Lin Yu had nothing to do with her. Seeing her shivering with her arms around her shoulders, she couldn't help feeling distressed.

After all, she was a weak little girl. Although he didn't like her, he wouldn't look at her like this. Besides, it was because she gave him the umbrella.

So Lin Yu found a wonton shop and ordered a bowl of wontons for the two of them.

Seeing that He Cancan frowned, he simply said, "What's the matter? Are you not used to eating? I know you young ladies are not used to eating our little people's food, so I told you to go!"

He Cancan jerked the joystick, "Who says I can't get used to it, I just don't think I can get enough of this watery soup!"

Lin Yu: "..."

After eating a bowl of warm wontons, the two of them immediately felt warmed up.

Even so, He Cancan sneezed several times in a row.

Seeing that her face was turning pale, Lin Yu took off his coat and threw it to her, "Put it on, so you won't have to catch a cold and rely on me again!"

He Cancan was overwhelmed by the flattery, slipped it on, and immediately felt extremely warm, his heart was hot.

After dinner, the rain outside also subsided, Lin Yu made He Cancan feel bad luck, but He Cancan insisted on sending him home, anyway, he had all reasons.

Finally arrived at the door of the house, just as Lin Yu opened his mouth to let her go, when he turned around, he saw her swaying.

"He Cancan, what's wrong with you?" He quickly supported her back.

He Cancan supported his forehead, feeling weak, "Okay, I'm so dizzy, Lin Yu, am I sick, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he tilted his head and fell into Lin Yu's arms.

"Hey, He Cancan, wake up, wake up... Hey! What is this called!" Lin Yu took her into his arms, opened the door and entered the house.

From an angle he couldn't see, He Cancan sticks out his tongue out of his scheme...

When Shen Zhiyi returned home, He Jingyao had already arrived.

After staying here for a while, I feel a little uncomfortable in a trance.

"Madam is back. I'll arrange what Madam wants to eat tonight!" Wang Ma greeted her with a smile, took the satchel in her hand with one hand, and fetched her slippers with the other.

"It's okay, you can arrange whatever you usually eat!" Shen Zhiyi replied casually.

But Wang Ma said, "Sir, the three meals a day will be determined by you in the future. It is your right to say that you are the hostess of He Mansion!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." When did the dog become so human?

She still lives in the guest room, next door to He Jingyao, the doors of the two rooms are next to each other, and they might bump into each other when they go out.

Just like now, when she pushed the door, the man next door just came out.

Shen Zhiyi coughed unnaturally, it was clear that they were husband and wife, but they were still not used to it, and they didn't know what to say when they met, as if they were getting together to live together.

"Shen Zhiyi!" The man suddenly said.

Shen Zhiyi raised her head suddenly, "What?"

"It's okay, I'll wash up and eat later!"

That's it?Shen Zhiyi seriously stated that he was playing with her.

The family of four had dinner in harmony. Like other families, there were the sounds of children playing and conversations between adults. Of course, the conversation was also around the children.

Although the picture is a bit stiff, it is inexplicably peaceful.

After dinner, Shen Zhiyi watched the little ones wash up, and took them to sleep before going back to her room.

At the door of the room, she bumped into He Jingyao again by coincidence.

Is this guy waiting for her here?

"Shen Zhiyi, if you need any help at work, you can tell me, and I can help you!"

Shen Zhiyi was surprised that the man said this suddenly, and nodded.

"Don't you have anything to tell me?" the man asked.

Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyes, and after thinking hard for a while, she said meaningfully, "I may be on a business trip tomorrow, and I'll be back the day after tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

"Little Treasure will have a parent-teacher meeting in the morning the day after tomorrow. I may not be able to make it. If it's not possible, go and attend!"

"it is good!"

"Oh, by the way, don't ask me what to eat every day in the future, just decide for you!"

"it is good!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." This person is a little strange today.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" When He Qingyan laughed all day long, he was so fascinated that he couldn't pay for his life.

Just like now, he is extremely evil and charming, and looks easy to discuss. Shen Zhiyi doesn't know if it's his own illusion, but he finds a soft light in his eyes.

"Cough! I'm just a little strange. When did you become so easy to talk?" The dog is suddenly so good, it really makes people uncomfortable.

He Jingyao suddenly took two steps forward, and Shen Zhiyi had no choice but to push his back against the wall.

The man trimmed her hair, and his voice was seductive, "You're going to support me now, so I should be easier to talk to, right, Mrs. He?"

Shen Zhiyi raised it in one breath.

How did he know?
Before going downstairs, he turned his back to her and said, "We will share the study from now on, Mrs. He!"

It just so happened that she was in need of a place to work. What happened to this man, he didn't look like him anymore. Could there be some big plan brewing?

In the past few days, Shen Zhiyi has been getting along with He Jingyao in this way.

No quarrels, no conflicts, mutual respect and mutual tolerance, just like other couples, except that they don't sleep in the same room and the same bed.

For a man, it's okay to stick to a wife for a few days, but if he persists for a long time, he may even doubt himself if there is something wrong in that aspect, which is why he is so easy to talk about.

One night, not long after Shen Zhiyi took a shower and lay down, the sound of the door lock turning could be heard next to her ears, and then a tall figure slid in.

Shen Zhiyi sat up with a bang, covering her chest with the quilt, "Who?"

"Me!" He Jingyao walked towards her without hurrying.

After seeing the person clearly, Shen Zhiyi panicked, "Who told you to come in, get out!"

"My own home, my own wife, why can't I come in?" While speaking, the man had already stepped onto the bed cheekily.

Shen Zhiyi regretted it to death, she shouldn't have stopped locking the door just because she watched him be honest for a few days.

Ganqing has performed so well before, just for tonight.

Be fooled, be fooled by him!
But it's too late to say anything now.

"He Jingyao, please get out now, or I'll yell!" Shen Zhiyi retreated to the edge of the bed, keeping a distance between the two of them to maintain vigilance.

Fortunately, she was wearing home clothes, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.

The man leisurely leaned against the head of the bed, and he could see the six pieces of chocolate on his stomach at a glance, but Shen Zhiyi didn't care about his greed, and just wanted to get rid of him quickly.

He smiled and said, "Just shout, it's the middle of the night, people just think we're having fun, so just don't be embarrassed!"

"You!" Shen Zhi blushed with anger, closed his eyes, "It's the middle of the night, what do you want to do?"

Taking advantage of her unguardedness, the man reached over with a long arm and grabbed the little woman into his arms. Before she could struggle, both hands were cut behind her back.

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