Chapter 552 Love Is Really Not a Good Thing
"He Jingyao, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you to avenge Yao Yao!" Du Ye was about to rush up like crazy, but was pinned to the ground by the bodyguards.

His face was deformed by the pressure of the ground, he roared and howled, his eyes were bloodshot and his veins were bulging.

He Jingyao smiled boredly, bent down and patted his face, "If you seek revenge from me, don't check if you have the ability, otherwise you will die!"

After finishing speaking, his expression turned serious, "Send him to the Philippines to be a coolie!"


Then, Du Ye was dragged out by the bodyguards, and his hysterical howling could still be heard far away.

A few women with heavy makeup in the bar are about to move towards a corner.

"What a handsome man, who wants to try?"

"Look at that miserable look, it looks like you've lost your love, it's boring!"

"Damn! As long as the abduction is on the bed, it's yours. If you don't go, I will go!"

After finishing speaking, one of the women in a wine-red tight skirt swung her peach buttocks towards that side.

He Qingyan stayed here all night, and he already drank countless glasses of wine.

Yes, the woman he loves has become someone else's wife in the blink of an eye, and he can't accept it no matter what.

In the past, his way of adjusting his mood was to lock himself at home, quietly read a book, watch the sunset, watch the sunset, stay for a whole day, and never step out of the door. Now, those things can't hide the bitterness in his heart. , only alcohol can numb his pain.

"Is the handsome guy alone? Coincidentally, I'm alone too. How about we be companions?"

The woman in the tight skirt waved her upper body to say hello, but He Qingyan didn't even look at her.

In order to save face, she continued to hook up, "Why is the handsome guy ignoring him? He's so sad..."

"You said, if I try harder, will she see it?"

The woman in the tight skirt was stunned for a moment, "Ah? What did you say?"

He Qingyan slowly set his eyes on her.

The woman in the tight skirt mistook hesitation for affection, pursed her lips shyly, and was just about to add fuel to the fire, when her arm was suddenly grabbed by He Qingyan.

"Zhizhi, why did you marry him? Why would you rather go back to someone who hurt you than give me a chance? How is I worse than him? Tell me, why?"

"Ah, it hurts!" The woman in the tight skirt screamed in pain. "Crazy you, let me go!"

As soon as she broke free, she slipped away as if fleeing.

He Qingyan drank too much, his stomach felt uncomfortable, and his heart felt even more uncomfortable.

After drawing a few red bills and pressing them on the table, the man walked out of the bar unsteadily, bumping into several people on the way.

Song Jiaojiao was also bumped into at this time, she was about to greet her family, she took a closer look, isn't this He Qingyan?
She couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

What a wonderful person, it's a woman tormenting me.

Love, it's really not a good thing!

He Qingyan was sent back to his residence by his subordinates, who refused to help him in.

He staggered and walked under the street lamp when suddenly a strange voice came from behind.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach people to promise each other in life and death. I tell you that the young master is the most infatuated man I have ever seen. What a pity, hey!"

He Qingyan barely stood still, squinted his eyes and looked over, "You, who are you?"

A woman came slowly from the shadows, her long hair covered two-thirds of her face, and her exposed eye looked very eerie.

She was wearing a black robe, and she walked silently, like a devil crawling out of hell.

"Master Qingyan, now that your beloved woman has betrayed you and married someone else, isn't it heartbreaking and reconciled to you?"

He Qingyan seemed to have been exposed to a bloody scar, and instantly became angry from embarrassment, "What does it have to do with you?"

He was about to leave, but Shen Yichun quickly stopped him, "Master Qingyan, if I say, I can help you get Shen Zhiyi, would you like it?"

He Qingyan raised his head in embarrassment, his eyes carefully explored the other person's face, but he was sure that he really did not recognize this person.

"You and I are not relatives, why do you help me?"

Shen Yichun smiled viciously, "Because I love He Jingyao, and I didn't get him, why should I let other women get it? As long as you get Shen Zhiyi, then He Jingyao will be mine. I'm not helping you, but I'm helping myself, how can I talk to you, young master, do you need my help?"

Under the dim light, He Qingyan's eyes loosened a bit...

The Huang family.

At this time, Huang's mother was furious, and at the same time she felt very sorry for her daughter, "My Xiao Nian, why are you so stupid, you are being used as a gun and you don't know it!"

Huang Runian lay on the bed with her eyes closed, and she didn't want to say a word, "Mom, don't talk about it anymore. I'm willing to do this matter. I don't blame Shen Zhiyi!"

"You are still speaking for that woman. If it wasn't for her, would you have been injured? Maybe she is the one behind this. This woman is too insidious. I won't just let her go. Wait. Look, I must make the He family and Shen Zhiyi pay the price!"

No longer listening to their daughter's pleading, the Huang family's parents made a decision this time. Anyway, their daughter has already been kicked out by the He family. In order to save face and uphold justice for the woman, they resolutely wooed other companies and jointly excluded the He family.

For several days in a row, He's stock plummeted, and the projects that were about to be negotiated also fell to other companies.

Mr. He talked to He Jingyao about this, and told him harshly that he should resolve the crisis within ten days, otherwise, he would be dismissed from the post of He's president.

As soon as the news came out, He Zhenxuan secretly laughed. Doesn't this mean that he and his son were given a chance? As long as his son performed a little bit during this period and made contributions to the He family, he might be able to be reused by the old man.

He immediately mobilized all his connections to pave the way for He Qingyan. Soon, He Qingyan brought projects worth hundreds of millions to He's Group, making up for the hole that Huang's company brought before, and the stock also rose steadily.

The news reached Mr. He, and He Qingyan was quickly promoted to the deputy general manager of the He Group. It can be said that he is under one person and above ten thousand.

For this reason, Qiu Wanqing was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She went to the He Group and the He Mansion several times, but she didn't see her son. She just tried to persuade her but she had no chance.

As a last resort, she went to find Shen Zhiyi.

This is what it said, "Now you have entered the door of our He family again. Although 1 people don't want to, and 1 people don't like it, but this is a foregone conclusion. I can only accept it. Now you have also seen A Yao's state. , as his wife, you have the responsibility to persuade him and encourage him, if he continues like this, the position of President He will not be preserved sooner or later, understand?"

From the moment she came in, Shen Zhiyi was busy with her own affairs. Hearing this, she kept her head buried in typing on the keyboard seriously, without even turning her eyelids, "Since Mrs. He cares so much, tell him yourself, are you Elder, what you say must be more effective than mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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