Chapter 537
"Fang Huaizhou, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you see it? I'm saving you. Is it really good to stand there in embarrassment and be abandoned like garbage?"

Fang Huaizhou spoke straight and never turned a corner. This passage stabbed Song Jiaojiao's pain point. She threw him away and growled at him, "It doesn't matter to you, don't you just wait to see my jokes?" Well, are you satisfied now? Laugh if you want, don't pretend to be a bad guy!"

"Where are you going?"

"Is it up to you?" Song Jiaojiao walked straight forward without looking at him.

Her feet are still not in good shape, and she is still wearing a pair of high hats, and she wobbles when she walks, which looks very funny.

Fang Huaizhou sighed with his hands on his forehead, why did he fall in love with such a woman, is there something wrong with him?

"I'll take you back!"

"I said you don't want to care about it!" When Song Jiaojiao's temper came up, no one could hold it back.

Fang Huaizhou put his tongue to his cheek and let out a chuckle, venting the anger he received from other men on him, Song Jiaojiao, you really belong.

After all, women are not as strong as men, Fang Huaizhou got them into the car in a few moments.

Song Jiaojiao was still struggling to resist one second, and burst into tears the next second.

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

Just ask her to get in the car, isn't it?
"Bastard, you big bastard, how could you treat me like this, huh?" Song Jiaojiao cried and scolded.

Fang Huaizhou touched the tip of his nose, "Sorry, I was a bit strong just now, I didn't do it on purpose!"

"I don't like you to say it straight, why are you doing this to me?"

"I don't like it, it's just too impulsive!" Fang Huaizhou blurted out.

"I hate you, I hate you, I don't care about you anymore, woo woo woo..."

Fang Huaizhou patted the steering wheel in frustration, "Song Jiaojiao, what do you want me to do? Do you just sit back and watch you being bullied? Or..."

"Zheng Fanxing, today we are going back to the bridge, back to the road, I never want to see you again!"

Fang Huaizhou sat up straight suddenly, and after a long time, he didn't want to scold him anymore.

Song Jiaojiao suddenly grabbed his arm, not caring about the ugly-looking hair that was stained with tears, "Fang Huaizhou, take me to Zheng Fanxing, that little bastard, I want to ask him, what the hell is going on?" I thought, why play with my sister?"

Fang Huaizhou was amused by her funny but individual appearance, "Okay, I'll take you there!"

Originally, there was still an airport scene waiting on the set, but Zheng Fanxing has no strength at all right now.

Sitting on the co-pilot, he tilted his head and looked at the night scene outside. He had maintained this position for a long time without changing it. The assistant looked very worried, "Fanfan, don't do this, brother Chen, this is for your own good, otherwise we will have to do it together." A large amount of compensation has to be paid, it is not easy for you to get to this point, and if you go back to before liberation because of this incident, then all our hard work will be in vain, right?"

"Besides, what the entertainment industry lacks most is beautiful women. If you want to fall in love, you will have everything you want in the future. That Song Jiaojiao is completely unworthy of you. If it breaks down, it will break down. There is nothing to miss!"

Zheng Fanxing finally reacted, turned his head and looked at him coldly, the little assistant shut up quickly in fright.

Zheng Fanxing's heart was complicated, and he brushed his hair back fiercely with both hands.

At this moment, Song Jiaojiao must hate him to the core, right?

That's right, Song Jiaojiao hated him so much, right now, she was waiting in front of his apartment.

"Sister Jiaojiao..."

"Don't call me Sister Jiaojiao, I don't have a younger brother like you!" Song Jiaojiao turned away, her face full of hurt and anger.

If it weren't for the fact that this kid is more handsome, she might have already added some color to his face.

Can a person be otherwise?Really owe a beat.

Zheng Fanxing lowered his eyes, "Sorry sister Jiaojiao, I must have let you down? I..."

He hesitated to speak, his eyes seemed to hide unspeakable pain and compulsion.

Song Jiaojiao sneered, tilted her head and asked, "Zheng Fanxing, let me ask you, what am I in your heart?"

Zheng Fanxing looked up at her, and it took several seconds before she spoke, Song Jiaojiao raised her hand to stop, "Okay, I already know the answer, but I was just playing with you, after all, you are young, handsome, and top-notch, No matter what, I don’t suffer. By the way, if I get more traffic from you, I’ll make a lot of money, okay? After getting in touch with you, I found that you are just so-so, so boring. I was just thinking about how to dump you. Well now, I don’t need to be the bad guy!”

" really think so?" Zheng Fanxing was unbelievable, and the ending was completely unexpected to him.

Song Jiaojiao brushed her hair, "Young man, don't be so serious when young people fall in love. Besides, aren't you playing with me too? We're evenly matched!"

Patting Zheng Fanxing on the shoulder, she left in a very handsome and unrestrained way, carrying a satchel and high heels.

No one will see her collapsed expression when she turns around.

Zheng Fanxing was still looking at her. No matter what, she couldn't show the distressed and injured appearance after being dumped. She had to be confident and beautiful.

Thinking of this, Song Jiaojiao straightened her back even more, until she disappeared from Zheng Fanxing's sight, her back seemed to be pressed down by a heavy mountain, and she bent down all of a sudden.

The neckline tightened, and she was picked up.

"Song Jiaojiao, can you be a little promising, for the sake of a man, look at your current appearance, where is your pride?"

Fang Huaizhou, who had been waiting in the car all this time, became angry when he saw that she was coming back from death.

Song Jiaojiao glared at him, "You control me, let go!"

"I'm your boss, I don't care who cares about you?"

"You're happy to see me suffer, right? It's fun to fight against me, isn't it? Okay, do you dare to bet with me?" Song Jiaojiao pinched her waist, ready to find someone to vent her anger.

Fang Huaizhou frowned, "If there's anything you dare not do, how can you block it!"

"drink wine!"


"Wuuuuu... Zhizhi, what should I do? I was put to sleep by Fang Huaizhou just like that. This dead man has sex after drinking!" Got up, turned over a fruit knife and was about to rush out the door, "No, I'm going to castrate this pervert, so that he can't commit any more crimes in his life!"

Shen Zhiyi was almost speechless, and pushed the person back, "Jiaojiao, can you save me from worrying? You are obviously the one who wants to fight with others, and you know how little you can drink, but you still have to be brave. It's over. Throwing people down, now that the villain is sober and sues first, tell me, how can I judge this?"

"I...I threw him down? I'm still disgusted and sued first?" Song Jiaojiao pointed at her nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Which grandson is talking nonsense, you let him come over, I will confront him face to face!"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, turned on the phone and gave it to her, "Look for yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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