Song Jiaojiao grinned coldly, "It's not that good! Hug a little, I think you misunderstood, I never thought of being with you, so you don't have to go through a lot of headaches, just do your best." Top traffic, take such a risk for me, I will blame myself and not sleep well!"

Wanting to eat meat but unwilling to cook, not only looks beautiful, but also thinks beautifully.

What do you think of her, Song Jiaojiao?For the sake of masculinity, willing to be an underground lover, all the men in the world are dead or what?

How can this kind of person who doesn't consider the other person's feelings and only cares about his own pleasure be worthy of her liking?
Song Jiaojiao patted Zheng Fanxing's shoulder, and then left gracefully, without any trace of sadness or reluctance, but with a sense of relief.

Before, it was both reluctance and sadness, but now it's very cool, passing a big scumbag again, and the whole country celebrates.

"Sister Jiaojiao, I've already given you a chance, don't you really want to think about it?"

Full of astonishment, Zheng Fanxing shouted at Song Jiaojiao's back unwillingly.

Her response was completely unexpected.

Doesn't she like herself very much?He should be very excited to hear the suggestion just now.

However, now she is leaving without looking back.

Zheng Fanxing felt for a moment that he couldn't understand her at all.

It just so happened that Fang Huaizhou came out of the hotel at this time, Song Jiaojiao saw him, as if she saw a savior, she went up to him with a smile, and grabbed his arm, "Mr. Fang, didn't you say that you would go to your house for coffee last night? I happen to be free tonight!"

Fang Huaizhou raised his eyebrows: When did I invite you to my house for coffee?

Song Jiaojiao's words were obviously meant for Zheng Fanxing to hear, but fortunately Fang Huaizhou was cooperative, and the two walked inside hugging each other.

Zheng Fanxing looked at everything in astonishment, his mouth seemed to be stuck with glue, and he couldn't utter a single syllable.

As soon as she walked out of his line of sight, Song Jiaojiao immediately shook her hands and jumped three meters away.

Fang Huaizhou hooked her collar, "Song Jiaojiao, I want to run away after using it. Is there anyone like you?"

Song Jiaojiao smoked from her nostrils, "You still have the face to criticize me? Didn't you deliberately lead me to meet Zheng Fanxing at the entrance of the hotel? Are you happy that I was humiliated by him?"

Fang Huaizhou, who was seen through, looked unnatural for a moment, "I'm doing this for your own good. You don't believe me when I tell you so earnestly. Now see clearly what kind of person that kid is? He's just playing with you. If you don't want to be responsible, only you, a fool, can't understand!"

"Okay, I'm a fool, you're so smart, okay?" Song Jiaojiao smiled.

It's enough, she doesn't want to see any of these two superb men.

"Hey Song Jiaojiao, where are you going? The reception is not over yet!"

Song Jiaojiao didn't turn her head back, "I'm going to the bathroom, do you have any questions?"

"Seeing that your complexion is not good, let me help you to rest!" Fang Huaizhou saw that her complexion was not right from the entrance of the hotel just now, her face and lips were bloodless, even with makeup on, she couldn't conceal her fatigue.

Song Jiaojiao is annoyed now, she is annoyed when she sees everyone, she throws him away, "Don't touch me, I can..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw her body shaking...

When I woke up again, the tip of my nose was filled with the strong smell of disinfectant.

"This is it?"

Fang Huaizhou, who had been standing by the side all the time, helped her sit up, "This is a hospital, you fainted, the doctor checked that you are fine, just...a little hypoglycemia!"

"Oh!" Song Jiaojiao pressed her forehead, then suddenly turned her face to stare at the man beside her, "Why haven't you left yet?"

" are here alone, I don't worry, I'm forgotten, I'm your boss!" Fang Huaizhou looked her up and down, and asked cautiously, "How do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Song Jiaojiao shuddered, she was not used to such a gentle man who lived peacefully with her, "Don't be like this, or I will think you have another purpose!"

She was about to get out of bed to get a water glass, Fang Huaizhou was one step ahead of her, brought it for her, and thoughtfully blew on the hot air on it.

Song Jiaojiao murmured in her heart, is this person sick?
After drinking the water, she got out of bed to breathe again. Without further ado, Fang Huaizhou quickly gave her the slippers and knelt down on one knee, ready to put on the shoes for her himself.

"Fang Huaizhou, what are you doing?" Song Jiaojiao laughed.

The boss lifts the shoes of his subordinates, what's the plot?
"Aren't you uncomfortable!"

"That's not to say that I can't sit still on these things!" Song Jiaojiao lifted her shoes up by herself, and as soon as she stood up from the bed, Fang Huaizhou went to help her up almost reflexively.

Song Jiaojiao couldn't help it anymore, "Hey, I just fainted, and I'm not disabled anymore, so why do I need you to help me? No, Fang Huaizhou, don't you have something to hide from me?"

The more she thought about it, the more something went wrong, and she suddenly became nervous, "Wait, maybe I have some terminal illness!"

Fang Huaizhou froze her head, "As long as you have a sharp imagination, I'm afraid you'll faint again, and I'll still have to pay for the medical bills!"

When Song Jiaojiao opened her eyes, she knew that this person had no good intentions.

Taking some time off, Fang Huaizhou went to the doctor again worried.

"Mr. Fang, I guarantee with my 20 years of medical practice that your wife is indeed pregnant. Even if my judgment is wrong, then you have to believe in medicine, right? You see, it is clearly marked on the blood test sheet, wrong No!"

Fang Huaizhou didn't know how to read the test report, but he heard the doctor's reassurance that he felt that Song Jiaojiao was pregnant this time, and he couldn't be wrong.

For a moment, an indescribable excitement and joy erupted infinitely.

Calculated according to the time, the child in Song Jiaojiao's womb is his.

He actually has a child!
"I'm sorry doctor, I don't have much experience as a father for the first time, do you have any precautions?"

The doctor probably told him that he couldn't find the banknotes, so he recorded it with his mobile phone.

According to his understanding of Song Jiaojiao, she can't let her know about this matter for the time being, and wait for their relationship to become more harmonious. Otherwise, once she has the idea of ​​having an abortion, the consequences will be very difficult to deal with.

Fang Huaizhou clapped his hands together, and that was it.

Shen Zhiyi lived harmoniously with He Jingyao in He Mansion.

But since that night, the dog seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and slipped in without stopping him at every turn.

Lock the door, he has the key, and the house thief is hard to guard against.

After a few nights, Shen Zhiyi didn't bother to prevent it anymore. Anyway, in his territory, he couldn't beat him. Besides, in this kind of thing, not only men took advantage, but women were also comforted physiologically.

All in all, no one suffers.

If He Jingyao is only regarded as a bed partner, he is indeed a good candidate.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi felt much more at ease.

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