Shen Zhiyi was lying on the ground not far away, her heart was beating rapidly and her breathing was difficult, and in her sight was the image of He Jingyao running towards her.

He tore off a sleeve in a panic and pressed it on Shen Zhiyi's bleeding artery, then held her in his arms and kept calling her name.

Shen Zhiyi felt that she was extremely tired and wanted to close her eyes, but she kept hearing someone calling her.

"Shen Zhiyi, did you hear that? If you dare to fall asleep, you will never see Dashu and Xiaobao again!"

"I'll talk to you again, you quickly open your eyes, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Shen Zhiyi, do you want to die, don't you? You have to say something special!"

Shen Zhiyi squinted her eyes and leaned on the co-pilot, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly when she heard these words.

She didn't seem to have heard of He Jingyao's swearing, and it didn't seem to affect his image as a big president at all.

It's just that she is too tired and sleepy, she seems to have a good sleep.

Before losing consciousness, she seemed to hear He Jingyao say: I love you, Shen Zhiyi, I love you, so you promise me, don't fall asleep, okay, or I will hate you forever!

He said he loved her, is that true?


The layout of the wedding scene is extravagant and romantic.

The bride Xiaoniao stepped into the palace holding the groom's arm in a friendly manner, and the guests' applause and envious discussions sounded from the audience.

The groom on the stage was still tall and handsome, with an overpowering aura, and the bride had the face of a second generation, with a gentle and pleasant temperament, and a quiet and quiet smile.

That's right, this is the second wife of the groom He Jingyao. It is said that she is a female painter who enjoys a high reputation in the world. The two met at an art exhibition abroad and got engaged within a month of contact. Congratulations to the family.

As soon as the host's opening remarks started, someone broke in.

"He Jingyao, you heartless, big scumbag, you promised to love me and never let me down, but you turned around and married another woman!"

Shen Zhiyi dragged the two little guys to the left and right.

"Shen Zhiyi, what are you doing here, this is not the place for you, go back immediately!"

The bride was so frightened by the battle that she went straight into He Jingyao's arms, who hugged her tightly to comfort her, while reprimanding Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi was disheartened, stroking her stomach and turning to face everyone, "Everyone give me a comment, He Jingyao and I already have two children, and now there is another one in my belly, he will meet me if he agreed. Responsible for the rest of his life, taking care of our mother three, but turning around and marrying someone else, his behavior is not only ruthless, but also suspected of bigamy, and married another new love before divorcing me, I will never forgive him!"

Don't let the guests under the stage shatter their views. They look at He Jingyao with incredible eyes, and at the same time they feel very sympathetic to the bride on stage.

He Jingyao's face was cold and stern, and he stared at Shen Zhiyi ruthlessly and indifferently, "Shen Zhiyi, don't try to blackmail me with your child. I don't know about the pregnancy. Even if it is true, it is because you deliberately used the child to trap me. , I will never let you succeed, take the child away quickly, don't be ashamed of yourself here!"

"What did you say? I'm ashamed?" Shen Zhiyi chuckled, "Compared to you, your skin is really thick. He Jingyao, with me here today, you don't want to marry someone else unless you beg me to marry you." You are divorced!"

"Xiaobao Dashu, it's up to you next time!" Shen Zhiyi glanced over, the two little guys nodded, and then climbed up the high platform with short legs.

One left and one right tightly hugged He Jingyao's thigh.

"Father, you can't let us go, will you go home with us?"

"Father, we hate you. If you don't want Shen Zhiyi, we won't recognize you as father!"

"What are you waiting for, Xiaobao Dashu, why don't you hurry up and get your father away!" Shen Zhiyi gave an order, and the two little guys hugged He Jingyao's thigh and tugged hard.

He Jingyao was afraid of hurting them, so he had no choice but to follow their strength and move step by step.

The bride could only watch her groom being taken away by the two little guys, and finally realized that when she was about to chase after him, someone tapped her shoulder.

"He Jingyao is mine. We hold the certificate legally. You'd better give up on it!" Shen Zhiyi said harshly, and left handsomely...

"Big scumbag, bastard, ungrateful..."

"Zhizhi, are you okay?" He Jingyao quickly walked around to the hospital bed when he heard the movement, a little excited and worried.

He has been with him in the ward for a day and a night. Shen Zhiyi went into shock due to excessive blood loss. Seeing bag after bag of blood poured into her body, his whole heart was seized, for fear that something might happen to this woman. .

Fortunately, she woke up, and all the waiting was worth it.

Song Jiaojiao, who was accompanying her in the ward, also quickly surrounded her, "Zhizhi, you finally woke up, you almost scared me to death. I thought you were going to die. If you said you were going to die, how could I talk to your family?" Baby, explain to your husband, woo woo woo..."

She began to cry as she spoke, not knowing whether she was frightened or guilty.

Shen Zhiyi patted the back of her hand to comfort her, and when his eyes met He Jingyao's, a murderous look surged in his eyes, and he cursed secretly: Scumbag.

Just as He Jingyao reached out to help her sit up, she slapped her away, "Big scumbag, don't touch me!"

"Who are you calling a scumbag?" He Jingyao looked around and asked with a frown.

Shen Zhiyi looked away, that dream was so real that when she remembered it, she was filled with hatred and disgust for the man in front of her.

He Jingyao laughed angrily, "Shen Zhiyi, why are you so inexplicable that you can't kill without nodding your head? If you scold me, you should at least give me a crime, right?"

"There are so many crimes against you, you can't finish it!" Shen Zhiyi didn't care whether he was speaking or not, and said whatever was on his mind.

How could He Jingyao take the blame, "Shen Zhiyi..."

"Mr. He, why don't you go out for a while, maybe Zhi Zhi just woke up emotionally unstable, I will accompany her!" Song Jiaojiao volunteered.

He Jingyao looked at Shen Zhiyi aggrievedly, that's all he could do.

The door closed, and Song Jiaojiao sat on the edge of the bed, blowing the hot water in the cup for Shen Zhiyi, "Zhizhi, what's wrong with you? Not only did Mr. He save you, but he has been guarding you every step of the way since last night. , you scold people as soon as you wake up, isn't that good?"

Even she couldn't stand it.

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes and pinched her temples, and said embarrassingly, "I had a dream, dreaming that he abandoned our mother-in-law, how inhuman!"

Song Jiajia reacted for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing.

"Is that why you drove him away because of this? I feel wronged for Mr. He. A dream is always a dream, you!"

Shen Zhiyi blushed in embarrassment, "He always treats me like this in the dream, but in reality it's not like He Jingyao wouldn't dare to do it without him."

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