Chapter 536
After Zheng Fanxing left, the ward suddenly cooled down. Song Jiaojiao lay on the bed for a while, sat up for a while, leaned on the window to look out, and chatted with people on the phone. When Zheng Fanxing was away, she always felt less something.

She felt that she must have fallen in love with someone and couldn't extricate herself.

In the corridor outside the door, another figure has been wandering here for a long time.

Fang Huaizhou went out of the country, and ran to the hospital without changing his clothes as soon as he came back. When he arrived, he happened to see Zheng Fanxing leaving.

He learned from other people that during the few days when he was abroad, Zheng Fanxing had been accompanying Song Jiaojiao in the hospital.

Hearing this, the jealous jar in his heart was overturned.

The relationship between him and Song Jiaojiao was getting more and more broken, so that he could see the disgust towards him in her eyes.

He is also a proud man, and he can't always do things like putting a hot face on a cold butt, so he hasn't knocked on the door until now.

"Second Young Master Fang? Is it really you?"

Shen Zhiyi felt that this person was familiar from a long distance, and only after walking in did he confirm that it was Fang Huaizhou.

Fang Huaizhou seemed to be caught by someone, and felt embarrassed for a moment. He brushed his hair unnaturally. This inadvertent movement fascinated the little nurse passing by, and the cart almost hit the wall.

"Are you also here to see Jiaojiao? Let's go in together?" Shen Zhiyi's eyes flickered and she suggested with a smile.

Fang Huaizhou pointed to the watch, "No, I have another meeting later, let's do it another day!"

Shen Zhiyi watched him leave quickly, and couldn't help laughing.

Some men just want to save face and suffer. I really don't know whether we should sympathize with him.

In the afternoon, Song Jiaojiao was dozing off on the bed with her eyes squinted, and the mobile phone next to her pillow was buzzing desperately.

It was the assistant who called, and as soon as the call was connected, there was a panic over there, "It's over Jiaojiao, the photo of Zheng Fanxing taking care of you in the hospital was posted on the Internet, and now the Internet has exploded, saying that they are going to punish you, Hurry up and find a place to hide, I'll be there right away!"

Song Jiaojiao: "..."

After reacting for a few seconds, she immediately climbed down from the bed. Just in case, she changed out of her hospital gown, put on a very aura dress, put on plain makeup, and wore a pair of sunglasses. After being satisfied with his image at the moment, he ran out.

I was going to find a hotel to settle down first, but I never thought that when the elevator door opened, it was crowded with many reporters.

Song Jiaojiao turned around and left. She tried her best to look natural, with her hair pushed forward.

So you can't recognize her?
Unexpectedly, she was stopped by a reporter who suddenly rushed out of the stairwell, "Hi lady, did you see a female celebrity patient here? She is about the same height as you..."

The reporter suddenly sized Song Jiaojiao up and down with suspicious eyes, "Miss, why do I think you look like that female star!"

"Hold a little, you've got the wrong person!" After speaking, Song Jiaojiao knocked him away and ran away.

"Song Jiaojiao, Song Jiaojiao is here!" After the reporter called her name, everyone ran after her.

Fortunately, Song Jiaojiao was so excited that she got into the elevator before they chased her and went straight down.

However, after all the calculations, the downstairs was full of people, Song Jiaojiao was immediately surrounded, and this time she couldn't escape even with wings.

"Miss Song, some netizens said that they saw you and Zheng Fanxing having a close relationship at the hospital. Is it true? Did you guys have been together since the previous incident, but it was only because of their careers that you kept it a secret?"

"Before Canxing's boss stepped forward to announce your relationship, and now it's revealed that you and Zheng Fanxing are too close. Do you have anything to tell everyone about this?"

"Miss Song, you have come from a small Internet celebrity step by step to the present, is it really due to your own efforts, or is it based on your connections?"

"Miss Song..."

"Miss Song..."

Song Jiaojiao's head was about to explode.

Suddenly, the crowd exploded again.

"Isn't that Zheng Fanxing?"

"A hero saves the beauty, there must be a demon!"

Seeing Zheng Fanxing walking towards Song Jiaojiao step by step, the crowd consciously stepped aside, and all the cameras were aimed at him.

"Zheng Fanxing, why are you running here at this time, hurry up, you won't be able to run after a while!" Song Jiaojiao pushed Zheng Fanxing to let him go quickly.

Zheng Fanxing shook his head and looked at her, "Sister Jiaojiao, some things cannot be avoided!"

You can't escape... so you have to face it bravely?A blush appeared in Song Jiaojiao's ears, it seemed that the exciting moment was coming.

"What, I think it's too early to announce it at this time? I'm not ready yet, and I'm afraid it will affect your career..."

"Thank you all fans and friends for your support and love!" Before Song Jiaojiao could finish speaking, Zheng Fanxing bowed deeply to the people present, showing self-cultivation, "Many people are curious about the relationship between me and Sister Jiaojiao, so now, I I want to solemnly tell everyone that my company's artiste sister Jiaojiao and I are actually..."

Song Jiaojiao bit her lip shyly and timidly, she didn't expect Zheng Fanxing to be so fierce, daring to announce their relationship when his career was at its peak.

She was right.

But Zheng Fanxing's next words made her expression change drastically.

"The relationship between the senior sister and the junior brother, so please don't speculate at will!"

Song Jiaojiao's moved and joyful expression had already been released. Things were unexpected, just like the car was going too fast and couldn't stop.

At this moment, her expression was tense, and she was indescribably stunned.

Zheng Fanxing didn't dare to meet her eyes, and continued, "Because Sister Jiaojiao came to visit my class and got injured, so I felt guilty, so I went to take care of her. It will cause everyone to misunderstand, and don't forget, Sister Jiaojiao's boyfriend is our boss. Their relationship has always been very stable, so please be careful with your words and deeds, so as not to affect their relationship. If I If I have a girlfriend, I will tell everyone as soon as possible!"

Zheng Fanxing's remarks completely wiped out his relationship with Song Jiaojiao.

Song Jiaojiao's heart also cooled down inch by inch. She had endured it for a long time. If there were not so many cameras in front of her, she would definitely have slapped this kid so that he could remember for him what the relationship between them was.

"Miss Song, is this really the case?" The reporter focused on Song Jiaojiao.

Zheng Fanxing then turned to her, and said in a pleading tone that only they could hear, "Sister Jiaojiao, tell them quickly, we are just senior sister and senior brother, sister Jiaojiao?"

From his eyes, Song Jiaojiao saw a kind of helplessness and compulsion, as if something broke her heart at once, making her unbearable.

She closed her eyes and finally squeezed out a word between her teeth, "Yes!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

A hand suddenly tapped her wrist, dragging her away from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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