When they got to the back, the two didn't talk much, they just drank the coffee in their cups quietly.

Shen Zhiyi guessed that Huang Runian was looking for her just to vent her feelings. I am afraid that from this day on, she might have given up on He Jingyao.

After some deliberation, Shen Zhiyi came up with a bold idea.

"Miss Huang, do you want to marry He Jingyao and become his wife?"

Huang Runian suddenly looked up in confusion.

Shen Zhiyi smiled mysteriously, "Maybe we can cooperate!"


After the popularity of Song Jiaojiao and Zheng Fanxing's secret relationship reached a peak, the popularity suddenly faded in a strange way, and they were gradually forgotten by others.

As for who played a role in the middle, Song Jiaojiao didn't want to know. Ever since she broke up with Zheng Fanxing that night, she locked herself in the house, went without notice, and asked for leave without notice. She was absent from all company meetings.

In her own words, she was broken in love, but in the eyes of others, it was so ridiculous.

Zheng Fanxing has never admitted her girlfriend's identity, how did she lose love?From the beginning to the end, she was just being sentimental.

After two days of grief at home, someone suddenly came to the house.

"why you?"

If she had known that it was Fang Huaizhou, she shouldn't have opened the door. She was really embarrassing herself. She wanted to close the door, but Fang Huaizhou quickly squeezed in, "Song Jiaojiao, are you sick? See if you're a ghost now. You don't look like a ghost, you haven't bathed for a long time, and your body is rotten, okay?"

It is acceptable to say that she is not noble or not, and that she is bad, but she expressed dissatisfaction, and when she raised her arm and smelled it, she was almost sent away.

This taste is too sour!

Don't say anything, just take a quick shower. Three to five minutes later, Song Jiaojiao came out with a completely new look.

"You finally look like a human being!" Fang Huaizhou nodded in satisfaction.

Song Jiaojiao ranted over, "You are not human!"

"You, you, come, come and see how you look now!" Fang Huaizhou forcibly dragged her to the front of the changing mirror, "Song Jiaojiao, a man made you like this, not to mention, they didn't let you go at all." In my heart, you are sad alone here, are you cheap?"

Song Jiaojiao was so angry that she pushed him violently, "You are not a good person yourself. After all, you want to pick on me and take advantage of me? What? After the first two times, you are addicted to me. You came to the door, and you said how unbearable you are, oh, blame me for being too charming!"

She thought that saying this would at least make Fang Huaizhou half dead, but she didn't expect him to laugh suddenly after being stunned for a few seconds.

"You, why are you laughing, shut up!"

Fang Huaizhou pinched her chin, "Song Jiaojiao, I haven't settled the debt with you yet, but tell me, how are you going to compensate me?"

"What compensation do you have? Are you shameless? Hmph, you're still acting good when you get a bargain!"

Fang Huaizhou shook his mobile phone, and the wonderful video was playing on it, "Who got the bargain, do you want everyone to judge?"

"You dare! If you dare to talk nonsense, I will... I will fight you!" Song Jiaojiao rolled up her sleeves.

Fang Huaizhou smiled slyly, "Then you give me a solution, so I can't suffer in vain, right?"

Song Jiaojiao could hear the fat all over her body trembling, is this suffering in vain?
Is this what people say?

She gritted her teeth, "How does Mr. Fang want to solve it?"

"Me? Then I have to think about it!" He rubbed his temples, thinking seriously for a while, "How about this, let me think about it slowly, after all, this matter is so big!"

"You better not go too far!"

"Don't worry, it's within your ability!" Fang Huaizhou blinked.

Before leaving, he suddenly turned around again, with a serious and cold expression, "Song Jiaojiao, if you dare to act like a ghost again for a man who is not worth it, I will let everyone in Hangzhou see that video If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

Song Jiaojiao: "..."

It's over, she has been manipulated, waiting online, what should I do?
An open-air restaurant on the top floor.

Surrounded by a fence made of neon lights, the overhead is as bright as stars, and the soft and lyrical violin sounds are flowing in the air. Being here, you seem to be immersed in romantic and sweet love.

Most of the people who come here to eat are couples, one table and one table come and go in pairs, sweet and sweet.

Shen Zhiyi glanced at the time, thinking that He Jingyao would be here soon, and she made an appointment in person, so there was no reason for him not to come.

Just as she thought so, a tall and straight figure broke into her sight.

The appearance of a man always has its own halo, no matter when and where, it is always the most dazzling and eye-catching moment.

The boy's girlfriends were all attracted by He Jingyao, they stopped drinking coffee, stopped holding hands, and even stopped kissing.

If it wasn't for their male companions still here, they would have jumped on him long ago.

"Ma'am!" I don't know whether Ah Shen did it on purpose or not, but he bowed his head politely as soon as he came up.

All of a sudden, Shen Zhiyi was brought back half a year ago, as if what happened in these times was just a dream.

However, why does she dislike hearing these three words so much?

"I'm so anxious to find me, did you think about it?" He Jingyao unbuttoned a button, bent over and sat down.

His shoulders are wide and his waist is narrow, he is a natural hanger for clothes, every casual movement seems to be deliberately posed for a photo, revealing a casual sex appeal and luxury.

The light gray shirt inside is something he rarely wears, and it looks more calm and mature than the white one, revealing a sense of mystery.

Shen Zhiyi's expression was indifferent, without the agitation she had seen when she saw him in the past, "Yes, I've thought about it!"

Fingers whirled around the edge of the glass a few times, "I promise to marry you!"

The movement of the man's watch froze, and he raised his head, his deep eyes were full of undetectable joy and surprise.

"The male customer who came to Marriott to make trouble a few days ago was found by Mrs. Huang. She even took away our Marriott list because she thought I stole Huang Runian's beloved man!"

Shen Zhiyi lowered her eyes, and said lightly while playing with the glass, "Marriott was founded by my grandfather's family, I don't want it to suffer any blows and damage, but obviously I can't do it with my own ability. Protect it!"

"So, you want to use me to protect your stuff?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyelids to meet his deep gaze, "Can't you?"

"No! Both sides win and benefit each other. I think this kind of marriage is more binding. That's great!" He Jingyao leaned back and put his hands together on the table, "I can not only protect Marriott, but also you, yes As far as you are concerned, there is no harm in a hundred miles, and you earn it no matter what!"

Shen Zhiyi squeezed out a smirk, "So, I think it's not bad to remarry you, but I have conditions!"


"The venue will be on the largest artificial lawn in Hangzhou, and I will not only invite friends and friends, but also all major media!"

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes, "You want to make it public?"

This is obviously not Shen Zhiyi's style.

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