
"Manager Shen, happy wedding!"

"Congratulations, Manager Shen!"

"Sister Zhiyi, we envy you so much!"

Along the way, there were voices saying hello to Shen Zhiyi. Although she was not married for the first time, she was still inexplicably embarrassed.

"Sister Zhiyi, this is my wedding present for you, I hope you like it!" As soon as she entered, Xiaomei cheerfully sent her heart.

It is a pair of mugs with a cartoon bride and groom printed on them, looking very festive.

"So cute, thank you!"

"It's good that you don't dislike it. I'm short on money recently. When I have money later, I'll make up a big gift for Sister Zhiyi!"

Hearing this, Shen Zhiyi thought of another thing, "Xiaomei, how are you doing with Yin Shao?"

"Ah...that's pretty good, Young Master Yin is taking good care of me!" Xiaomei avoided the important ones.

"That's good!" Shen Zhiyi nodded, and then there was something in the words, "Yin Shao is actually quite loyal, except for being a little casual, his conduct is not bad, I hope you will not get along with him. Will get hurt, stay awake all the time!"

Xiaomei is not a child, she can understand some words naturally, she smiled, "Don't worry, sister Zhiyi, I will!"

"That's good. If you need money, you can come to me at any time. It's not a problem!"

"Okay, thank you Sister Zhiyi!" Xiaomei was deeply moved.

After she left, Shen Zhiyi answered a call from He Qingyan.

He Qingyan, who hadn't shown up for a long time, sounded a little hoarse, as if his body was not restrained, and Shen Zhiyi always felt guilty when facing him.

"Master Qingyan, are you alright?"

He Qingyan's words were still gentle, clear and cold, giving people a feeling of distance, "I have nothing to do, Zhizhi, are you free tonight? I have something to tell you!"

Shen Zhi wanted to refuse, because meeting him in private with her current identity would make her tongue-tied, but she couldn't bear to think that she was the one who was sorry for him in this matter.

Meet and clarify everything.

Night soon enveloped the entire city of Hangzhou.

The street lamps on both sides of the street are like lighthouses towering above the sea. Some people still lose their way, while others arrive at their destination.

Shen Zhiyi rang the doorbell of He Qingyan's apartment.

He lives in a small place with two bedrooms and one living room, and the decoration is simple.

What is different from others is that there are no photos of him or anyone in the entrance, shoe cabinet, or bedroom, and there are no extra decorations, as if this is just a rental house that can be lived in immediately.

He Qingyan let her in. The small round table was covered with a new checkered tablecloth, and on it was a glass vase with two white roses in it. There were burning candles beside it, and a newly opened wine.

Such a configuration made Shen Zhi realize a word, candlelight dinner.

But their current relationship doesn't seem suitable at all.

"You are..." Shen Zhiyi was a little confused.

He Qingyan pulled out a chair for her, and then sat down on her shoulders, "Don't feel pressured, I just want to treat you to a glass of wine. It seems like we've never done this before, haven't we?"

Shen Zhiyi's lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

Since he's here, she'll rest easy, and she doesn't have the heart to hit him. Maybe, he really just wants to have a drink with her.

"I have treasured this bottle of red wine for many years. In fact, it's not really a treasure. Because I don't like making wine, I kept it there. I didn't expect it to come in handy today!"

He Qingyan narrated slowly, while Shen Zhiyi listened quietly, watching him gracefully sober up and pour the wine.

It was as if nothing had happened to him, too calm.

Or maybe, he has really let go and accepted it.

I hope it is the latter, Shen Zhi thought.

"Zhizhi, in fact, I know that you have never let go of my brother. Although you have repeatedly rejected him and rejected him, I can see that you still love him. I can understand the feeling of being with the person I love. So I know that you must be happy at this moment!" He toasted Shen Zhiyi from the air, "It is also a blessing to see the happiness of the person I love, just like me now!"

These words invisibly made Shen Zhiyi feel ashamed and blamed himself. There was no abuse, but it made people feel more guilty than insulting and complaining face to face.

Maybe after this glass of wine, the relationship between them is completely over, and each other returns to the original state.

She was still the same Shen Zhiyi, and he was still the same He Qingyan, it was as if nothing had happened.

"How does it taste?" He Qingyan asked with a smile.

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Although I have no research on red wine, I think it tastes pretty good!"

"Come on, have some snacks!"

When we chatted again later, it was obviously much more relaxed.

At the same time, He Jingyao's silver Bentley parked steadily in front of the Marriott Hotel.

He straightened his tie in the rearview mirror, then got out of the car and stepped into the Marriott Hotel.

The female staff in the lobby saw him chattering excitedly.

"Mr. He, are you here to pick up Sister Zhiyi? Unfortunately, she just went out!" Xiaomei told him.

The man frowned slightly, "Goed out? Where did you go?"

"Go...well, I don't know too well, why don't you call Sister Zhiyi yourself!"

Xiaomei almost blurted out, and braked in time. He Jingyao saw it, and narrowed her black eyes.

After walking out of the Marriott Hotel, he turned to He Qingyan's phone, dialed it and rang a few times before being hung up.

This phenomenon made his eyes darker...

On the other side, Shen Zhiyi chatted with He Qingyan for two hours, and it seemed that it was past nine o'clock. If she didn't go back, He Jingyao might get caught in the braid.

"Zhizhi, it's only nine o'clock and you're so flustered. Is my brother controlling you so strictly now?" He Qingyan also stood up, half joking and half serious.

Shen Zhiyi coughed lightly, "No, the main thing is that Dashu and Xiaobao are still waiting for me to go home. I told you, Master, tonight may be the last time I have dinner with you alone. I hope you can..."

Shen Zhiyi's eyes went dark, and she fell into an embrace.

In a dimly lit room, on a bed covered with light gray sheets lay a woman who seemed to be asleep, covered with a thin quilt.

With his back to her, He Qingyan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the crystal ashtray beside him was filled with cigarette butts.

Ever since he met Shen Zhiyi, he has learned to smoke.

It is said that cigarettes are like alcohol, but nearly a box of it was poured into his lungs, but it didn't calm his mind, on the contrary, he became more entangled.

He Qingyan turned his head to look at the woman who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, a trace of struggle flashed in his heart.

With just one thought, he can separate her and He Jingyao. What he can't get, the other can't even think about.

Shen Zhiyi woke up.

As the eyes slowly opened, consciousness followed. She sat up from the bed in a panic, her eyes wandered around in a panic, and when she met He Qingyan's gaze, she was horrified and at ease.

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