Chapter 546 Escape

He stepped forward to straighten him a bit, "Mr. is very energetic today!"

"Where's your wife?" For some reason, He Jingyao always felt that his eyelids were twitching.

"Make up in the lounge, it should be ready soon!"

"Well, the scene will be a little chaotic in a while, you send a few more people to take care of your wife!"

"Got it sir!"

After the pastor finished his speech, He Jingyao waited for his bride.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, a figure came slowly from under the white arched door.

She was wearing a winding white gauze and covered her head with a white gauze.

This wedding dress was ordered by Shen Zhiyi, and the bride also had to wear a corresponding mask, which gave people a sacred and mysterious feeling, only revealing a pair of softly shining eyes.

He Jingyao frowned. When he looked at the other party, the other party subconsciously dodged.

It wasn't until a crackling flash came on that it brought him back to his senses.

The wedding proceeded and the vows were read.

What He Jingyao didn't know was how excited and nervous the girl standing opposite him was at the moment, so nervous that her palms were covered with sweat.

At the end of the ceremony, the pastor continued to speak, "Next, let's ask our groom to lift the veil for his beloved bride, and let us all witness the beauty and kindness of the bride!"

The crowd held their breaths.

I saw He Jingyao walking towards the bride slowly, and after a slight pause for a few minutes, he pinched the edge of the veil with both hands and was about to lift it up.

Unexpectedly, the veil was only raised at one corner, and his movements froze suddenly, and he turned to face everyone and joked, "Of course my bride is mine alone, I'm sorry, I can't show it to everyone!"

The guests in the audience laughed.

"Mr. He is really fond of Mrs. He!"

"It seems that we all have no luck today!"

"I envy Mrs. He by real name. If my husband spoils me so much, I'll be having fun in my dreams!"

He Jingyao smiled and said nothing, but he was anxious to the bride next to him.

Seeing that she was about to reveal her veil impatiently, He Jingyao held her down. He leaned close to her with a smile on his face, but his voice was unusually cold, "Mrs. He can't bear it so soon? So many people are watching?" , you have to cover your face so that they don't see it!"

As he spoke, he tapped her wrist and led her off the red carpet with a cold face.

The "bride" struggled belatedly, but she couldn't shake off the man's hand no matter what.

She expected something bad, but it was too late, and there was a bang, the door behind her was slammed shut, and then the veil on her face was roughly ripped off.

Huang Runian gasped, her eyes widened in shock.

"Huang Runian, do you have anything else to say now? Isn't it fun to play like this?" He Jingyao asked condescendingly, with a sharp knife hidden in his eyes, ready to seal his throat with a sword.

The original shape was revealed, her face turned red and white, but she couldn't speak a single word.

"I'm asking you something. Tell me, is it fun to play like this?" He Jingyao's eyes were sharp, and he approached step by step. The sudden growl made Huang Runian tremble, and his back hit the wall heavily.

She stared wide-eyed at the man in front of her, and realized that she had never understood him before.

"I'm sorry Brother Jingyao, I just, I just want to marry you so much, that's why I..." She raised her eyes and mustered up her courage, "But Brother Jingyao, Sister Zhiyi doesn't like you at all, let alone marry you Get back together, why do you still force others? The love you get in this way is not yours, and her heart is not on you. Is it so difficult to give up someone? "

He Jingyao sneered, "Then why can't you give up on me?"

One sentence made Huang Runian dumbfounded.

At this moment, Ah Shen ran in in a panic, "Sir, just as you expected, my wife ran away from behind the pasture, and I have already been chased by someone!"

He Jingyao clenched his back teeth, and his temples throbbed uncontrollably, "Even if she runs to the ends of the earth, I will catch her back!"


He Jingyao was about to leave, but Huang Runian grabbed his arm, "Brother Jingyao, just let Sister Zhiyi go, she doesn't love you, no matter what you do, you won't be able to move her!"

The man turned his face away, "I don't care if she loves me or not. Let me tell you one last time, even without her, I wouldn't like you!"

"Brother Jingyao..." Huang Runian chased him out with her skirt in her hands.

She missed twice, no matter what, she was not reconciled, the heaven seemed to be playing a game with her, and when she was about to reach the other side, she grabbed her foot again.


Suddenly a loud noise exploded in my ear, and I saw that the most central wedding platform was lifted up by a huge force, and it was shattered in the blink of an eye, and then flames and smoke billowed everywhere.

There were screams at the scene one after another, and the guests fled everywhere with their heads in their hands, in a mess.

"Sir, the wedding stage was blown up. Except for Miss Huang who was slightly injured, no other guests were injured. And you have the foresight. I have already caught him!" Ah Shen rushed to report the situation immediately.

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes, "Take care of him, and I'll settle the score with him when I come back!"

At the same time, Shen Zhiyi also saw thick smoke rolling up from the pasture.

She was worried in her heart, but at this moment she couldn't take care of so much, so she turned around and boarded an online car-hailing car.

Not long after the car drove out, there were several more black private cars of the same model behind.

"Miss, we seem to be being followed, are they looking for you?" the driver asked nervously.

Shen Zhiyi gave him a few red notes, "Get rid of them, these are yours!"

"Come on, this is my forte!"

After the master finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

This area belongs to the suburbs, and there is not a single car on the wide road for a long time. Although the configuration of the car is not very good, but the driving skills are definitely not boastful, and the black cars are firmly left behind.

Shen Zhiyi stared closely at the rearview mirror. Obviously, He Jingyao gave them a death order and told them to catch her.

She didn't expect that He Jingyao would see through her carefully planned plan so quickly.

From this point of view, the wedding of He Jingyao and Huang Runian did not end perfectly, that is to say, Huang Runian might not even have the chance to take off the veil.

It can only be said that she underestimated He Jingyao's IQ. When did he find out?

"No, miss, they are following too closely, I can't hold on any longer!"

Shen Zhiyi directly stuffed him with a stack of RMB, "It's all yours, I believe you can do it!"

The master immediately felt like chicken blood, and his fighting spirit was high.

On the expressway around the city at the foot of the mountain, thrilling racing scenes are being staged.

The master kept wiping away his cold sweat. At this moment, he answered a phone call, and he kept nodding his head, sweating even more.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Shen Zhi in the rearview mirror, "I'm sorry, Miss!"

Before Shen Zhiyi had time to ask him what he meant, he slowed down and parked the car on the side of the road.

Shen Zhi suddenly realized.

She still underestimated He Jingyao's power and power, and it's a little cass to let a smiling driver take orders from him.

(End of this chapter)

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