When Qiu Wanqing heard this, she became displeased, "What do you call that? You will be with him from now on, not me. You must know that the two of you are already tied together. Both of you will prosper and you will suffer. Well, don't even think about it!"

Shen Zhiyi heard the sound, her hands paused, she pushed the notebook aside, put her hands together on the table, and looked at Qiu Wanqing with firm eyes, "Mrs. He, what you are talking about is your own dream, right? But do you know what kind of life A Yao wants?"

"I..." Qiu Wanqing couldn't answer, she glared at Shen Zhiyi angrily.

"What he wants is just a right to control his own life. What you want is to let him complete the world you want on your behalf. Just ask, is it fair for him to do so?"

Shen Zhiyi spoke calmly, but with a heart in every word.

Qiu Wanqing's complexion was extremely ugly. She pinched her temples and raised her voice, "Don't forget, you are husband and wife now. If he doesn't have a foothold in the He family, what will he do to support you? Do you think you can still be glamorous?" standing here?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and shook her head, "Mrs. He, you are wrong. If there is such a day, then let me raise him. I still have Wanhao and Shen Shi. It is still affordable to raise a young master of the He family! "

If there is such a day, then let me raise him...

When the person at the door heard these words, the corners of their lips curled up uncontrollably.

He Jingyao was in a bad mood. After being punished by Mr. He, he came to seek comfort from Shen Zhiyi, but unexpectedly received the goods.

It turned out that Shen Zhiyi didn't hate him that much!

"Fuck! What the hell is it off again!" Yin Xingze missed the hole with a pole, and was so angry that he almost dropped the club.

Looking back, he saw the corners of He Jingyao's lips that couldn't be suppressed. He raised his hand and waved in front of his eyes, "Ah Yao, you're just having sex dreams in broad daylight, your mouth is so happy that your mouth is split open!"

"Get out!" He Jingyao laughed and kicked him.

You are right, he is indeed happy today, Shen Zhiyi even said that he wants to raise him, can you not be happy?

Bow down, hold the pole, aim, and with a bang, he hit the target ball into the hole with one move.

Next, He Jingyao played steadily and cleared the ball with one shot, which made Yin Xingze wailing again and again.

"Isn't it? I've suffered enough recently, can't you let me? Let me get back a little dignity as a man!"

He Jingyao slowly sipped his whiskey, "You can never be soft-hearted to your enemies!"

"Why does it sound like you have other meanings in what you said?" Yin Xingze scratched the back of his head.

He Jingyao squinted at him, put down the wine glass, grabbed the cue and started another game, "That's what you think!"

"Damn! Sister Zhizhi is yours now, what are you worried about? No matter how much He Qingyan jumps around, he is still your defeat. Don't forget, from the very beginning, you are the He family in the old man's heart." The best candidate to be the successor, to promote him now is just to show your second uncle!"

He Jingyao sneered, "You know the old man better than I do!"

Yin Xingze had a look of superiority, "That's right, don't forget that I am a top student in psychology!"

"But by the way, why were you so happy just now?"

Seeing the mysterious smile on He Jingyao's face, Yin Xingze bumped into him again, and was in a hurry, "Tell me, what's going on!"

He Jingyao approached him, "Are you happy that someone is willing to support you?"

"Fuck, is it true or not, is there anyone else who is willing to support you? Can he afford it? Uh, it must be sister Zhizhi. Hey, you have been taken away. The outcome of this game is not yet determined! "


It was raining, and Lin Yu didn't bring an umbrella when he came out, so he simply didn't go upstairs.

"Hi Lin Yu!"

Lin Yu turned his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw the person, he turned his gaze back calmly, walked away without saying a word.

He Cancan's excited expression just now was poured cold water.

"Lin Yu, it's raining, I'll give you this umbrella!"

"No need!" Lin Yu pushed it to her.

He Cancan was thick-skinned and kept chasing after him, "What are you doing? This is, isn't the woman you love getting married? Are you stimulated? I told you a long time ago that my uncle will get Shen Zhiyi sooner or later, and you won't be able to snatch it away." His, besides, my uncle is better than you in all aspects, and Shen Zhiyi is not a fool, so in comparison, of course he would choose my uncle, and you are the only fool who still misses her..."

Lin Yu was walking and suddenly stopped, and He Cancan was caught off guard and bumped into his back, causing his nose to hurt.

"Lin Yu, what are you doing, my nose..."

"He Cancan, can you stop speaking ill of Zhizhi in the future, she is not such a person!"

He Cancan pursed his lips, seeing that he was really annoyed, so he changed the subject, "Your clothes are all wet, you will catch a cold like this, why don't you open an umbrella together, am I embarrassing you?"

Lin Yu was sad all night when he learned that Shen Zhiyi was remarrying He Jingyao.

Only then did he wake up. It turned out that Shen Zhiyi had never let go of He Jingyao from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, with her character, no matter how threatened she was, she was unwilling and no one could force her to turn back.

It doesn't matter whether it's He Qingyan or He Jingyao, in short, no one has his turn, she would rather give anyone a chance than him.

It can only be said that they must have been incompatible people in their previous lives, so they will not have the slightest fate in this life.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu felt bitter, no one wanted to talk to anyone, no one wanted to watch.

It's just that this ignorant girl is still pestering him, which will only annoy him more.

"What does it have to do with you? You go back, I don't want to see anyone now!"

He Cancan, who was rejected again, was not reconciled, and shouted at his back, "You let me go and I will leave? Then you underestimate me, He Cancan, if you don't open my umbrella today, I will follow you all the time, Follow to your house, believe it or not?"

Chasing boys is a shameless thing. What's the point of chasing them too easily? This kind of challenging is more interesting.

Lin Yu sighed speechlessly, and turned back, "He Cancan, I really admire you!"

Seeing him obediently holding an umbrella with her, He Cancan was satisfied.

Such a man is good!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Lin Yu's car was borrowed by a colleague for urgent use. He waited on the road for a long time but did not see an empty taxi, so he had no choice but to walk back.

It wasn't that far away, but the rain was so heavy that the wind wrapped the raindrops and almost lifted their umbrellas.

Lin Yu turned his head and saw that the little girl's clothes on the outside were all wet, and his heart was pulled suddenly. He leaned his umbrella towards her, "Call your driver to pick it up, you always follow What do I want to say?"

"No! As soon as I got home, my parents wouldn't let me go out again. They managed to escape!"

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