Chapter 560 Drain Your Blood
Song Jiaojiao bit her lips in confusion, and finally nodded fiercely under the threat of her eyes.

"Okay, then it's you!" The mentally ill man finally let go.

Although he has mental problems, his IQ is not weak at all. For fear that Shen Zhiyi would play tricks, the awl in his hand was firmly pressed on Song Jiaojiao's neck from the beginning to the end.

If it wasn't for worrying about the baby in Song Jiaojiao's belly, Shen Zhiyi would have already taken action.

The mentally ill man twisted Song Jiaojiao a little closer to Shen Zhiyi, and then pushed Song Jiaojiao out very quickly to control Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi raised his hands, very cooperative, "Don't worry, I will never move!"

On the one hand, she was looking for an opportunity to fight back.

As if seeing her plan, the mentally ill man suddenly tore off his clothes, revealing the intricate explosive devices inside.

There was a sound of panic around, and then everyone fled with their heads in their hands, and the scene was chaotic.

Song Jiaojiao covered her mouth, her eyes widened, she didn't know what to do, she also wanted to save her life, but Shen Zhiyi was still here, she must fight side by side with her.

"Hey handsome guy, I'm really not Xiaomeng, why don't you tell me Xiaomeng's contact information, can I help you find it? Please let my friend go, we are all innocent, as long as you don't hurt her , we will promise anything you want!"

The neurotic man smiled coldly, "Since you don't want me, Xiaomeng, I can only let others accompany me. If you blow up one, you will get one, and if you blow up two, you will earn a pair. When I pull this bracelet, I will hear With a bang, when the time comes, Xiaomeng, you can leave me forever, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Mr., calm down. That's right, Xiaomeng is sorry for you. You are so good and she is so heartless. It's not worth you to ruin your life for her!" Facing the irrational psychosis, Shen Zhiyi just Can find another way to stop his dangerous behavior, "I believe you still have your own parents and relatives? If you die, they must be very sad, why do you do this?"

Hearing this, the mentally ill man turned his head up and laughed loudly. His smile gradually became darker and weirder. Then, his eyes became dazed and his expression was strange, "My family, they didn't want me long ago, so I pulled Let everyone be buried together, how interesting that is, Xiaomeng, don't you really want to be together? Do you really not love me?"

"You you you, you let my friend go, I love you!" Song Jiaojiao tried to follow him.

The neurotic man shook his head slowly, and said in a coquettish tone, "No, you like to lie to me the most, I won't be fooled by you, you make me sad, and I will make you sad too!"

"What are you doing?" Song Jiaojiao was very nervous.

The awl in the palm of the mentally ill man pressed down, "Let your friend come and atone for you, Xiaomeng, you deserve it all!"

"Don't, don't hurt her!" Song Jiaojiao tried to rush forward to stop her, but the crazy man dragged Shen Zhiyi back.

"If you two dare to resist, I'll pull this off and let the whole hospital be buried with you, believe it or not?"

"Sir, is the grievance between you and Xiaomeng worth hurting others?" Shen Zhiyi said in a good voice, already planning an escape plan in her heart.

The surrounding people who eat melons have already run away. However, once the explosive device on this person is detonated, if these are true, the consequences will be disastrous. She must not be head-to-head, otherwise her life may be in danger.

"Others? Hmph! How many good people are there in this world? They should all be damned, so let me do justice for the heavens!"

Seeing that his other hand had already touched the pull ring of the device, Shen Zhiyi was about to move subconsciously. Unexpectedly, there was a sharp pain in his neck.

"Dare to try again? I will drain all your blood!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't move at all, "Okay, I just don't move, you calm down, as long as you let me go and don't hurt anyone anymore, I promise to treat it as never happened!"

"Hahaha!" The mentally ill man laughed wildly, "I ran out of a mental hospital, even if I did something, what can they do with me? I don't have to bear legal responsibility!"

Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao looked at each other, and now they finally understood, no wonder!
"Don't you like to meddle in other people's business, I'll take you alone and let Xiaomeng see it with my own eyes!" The mentally ill man said, and the awl in his hand used force.

Shen Zhi wanted to struggle, but the mentally ill man threatened, "If you dare to move, I will immediately detonate the device and blow up this hospital to the ground. You can be a hero and exchange your life for countless lives, or you can let them follow you. To be buried together, choose one of the two!"

Song Jiaojiao was so frightened that she cried, and she began to yell and scold, "You really are sick, so go back and get medical treatment quickly. What's the matter with you when you run out? You said it's not Xiaomeng, it's not Xiaomeng, you are so special. Go blind, let her go quickly, or I will fight you!"

"Jiaojiao, you go first, don't worry about me!" Shen Zhiyi yelled to stop her, and kept winking at her to show that she was fine.

Song Jiaojiao cried and shook her head, saying nothing to leave.

Shen Zhiyi was in such a dangerous situation because of her, how could she just walk away?That's so heartless.

The mentally ill man interrogated with jealousy, "Xiaomeng, you would rather be so nice to a friend than me, I, I am so sad and disappointed, I'm sorry Xiaomeng, I can't let you see me again You friend!"

As the words fell, the sharp awl pressed down hard again.

The scorching pain made Shen Zhiyi almost cry out, she clenched her teeth and endured silently, her forehead was covered with coldness.

She could clearly feel the blood running down her neck, and her shoulders kept coming out.

But she didn't dare to move, because this man was too dangerous and mentally unstable, if he was really detonated...

Song Jiaojiao was crying helplessly by the side, and kept calling Shen Zhiyi's name.

The cries made the mentally ill man's mood turbulent again. Like a vampire who had tasted the taste of human blood, he became excited for an instant. While laughing, he pushed the awl down inch by inch.

The piercing pain made Shen Zhiyi almost faint, and her clothes were already drenched in blood.

Her eyes were fixed on a fist-sized stone not far from her toes, enduring the pain over and over again, and kept moving her toes closer to the stone over and over again.

I don't know if it was discovered by the mentally ill man or what, he suddenly grabbed Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi was thrown to the ground.

Finally found a chance to fight back, just when she was about to jump up and take action, a gust of wind suddenly blew in front of her eyes.

Then the mentally ill man was kicked far away.

He reacted quickly and was about to pull the bracelet, but his wrist was cut and twisted in an instant, and there was only a click, and the mentally ill man wailed in pain.

Then Ah Shen came with bodyguards and quickly subdued him.

(End of this chapter)

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