Chapter 565 Seizing the Behind the Scenes
After he sent He Cancan back, Grandpa Lin called him to the study.

"Close the door!"

"Oh!" Lin Yu was surprised.

Boom!Grandpa Lin slammed the table.

Lin Yu's buttocks were about to sit down when he was startled by the sound.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"Stinky boy, I'm urging you to find a girlfriend. You really don't want to go on a blind date and we won't go, but no matter what, you can't stretch your devil to the students, right? How on earth did you have the heart to lay hands on Cancan? Huh? Why did you, a pervert, come out of our old Lin family?"

Grandpa Lin was stunned by scolding Lin Yu, and it took him a while to understand.

Lin Yu felt bitter, "Grandpa, you, you know everything?"

At the beginning, he specially explained that He Cancan concealed his identity and age in front of the old man, thinking of a girl with her temperament, the old man didn't like him at all, and then this matter can be left alone, but who knows...

Grandpa Lin glared at him angrily, "Huh, are you still embarrassed to say it? If I didn't find out by myself, I wonder if you can hide it from me. It's definitely not possible. Our Lin family will never do such a conscienceless thing!"

Lin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Not to mention that He Cancan is an adult, but based on what she has done, she is the one who has lost all conscience, okay?

It was obvious that the girl was responsible for it from the beginning to the end, and he was the innocent one.

Well, since grandpa said that, he didn't explain anymore, and just took the opportunity to make it clear with He Cancan that Lin Yu would rather go on a blind date than provoke He Cancan again.

Shen Zhiyi stayed in the hospital for more than half a month, and she recovered day by day.

He Jingyao also stayed with her all the time, there was less tit-for-tat between the two, and more of a peaceful coexistence, just like a newlyweds.

As for the case of the mentally ill man hurting others, the perpetrator was also found out by He Jingyao.

Shen Zhiyi was shocked when the man's face lifted from the drooping hair.

"Shen Yichun? You're not..."

Shen Yichun looked up and smiled coldly, "Hahaha, all of you want me to die, right? I'm sorry to disappoint you. I, Shen Yichun, survived a catastrophe and am still alive!"

Probably to escape the pursuit of He Jingyao's men, she was filthy all over, her face was bruised and purple, and her hair was sticky, as if she hadn't washed it for a long time.

Although there was a scar on her face, it didn't affect Shen Zhiyi's ability to recognize her at a glance.

When she laughed, not only did she not have the pride and brilliance of a winner, but it made people feel that she was extremely pitiful.

"Shen Yichun, why are you trying to harm me? You have nothing to do with the Shen family. It can be said that you have been eating and drinking for nothing in the Shen family these years. People must learn to be content. You don't know how to be grateful, and you feel unbalanced again and again. Trouble me, I think you are mentally twisted!"

Shen Zhiyi kept complaining about the facts. She hadn't seen Shen Yichun for a long time. She thought she was dead, but unexpectedly jumped out again, but now she doesn't look good at all. As for what she has experienced, there is no clue. people learned.

Shen Yichun stared at her with vicious eyes full of hatred, "Shen Zhiyi, you can pretend. You look pure and kind on the surface, but your heart is not much cleaner than mine. If it weren't for you, how could I be here today?" ?”

"It's all caused by you to get to where you are today, so why rely on others? You have to know, if I didn't show mercy, your mother would have gotten into trouble a long time ago!"

Shen Zhiyi even regrets it now, she shouldn't have been soft-hearted to their mothers back then, otherwise she wouldn't have been victimized so badly and let them succeed again and again.

Shen Yichun laughed madly again when she heard the words, "Shen Zhiyi, Shen Zhiyi, I want to know how long you can pretend."

She glanced at He Jingyao, squinted her eyes and said, "Today I tore off your hypocritical mask in front of your man, do you know why I fell into Lao Tan's hands?"

Shen Zhiyi looked at her suspiciously, but didn't speak.

Shen Yichun continued, "Because he belongs to He Qingyan, and whose licking dog He Qingyan is, I think you should know better than me!"

"What did you say? Master Qingyan? Impossible, absolutely impossible..." The amount of information was too much for Shen Zhiyi to digest for a while. She shook her head, her mind was full of He Qingyan's gentle, stern and alienated look .

How could he be involved in this matter as a person who is indifferent to the world and doesn't like to be disturbed.

It's impossible!

"Shen Zhiyi, can you stop pretending? The most disgusting thing about me is your disguise. You have hooked up with so many men with this pure and kind skin. Are you tired of it?" Shen Yichun said more and more Excited, "Have you seen the scar on my face? Speaking of it, it's thanks to you, Shen Zhiyi, I, Shen Yichun, will never let you go as a ghost in my life. I want to peel your skin and pull your tendons , drink your blood, I will kill you..."

She was about to pounce on Shen Zhiyi, but was held down by the bodyguards around her. Even though her face was pressed to the ground, she kept screaming, yelling, and cursing, like a madman, with a slap on her neck. The veins are bulging, and the eyes are staring straight.

Shen Zhiyi had never seen her like this before, and fell into complicated emotions for a while.

He Jingyao was worried that it would affect her mood, so he waved his hand and asked Shen Yichun to be dragged down.

"Shen Zhiyi, as long as I have breath, I will never let you go, just wait, I will tear you to pieces..."

Shen Yichun kept struggling and quickly disappeared from sight.

He Jingyao grabbed the back of Shen Zhiyi's head with his big hands, pulled him into his arms, and comforted him softly: "Okay, okay, everything is over, I will protect you from now on, no one will ever think of hurting you again!"

Shen Zhiyi only felt that the shoulders were broad and thick, like a safe haven, sheltering her from wind and rain.

Can she trust him?
After a few days, she was discharged from the hospital. It was He Jingyao who personally drove her back and sent her home, and he hurried back to the company for a meeting.

During this period of time, he devoted all his energy to Shen Zhiyi, which caused a lot of work to be put on hold, so it took a little time to deal with it quickly.

Shen Zhiyi went back to her room and frowned.

She immediately went to Wang Ma, "Wang Ma, where are the things in my room?"

Daily necessities, clothes, and cosmetics are all gone.

Wang Ma smiled and pointed to the next door, "Sir, let me move to the master bedroom so that he can take care of you more conveniently!"

Shen Zhi was overwhelmed, "Mother Wang, this is mine, you should at least ask for my opinion!"

Helpless and anxious.

Wang Ma smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry ma'am, I will definitely remember next time, but I think it's better for you and your husband to sleep together so that you can cultivate your relationship. Look at those couples who get together less and leave more, which one will end up wrong?" Divorce? I can see that Xia Neng is true love for you, you, don't be childish!"

(End of this chapter)

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