Shen Zhiyi pulled her lips helplessly, with an expression of resignation.

"Madam, sir let us pick you up!" The bodyguard opened the rear door and greeted Shen Zhiyi respectfully.

Shen Zhi straightened his hair, and got out of the car with his head held high...


"Sir, Madam is back!" The bodyguard brought Shen Zhiyi over.

The swivel chair slowly turned around, and the man's face was sunk in the shadows, making his outline even more profound and evil.

He was still wearing the groom's attire from the wedding, which was neat and clean without any wrinkles, "Mrs. He, is the game of stealing the sky and changing the moon fun?"

Shen Zhiyi raised his eyebrows and smiled arrogantly, "Isn't it impossible to escape from your Wuzhi Mountain? I don't understand. Since you and Ms. Huang have reached this point, why don't you come along? She is more suitable than me. Be your bride!"

He Jingyao's face turned cold in an instant, "It's up to you whether it's suitable or not!"

He walked out of the desk, clamped Shen Zhiyi's chin with his jaws, and forced her to face him, "Shen Zhiyi, don't you want to marry me that much? Am I that bad? How many people are vying for it To be Mrs. He, you don't even want to give it to you now, what do you want to do? Huh?"

" hurt me!" Shen Zhiyi frowned in pain, and the man realized it later and let go of his hand immediately.

Shen Zhiyi rubbed her red chin, turned her head and glared at him, "Give it to others if they like it, anyway, I don't want it!"

Instead of being angry, He Jingyao smiled, then hooked the woman with his long arm, and brought the woman into his arms. The two of them posted each other, "Do you want it to be yours now? Everyone in Hangzhou can testify, even if you want to renege, Mrs. He!"

"You!" Shen Zhiyi blushed with anger.

In He Jingyao's eyes, not only did she not have any intimidating power, but she looked a little cute, so cute that he couldn't help pinching her face, "I want Huang Runian to complete the wedding ceremony for you and me, and take off the veil in public. In this way, it is a foregone conclusion that I will marry Huang Runian, and I have no chance to go back on my word. My Mrs. He, you have a good plan, but it's a pity... I know you too well, how could you suddenly have such a stubborn character? Promise to marry me?"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, she admitted that she was never a match for this guy, this time she was careless.

"Oh, by the way, by the way, there was an explosion at the wedding, Huang Runian was injured and is in the hospital now!"

"What?" Shen Zhiyi was incredulous.

The man tilted his head against her earlobe, biting but not biting, "She was involved by you, so Mrs. He, you have an unshirkable responsibility!"

Shen Zhiyi: Bastard!

In the morning, the golden sunlight shrouded this warm villa, as if giving new life and starting a new life.

On the rectangular dining table, the man sat at the top drinking milk, and the hand holding the cup was as white and moist as the glass of milk.

Xiaobao and Dashu, one on the left and one on the right, obediently ate their respective breakfasts.

One big and two small, the picture looks very harmonious and warm.

"Sir, Madam said she is not hungry, let's eat first!" Wang Ma said cautiously.

I thought He Jingyao would get angry, but who knew, he seemed to know the answer a long time ago, and looked very calm, "Let her go, we will eat ours!"

As long as this big living person is with him, everything else is unimportant.

Can she starve herself for a meal, or starve herself for a lifetime?

Let's see who can resist who.

Biansheng's words were heard by Shen Zhiyi, which aroused her fighting spirit, and immediately came down from upstairs, "Wang Ma, I want to have white rice porridge!"

"Hey, I'm going to feed my wife right now!" Wang Ma went to work in a hurry, and her wife finally thought it through, which is great.

"Mom, eat more, the taro rolls made by Grandma Wang are very delicious!"

"Shen Zhiyi, this will be your home from now on, don't be shy, eat and drink!"

Dashu and Xiaobao competed to get her vegetables, which made her a little embarrassed.

Her dissatisfaction with He Jingyao should not be shown in front of the children, after all He Jingyao is their father.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi decided to bear it if he could, and if he couldn't bear it, he would find a place to avoid people.

After taking a few mouthfuls, she wiped her mouth and stood up, "I've finished eating, I'm going to work!"

"I've asked you for three days off!" The man didn't even look up, as if saying that today's food is delicious.

Shen Zhiyi's feet froze, thinking that the children were still here, she smirked, "Mr. He, what do you mean? Why ask for leave for me, the hotel is very busy, okay?"

He Jingyao answered gracefully with a napkin on his lips, "After three days of marriage, you will be very busy. You have to go back home and follow me back to the old house to visit the elders!"

Shen Zhiyi really wanted to go back. Whoever wants to follow him to do these things can't ask too much for the marriage that was snatched.

As soon as the man left, she was ready to go out with her bag on her back.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the bodyguard when he reached the door, "I'm sorry madam, sir, you are ordered to recuperate at home for three days, please cooperate!"

"You're calling my wife, and you still don't listen to my wife? You guys are so courageous!" Shen Zhiyi hugged her shoulders and said sarcastically.

The bodyguard bowed his head, "I'm really sorry, if you have something to do, you can call the husband first, with the permission of the husband, we will send you out immediately."

have to!Anyway, she can't get out of this door.

Damn dog, just now he was swearing at Mrs. He, but now he sent someone to watch her, it's really despicable.

Heaven and earth entertainment club.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Yin Xingze stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of a certain private room, "Oh! Let me tell you why all the sisters in our clubhouse are out of their minds today. I dare say that Mr. He is here. Hey, damn it! Charm, I'm getting jealous!"

He Jingyao glanced at him lazily, "Aren't you going to die if you are yin and yang?"

"Haha! Whoever told you to steal my limelight, you won't be allowed to complain!" Yin Xingze picked up a glass of red wine and was about to drink it, but He Jingyao quickly yanked it away.

"If you want to drink, pour it yourself!"

Yin Xingze curled his lips, and couldn't help muttering a few words like an abandoned daughter-in-law.

"I said, on weekdays, you don't come here to invite you to carry a big sedan chair. What kind of evil wind brought you here today?"

He Jingyao exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and squinted at him, "I miss you, can't I?"

"Fuck! Fuck! What's wrong with you? You're so flattered!" Yin Xingze exaggeratedly clutched his chest, looking very shocked.

Immediately after that, there was a sudden shock, "Ah, I see, maybe sister Zhizhi didn't consummate the room with you after the wedding last night, and you slept in the guest room all night, so you want to come to my place to find balance? Ah Yao, you really can't do that Miserable, right?"

He Jingyao kicked him, "Say one more word, kid, believe it or not, I'll cut your tongue!"

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