He Qingyan is the only one who won't harm her. Love is an extreme. One side is heaven and the other side is abyss. Some people will lose themselves while walking. She can't be sure that He Qingyan at this moment is the one she first met. purely.

"You're awake, did you sleep well?" He Qingyan, as usual, had a faint smile on his face.

This kind of smile can only be seen when facing Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi stabilized her mind, "I just..."

"You said you were sleepy, so you really fell asleep on the sofa. I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I carried you in. I'm sorry, did I delay you?"

Shen Zhiyi frowned and tried hard to recall, but her memory seemed to be sealed, and she couldn't remember what happened before.

"Hiss..." She pressed her temples with a painful expression, "It's too late, I should go!"

"I'll see you off!" He Qingyan stood up.

The two walked towards the door one after the other. The moment Shen Zhiyi opened the door, she trembled all over.

She never expected that He Jingyao would come over at this time, as if he was here to catch a rape, with a gloomy expression and sharp eyes.

"He Jingyao, why are you here?" Shen Zhiyi felt guilty.

After all, she is currently wearing the identity of Mrs. He, and the person in front of her is at odds with He Qingyan. She came to He Qingyan's residence alone at night. Unreasonable.

He Jingyao raised his hand to push her aside, and stepped in with his long legs.

In the living room, the eyes of two men collided.

There is smoke in the air and sparks are visible.

"Brother is here to pick up Zhizhi? It's only ten o'clock, isn't your tutor too strict!" He Qingyan smiled slightly when he said this, very casually.

But from He Jingyao's point of view, it was provocative to show off.

For a moment, the man's eyes turned cold, and his lips pursed into a sharp line.

Shen Zhiyi had a bad feeling, and was afraid that the two men would clash again, which was the last thing she wanted to see.

It's just that she is embarrassed to stand here and doesn't know what to say.

He Jingyao sneered, "Yeah, your sister-in-law is too kind. I'm afraid she will be cheated by someone with a heart outside, so I'm naturally worried!"

The word "sister-in-law" was specially emphasized by him, as if it was a reply to He Qingyan just now.

Sure enough, He Qingyan's face became visibly ugly to the naked eye.

He Jingyao's eyes fell on the untidy round table, the romantic candles were still burning, there was still unfinished red wine in the two goblets, and the white roses were still blooming passionately.

Seeing this, the man's eyes surged.

"He Jingyao, actually we..."

Shen Zhiyi didn't know why she had to explain, it was completely out of subconscious behavior, she took a step forward, but was interrupted by He Jingyao.

The man suddenly took her hand, smiling wickedly, "Is Mrs. He tired? I'll take you home!"

"He Jingyao..."

"Shh! Get out of the car and wait for me!" He Jingyao interrupted her for the second time.

Shen Zhi hesitated to speak, nodded, and before leaving, he looked at He Qingyan with complicated eyes.

For some reason, she always felt that something happened at He Qingyan's house, but the actual situation didn't happen.

Could it be that she had an illusion?
It may be that I am so tired that I don't remember anything after waking up.

The moment the door closed, He Jingyao suddenly turned around and grabbed He Qingyan's neckline, "What did you do by tricking Zhizhi?"

He Qingyan was as calm as ever, "Brother, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"Oh! I don't understand, Ah Yan, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, are you jealous that Zhizhi and I get back together? I told you a long time ago that she is my woman, not that you can worry about it People, you have to challenge my patience, right?"

As the words fell, he waved his fist on He Qingyan's face.

After the latter staggered a few steps back, his back hit the table, and all the tea sets on it fell with a clatter.

This was not enough, He Jingyao stepped up in two steps, grabbed his collar and lifted him up against the wall, "Say, what did you do to her?"

He Qingyan looked at He Jingyao with bulging veins on his forehead and red eyes, and at this moment he understood why he had worked so hard for so long, but the person in Shen Zhiyi's heart was always his elder brother.

He Jingyao is omnipotent, he can do everything for Shen Zhiyi, but he himself has the pressure and responsibility from his father.

At this point, he's already lost.

He Qingyan shrugged, "I really just asked Zhizhi to chat, believe it or not!"

"Chat? Ah Yan, are you joking? Or think I'm a fool!" After speaking, he threw He Qingyan away and rushed into the room to check one by one.

After confirming that there was no camera, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"If I really want to do something to her, big brother, you probably won't have the chance long ago!" He Qingyan leaned on the table and finished the unfinished wine just now.

He Jingyao took away his cup and threw it sideways into the trash can, with a mocking arc on his lips, "Remember, if it's not yours, you shouldn't touch it. This is your last chance, don't let me I see your idea of ​​making Shen Zhiyi!"

Hitting He Qingyan's shoulder hard, he strode out of here.

He Qingyan was silent for a few seconds, and then laughed in a low voice, his shoulders trembling.

After a while, Shen Yichun came in a hurry, she searched every room, but there was no trace of Shen Zhiyi.

"What about people?"

He Qingyan was still sitting there, sipping red wine leisurely, as if he was still unsatisfied. Hearing this, he didn't raise his head, "Let's go!"

"Gone?" Shen Yichun raised her voice, "How could you let her go? It's a pity not to torture her for such a good opportunity!"

She gritted her teeth, regretful.

Seeing that He Qingyan didn't want to talk to her, she didn't want to make fun of herself, she just wanted to grab her things and leave.

A lump of wood, can't make a loud fart for a long time, no wonder Shen Zhiyi doesn't like him, what's the use of being good-looking?

"Have you shot the video yet? Give it to me, and see how I can help you with her, and make sure she obediently begs you under your crotch!" Shen Yichun stretched out a hand anxiously.

She made an appointment with He Qingyan, and tricked Shen Zhiyi over, and then tricked her into drinking the drugged wine, and as soon as she fainted, she immediately took all kinds of sexy photos and videos of her.

With these, she can play Shen Zhiyi to death.

He Qingyan threw a small packet of medicine to her.

Shen Yichun's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"That's what you see, I won't help you harm her together!"

He Qingyan hated himself at the time, for even resorting to such indecent methods, and the woman who was the most important to him, how could he treat her like this.

Therefore, when Shen Zhiyi fainted, he fell into a long period of entanglement and struggle.

In the end, reason prevailed over impulse.

He suddenly woke up and liked someone, how could he hurt her like this?
If he had really done that at that time, then Shen Zhiyi would definitely hate him for the rest of his life.

He would rather that Shen Zhiyi didn't like him than she hated him.

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