'll say it again, get out of here quickly, if something happens, I don't even want to go to collect the corpse! Also, before you get out, give me I kowtow three times to Mr. He, otherwise, I won't have your little brother-in-law!"

The male customer was not convinced, and quickly searched He Jingyao's name on his mobile phone. As a result, his face changed drastically.

It turned out that he was He Jingyao from the famous He Group!
This time, before being kicked, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground again, crying and begging for mercy, "Mr. He, I was wrong. I was just joking with you. Know Taishan, what I just said is fart, please forgive me, I promise, I will remember your great kindness in this life!"

People don't know if the words are true, but the knocking of the head is really loud.

After a while, a big blood bag appeared in the middle of his forehead.

Shen Zhiyi and Xiaomei couldn't bear to look directly and turned their heads away.

He Jingyao stared at all this with cold eyes, and the slightly gathered brows showed the man's dislike and impatience, "Hurry up and get out, I'm not allowed to see you in Hangzhou!"

"Okay, okay, I'll get out, I'll get out now!" The male customer went to the ground, and he really got out.

The people present were dumbfounded.

"Mr. He, thank you so much, you don't even know how difficult that male guest was just now, but fortunately you came in time!" Xiaomei bumped Shen Zhiyi's arm while talking.

Shen Zhiyi reluctantly thanked her, her hard voice sounded emotionless, "Thank you!"

"You don't need to be polite between husband and wife, this is the benefit you should enjoy as Mrs. He!" He Jingyao said with a light smile.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't help it all at once, "Husband and wife? Mrs. He? Heh! He Jingyao, haven't you woken up yet? It happened 800 years ago. Please don't consume each other too much, okay?"

He Jingyao shook his head lightly, "No, no, Mrs. He, you may not have figured out one thing. It is true that we are divorced, but now we are reunited. Okay Zhizhi, everyone is watching, so don't play tricks." The child has a temper!"

Everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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