"I'm still very humane. I'll give you three days to think about it. After three days, I won't be so easy to talk to!" leave home.

Shen Zhiyi pulled out her slippers and slammed them hard at him, but only hit the door panel.

Want her to live with him?Let's have a big spring and autumn dream!
He's old house.

When He Jingyao came back, he saw someone chatting in the lobby.

He wanted to keep his eyes on the past, but he didn't know that the other party had already stood up.

"Brother Jingyao!" Huang Runian still had a sweet and obedient appearance, but overall, it seemed that something was different from before.

"Ah Yao, you came just in time. I was about to call you. Look, Xiao Nian knew that my blood sugar was high, so she specially baked sugar-free cookies for me to loosen. Come and taste it, it's better than the street food. The ones sold online are much more delicious!"

Qiu Wanqing pulled He Jingyao over and forced him down.

He Jingyao glanced at the cookies in the box, they looked pretty good, but unfortunately he had no appetite and didn't like to eat these things, so he just said lightly, "I'm interested!"

Huang Runian answered with a shy smile, "It's all right, I'm bored too, as long as Auntie likes it, Brother Jingyao, why are you back today? I was thinking of visiting you at He's, what a coincidence!"

You see, it turns out that they are also destined.

"That's right, I'm here today to talk to the elders about something important!" He Jingyao loosened his tie with a solemn tone.

Qiu Wanqing and Huang Runian glanced at each other, and the former rushed to talk, "Nothing is as important as what I'm going to say next, Ah Yao, Xiao Nian said that she's been a little bored recently, I heard that you don't have anything to do recently. No, why don't you just go out with her, young man, you should go out more to see the world and relax, it just so happens that you haven't gone out for a long time!"

"I'm afraid not!" He Jingyao bluntly refused.

Qiu Wanqing looked at her son suspiciously, "Why?"

"Mom, I'm not alone now, someone will be upset!"


He Jingyao pursed his lips, and his voice was loud, as if he was announcing something he was proud of, "Mrs. He!"

Qiu Wanqing's expression collapsed, "You, what are you talking about Mrs. He? Could it be..."

"That's right, it's Shen Zhiyi. From now on, Mrs. He will be her, and she will be Mrs. He!" He Jingyao seemed to be explaining a very normal thing.

Qiu Wanqing trembled all over, her lips turned purple, "You bastard! What did I say? As long as I am here, I will never allow that woman to step into the door of our He family again. Ah Yao, don't you even listen to my words?" ?”

He Jingyao nodded very approvingly, "So we are going to move to another villa. As for what you said, I will listen to you. Sorry, I am not a child, I have my own freedom, and...no matter what you say, it is already too late !"

He showed the marriage agreement.

Seeing the signature below, Qiu Wanqing was so angry that she almost looked up, and pointed at her son tremblingly, "Ah Yao, you, you just want to piss me off on purpose, you are too reckless, you don't think about the consequences at all, You pissed me off, you really pissed me off!"

He Jingyao stood up, "I have already notified what should be notified. As for whether you will come to the wedding or not, I don't care, it's just a formality!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Huang Runian. At this time, Huang Runian was already in tears, the tip of his nose was red, and he looked very pitiful.

But so what, in this man's heart, no woman's crying can move him.

"Xiao Nian, thank you for being partial to me, but don't waste your time on me, and I wish you to find your true love as soon as possible!"

After all, he went upstairs without looking back.

Huang Runian looked at the back that gradually disappeared from sight, and her tears kept falling like broken beads.

Every time she deliberately approached He Jingyao, she didn't know how much courage she used. He had already sentenced her to death before giving her a chance to show herself.

What did she do wrong?
"Xiao Nian, listen to me, Ah Yao is just being confused for a while, don't worry, I will never agree to let Shen Zhiyi in!" Qiu Wanqing, who was relieved, kept comforting Huang Runian, "An agreement represents It's nothing, I'll let the old man come forward and shatter Shen Zhiyi's dream of being a wealthy family!"

"Auntie, thank you, but it seems that Brother Jing Yao really doesn't like me!"

Qiu Wanqing wiped away tears for her, "What are you talking about, Ayao is a stubborn child, he will find out about you sooner or later, and in our hearts, you are the best candidate for Ayao's wife, but you must not You must give up, otherwise you will really let that Shen Zhiyi succeed!"

Huang Runian shook her head, "Forget it, Auntie, I don't want to put pressure on Brother Jing Yao, I just want to make him happy!"

Qiu Wanqing straightened her hair, "Silly boy, only you can give him what he wants, are you really willing to give him up to someone else? A marriage without blessings will not be happy, believe me, I won't let Shen Zhiyi marry in!"

Huang Runian originally came to the He family's old house full of confidence, thinking that she might be able to win He Jingyao's favor by getting close to Qiu Wanqing, but who knows...

After leaving the He family's old house, she sat in the car and cried for a while, her eyes turned into walnuts. Thinking of Qiu Wanqing's words, she became even more entangled, not knowing whether she should persevere or not.

This man was the one who amazed her in her entire youth. After waiting for so many years, she still couldn't get him to look back.

It is really unwilling to be so anti-riding.

However, facing Shen Zhiyi, she was defeated.

After thinking about it, she took out her phone and pressed a number.

"Hey sister Zhiyi, are you free this afternoon? Let's meet!"

coffee shop.

"If you're here to question me about signing a marriage agreement with He Jingyao, then I can tell you that I didn't do it voluntarily, it was entirely planned by He Jingyao!"

Before Huang Runian could ask a question, Shen Zhiyi took the lead to express his position, "I still say the same thing, if you like him, go after him, don't draw hatred on me just because he is interested in me, then I will just laugh at you for not being as good as him." people!"

"No, Sister Zhiyi, I don't mean to blame you. Everyone in love is free, so why should I force you?" Huang Runian lowered her eyes. Looking from the side, her eyelashes grow very well, like a Barbie doll. "You You are right, I am not as good as others, no matter what I do, brother Jingyao will not see my goodness!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

For a moment, there was a kind of sympathy and pity for Huang Runian. If she was He Jingyao, she would have been moved by her sincere liking, right?

It's a pity that she met a man with a heart of stone.

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