Chapter 538 Agreement Doesn't Count

Click on this video, and the woman in it is dancing and dancing for the camera, still muttering something, and she doesn't know what she is muttering.

Seeing that she was about to fall, the person who controlled the phone immediately went to help her, but was overwhelmed instead.

As the hands got closer, I could hear what Song Jiaojiao was saying, "Fang Huaizhou, you fell into my hands today, let's see where you go. Aren't you interested in me? I'll satisfy you today, okay?" good?"

Fang Huaizhou pinched the flaming red lips she was about to stick on, squinted his eyes and asked, "Song Jiaojiao, look clearly, who am I?"

Song Jiaojiao brushed his Adam's apple with her fingertips, and smiled, "You are a man, stop talking nonsense, take off your clothes quickly..."

Immediately afterwards, the video plunged into darkness!
At this moment, Song Jiaojiao's expression cracked, she hugged her head, inserted her index finger into her hair and kept shaking her head, "Oh no! This is definitely not me, the video is fake, how could I..."

Shen Zhiyi put away the phone, "Just to remind you, the original manuscript of this video is held in Fang Huaizhou's hands, with your attitude, there is no guarantee that he will send it to others, when the time comes..."

"At that time, my fame will be ruined!" Song Jiaojiao covered her mouth, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, as if she had lost her mind, she straddled her body and fell into the backrest, "What should I do? Just a man like Fang Huaizhou, if he threatens me with a video to do something shameful, what do I do?"

Grabbing Shen Zhiyi's hand, "Zhizhi, you have to help me, if I am threatened, my innocence will be ruined, you have such a good relationship with Fang Huaizhou, please speak well for me!"

Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "I'm sorry, I can't help you with this!"

Song Jiaojiao pouted resentfully, and suddenly thought of something, "Huh? What happened to you and He Jingyao?"

Suddenly being pointed out about this matter, Shen Zhiyi's expression changed suddenly, and he used tea to cover up his guilty conscience. He was taken away by He Jingyao at the engagement ceremony that day, and then something indescribable happened. in stomach.

"Just like that, I don't want to see him at all now!"

After speaking, she got up and rushed to the bathroom quickly, saving herself from being questioned by Song Jiaojiao again.

Seeing her avoiding like this, Song Jiaojiao couldn't help squinting her eyes. There must be something wrong with this person!

He Jingyao was quiet for two days, and on the third day, he called the door.

Shen Zhi refused to answer, so he called the front desk of the hotel, and then suddenly called Xiaomei.

Shen Zhiyi felt that this person must be crazy.

The man who has been unable to contact her simply came here in person. No, early in the morning, the door of Shen Zhiyi's house was knocked.

Seeing him from the video, Shen Zhiyi just pretended not to see him, and climbed back into bed to sleep, whatever he wanted.

However, she underestimated the man's patience.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Miss Shen, open the door..."

"anyone there?"

If Ah Shen kept shouting like this, wouldn't he invite people from his neighbors?
Shen Zhiyi was upset by the noise, flung his pillow, kicked his slippers and aggressively opened the door, "He Jingyao, are you sick?"

The man slanted his lips and smiled, "Aren't you my medicine?" Then he squeezed in from her side.

Ah Shen nodded slightly at her, and followed her in.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." A group of robbers.

"Miss Shen, are you okay? Do you want us to help?" Two elderly heads poked out from the neighbor's house.

Shen Zhiyi was very moved, but also forced a smile, "No, they are all my friends, it's okay!"

As soon as the door was closed, she walked to the living room with her arms crossed. Although she was condescending, she was still crushed by He Jingyao in all directions.

"Say something!"

He Jingyao rested his chin on one hand, and sat casually, "Why, you don't even pour the water now? Is this how you entertain guests?"

Shen Zhi smiled intentionally, "I'm sorry, but in my heart, you can't even be considered a friend!"

Ah Shen held back his laughter, and immediately took a cold slap from He Jingyao.

"That's right, we're already husband and wife after all!"

Shen Zhiyi got angry when she mentioned this, she blushed and argued, "I told you, that agreement doesn't count!"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows with evil spirits, "Really? It's written in black and white, you can't make a mistake. As an adult, you have to be responsible for your own actions. You can't go against your debt, Mrs. He!"

Shen Zhiyi remained silent with a sullen face, only seeing his chest heaving vigorously.

Ah Shen shook his head secretly, couldn't his husband coax his wife like a little girl?Such tit-for-tat confrontation, when will we reconcile!

"Ah Shen, show the things to the wife!"

"Yes, sir!" Ah Shen spread out a booklet and put it on the coffee table.

"Our wedding, I prefer to hold it on the lawn, the atmosphere is better, of course, you can also have your own ideas, I just offer a suggestion, as for the wedding dress, here are the samples, you can choose a few sets you like, you have to Made to order half a month in advance, and there are also site layout renderings, I have selected a few sets of plans, you can refer to them!"

Shen Zhiyi turned her face away and didn't even look at it, she was very repulsive.

He Jingyao's eyes froze, and he leaned back, "What? Don't you like it? It's okay, I'll ask someone to give you a few more!"

"Enough!" Shen Zhiyi resolutely said, "I will not marry you, let alone be Mrs. He, don't you understand? Pick up your things and get out of here quickly!"

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes and moved his cheeks, but still maintained a good temper, "It seems that the recent separation has made you feel strange to me. It's okay, then you can move back first, and we will cultivate our relationship again!"

"Impossible, I'm not going anywhere!"

"If there is a shadow in my heart, then our family of four will live in the villa in Lanshan. I think Xiaobao and Dashu must like it very much. Knowing that you and I have remarried, the old man will be very happy!"

He Jingyao didn't seem to hear Shen Zhiyi's words, so he arranged for himself and immersed himself in it.

Every word and sentence he said, in Shen Zhiyi's view, was a satire of himself.

You know, how indifferent he was to her in the past, she didn't know how much effort it took to eliminate him from her world little by little, and it seemed to be effective, but he broke into her again world.

Why should he come and leave whenever he wants, without worrying about her feelings at all?

She will never bear such pain again. She doesn't care about men, villas, and luxury cars.

He Jingyao leaned back with his arms on his sides, showing a domineering air, "You don't have to live at my place, then I'll come to you!"

"You!" The nerves on Shen Zhiyi's face were on fire.

How did she come across such a shameless thing?

(End of this chapter)

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