Chapter 535 You Are My Person Now

"Sister Zhiyi, you are really disrespectful, why didn't you tell us about your remarriage, so I can give you some money!"

When Xiaomei received Shen Zhiyi's gaze, she realized that she had said something wrong.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't bear He Jingyao's nonsense here, and was afraid that he would ruin his reputation, so he twisted him into his office with both hands, and closed the door to talk.

"He Jingyao, I finally provoked you. I am very grateful for your help, but please don't say that there is nothing. You know that your mother and Mrs. Huang want to swallow me up, but you still pour oil on me. Do you think I died too slowly?"

He Jingyao tilted his head, "I'm saying something very seriously, Shen Zhiyi, you are mine now!"

Shen Zhiyi held up his palms to prevent him from approaching, "When did we get back together? He Jingyao, can you stop talking nonsense with your eyes open? Is this kind of thing interesting?"

He Jingyao smiled without saying a word, and handed her an agreement.

Shen Zhiyi gave him a vigilant look, then flipped through the documents, and when he saw the five bold and black characters of "marriage agreement" on it, his pupils dilated.

Turning to the back, the position of the woman's signature at the end is indeed written with the words "Shen Zhiyi". Moreover, she herself verified that it is indeed her autograph, so it can't be wrong.

Shen Zhiyi's mind was befuddled, and it was a blank sheet of paper for a long time.

When did she sign this name?Why is there no impression at all?

Memories flipped quickly, and the more I thought about it, the more my brain grew.

She grabbed He Jingyao's neckline, "What the hell is going on? When did we sign the marriage agreement? Why do I have no memory at all?"

The man grabbed her with his long arms and hooked her into his arms, "It's in the car, I forgot it so soon, do you want me to recall it for you!"

Shen Zhiyi looked up, "You took advantage of me while I was asleep?"

He Jingyao smiled without saying a word.

asshole!Big bastard!Shen Zhi was very angry, and tightened his palms, "He Jingyao, why are you so despicable, you are taking advantage of others, I will not admit this marriage agreement, don't count it!"

"Just admit it to the law, it doesn't matter if you admit it or not!"

"You!" Shen Zhiyi misfired.

She suddenly wanted to snatch the agreement, at worst she would destroy the property, so that the agreement would not take effect, but He Jingyao was like a roundworm in her stomach, and moved away quickly.

"Shen Zhiyi, don't do useless work. It's useless to snatch it away and destroy it. This is a photocopy. I have already put the original away. If you want to see it, I don't mind!" He Jingyao shrugged, looking See through her appearance.

Shen Zhiyi closed his eyes helplessly, for a moment, helplessness, remorse, and resentment intertwined in his heart.

He Jingyao just liked to see her look desperate, and he didn't forget to put a slap in her heart when it was over, "Congratulations, Mrs. He, for becoming the other half of my marriage again. From today on, I hope we will take care of each other!"

"He Jingyao, don't even think about it, I will never accept this agreement!" Shen Zhiyi stared at him, his neck turned red with anger.

"I'll go back and think about the wedding time, and I'll discuss it with you when the time comes. Don't worry, what I didn't give you for the first time, I will make up for you this time, so that you can remarry into the He family!" The man didn't seem to listen When Shen Zhiyi lost his temper, he made arrangements for himself.

Looking at the time, he left Shen Zhiyi with a back view.

Shen Zhiyi threw herself heavily onto the sofa, resting her forehead with one hand and kneading vigorously.

How could this be?
He Jingyao not only took advantage of her, but also took away her ownership in the end.

With one agreement, she will no longer be free, and with one agreement, she will be bound to the He family again.

Fate seemed to have played a big joke on her, going round and round, as if everything had returned to the far point.

No!She doesn't want to be Mrs. He, let alone get involved with He Jingyao!



"Fanfan, what do you mean now? I'm always staying in the hospital. I'm afraid the paparazzi will secretly take pictures. Don't forget what happened last time. The company managed to suppress it!"

Zheng Fanxing has been staying in the hospital to take care of Song Jiaojiao for the past few days, and the assistant is in a hurry.

"It's okay, anyway, the company always has a solution. Besides, there are no scandals about public figures. You didn't often tell me like this before!"

The assistant scratched her hair irritably, "That's what I said, but I remind you, it's better to keep a little distance from Song Jiaojiao, she won't help your career, and it might drag you down, Fanfan, you This road is not easy, but you must not be dragged into the water by a woman, I am all for your own good!"

Zheng Fanxing lowered his eyes, his eyes were filled with emotions that others could not understand, he turned his head to look at the ward, and then patted the assistant on the shoulder, "Okay, I understand what you said, I will take care of it, the director's side you Please help me for two more days!"

The assistant opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and nodded helplessly, "You, you..."

Zheng Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and entered the ward as well.


The two girls looked at the photos on their phones and stamped their feet excitedly.

"Oh my god! It's really Zheng Fanxing, how lucky you are to meet him here!"

"That's right, even though he has no makeup, he still can't hide his handsome face, and the clothes are so good, the two of us really made a lot of money!"

"It's just what is my Fanfan doing here?"

"Damn! Let's go and have a look and you'll know. By the way, I can take a few more beautiful photos of our Fanfan!"

Song Jiaojiao could have been discharged from the hospital, she just sprained her foot, not a broken bone, but Zheng Fanxing said, the girl is weak, so it is better to take care of her for a few more days, so as to save the root cause of the disease in the future.

After saying this, Song Jiaojiao was frightened, and Ma Liu went back to the hospital to take care of her. Anyway, she didn't have much activity recently, so she took it as a vacation for herself.

Besides, Zheng Fanxing, he is like clocking in these few days, coming early and returning late, taking good care of her.

Song Jiaojiao felt embarrassed, her face turned red from the time he came to the time he left.

It turns out that this is the feeling of being in love. When you are with someone, your heart beats faster, you have difficulty breathing, and you blush and smile.

"Sister Jiaojiao, the production team is starting to press, I may have to go back the day after tomorrow!" Zheng Fanxing brought her a snack to satisfy her greed.

Song Jiaojiao likes to eat snacks the most. In the past few days, Zheng Fanxing has figured out her living habits, so she prepared some light and healthy snacks for her.

She sips and eats very ladylikely, showing her elegant and gentle posture.

"Oh, that's right, then you should go back quickly, you will be scolded if you miss work!"

"Then can you do it alone? I'm not sure!"

Song Jiaojiao showed her biceps, "Did you underestimate me, besides, I still have an assistant, don't worry go back!"

Zheng Fanxing was amused by her funny and humorous appearance, which directly stunned Song Jiaojiao.

Damn!This is too handsome, how can a boy be so good-looking!
Her heart was about to melt, and Song Jiaojiao was secretly happy when she thought that this little piece of fresh meat had been captured by her.

(End of this chapter)

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