Chapter 566
Shen Zhiyi: Where am I playing childish temper?Why are you talking for that guy He Jingyao?

There was no other way, she called He Jingyao, and when the call was made, she questioned him.

He Jingyao turned on the phone and put it on the table, then continued to work with his head down, "That's right, I arranged it!"

"He Jingyao, why are you? Why?"

"Because I am your husband, is this a good reason? If you are worried that I will do something excessive at night, then there is no need. I promise, honestly, if you disagree, I will never mess up." Come on, is this alright?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't expect that this big man would suddenly reassure her, and if he persisted, it would make her seem cold and heartless.

"Okay, this is what you said yourself, I was disappointed in you!" Shen Zhiyi finally compromised.

He Jingyao hung up the phone, leaned back, and squeezed the space between his brows with a headache.

He was becoming more and more used to this little woman, and he was becoming more and more unable to do anything to her.

Ah Shen, who was at the side, shook his head and sighed, look, how powerful love really is, and my husband is the best example.

Song Jiaojiao also returned home, and even if Fang Huaizhou refused, he had no choice but to follow her as he couldn't say something directly.

As soon as she arrived on the front foot, Fang Huaizhou came on the back foot, bringing all kinds of expensive supplements and fruits, and directly piled up her tea table into a mountain.

Song Jiaojiao was very suspicious of him, this man was obviously at odds with her, why did he treat her so well all of a sudden?

There must be something odd about it.

"Song Jiaojiao, even if you rest at home, you don't have to go to the company for the time being, so treat yourself as a vacation!"

Song Jiaojiao turned pale when she heard that, "What do you mean? Mr. Fang? Are you going to hide me again? I didn't do anything this time, you can't do this!"

"No, no, this is definitely not Xuezang, that is, I just want you to rest more and adjust yourself before working!" Fang Huaizhou hurriedly explained.

"But I've adjusted it now, why do you want me to stay at home, it's boring, okay?"

"This..." Fang Huaizhou scratched the back of his head, unable to think of how to explain it, and suddenly had an idea, "It's like this, because you are an old man in the company. Recently, several films and advertisements have no weight. It's better to make small troubles." It would be better to give young people a chance. In the second half of the year, there will be a blockbuster costume movie that will cost a lot of money, and you are more experienced. Then I will let you guide the heroine's acting skills!"

Song Jiaojiao clasped her fists, she was already excited, she almost jumped up and howled, Fang Huaizhou finally gave her a kill.

It was like pouring a basin of cold water directly on her head, and her excited mood turned cold in an instant.

"What? Let the newcomers know?" Song Jiaojiao snorted angrily, "Mr. Fang, it seems that you are in the rhythm of wanting the newcomers to replace the old people. No wonder you have been so kind to me these days, so you are giving me a vaccination! "
Fang Huaizhou almost fell off the sofa, this woman's brain circuit is really strange.

In order to prevent her from being anxious because of unemployment and not excited because of her career being robbed, and to prevent her from knowing the truth, Fang Huaizhou bit the bullet and continued to carry out the lie to the end.

"This... Let me tell you the truth, mainly because the company has been in a downturn recently, so..."

When he said this, Fang Huaizhou lowered his head with a heavy expression, it didn't seem like he was acting at all.

Song Jiaojiao believed it immediately, and hugged him quickly, "It's not uncomfortable, it's not uncomfortable. With Mr. Fang's excellent work ability, I believe our company can definitely counterattack. A temporary failure is nothing. Our company will only The more frustrated, the more courageous!"

"Okay, okay, it's nothing. Anyway, I was too tired from work a while ago, so I just set up a factory for myself. Don't feel pressured by Mr. Fang. Oh, by the way, if it's useful, I'll be useful, especially I don’t have too much or too little money, and I will definitely do my part for Canxing!”

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

Should he be relieved or embarrassed?

No matter what, let's coax Song Jiaojiao first, then the rest is not important.

After he left, there was a mountain of supplements on Song Jiaojiao's table.

Strange, why do they seem to be for pregnant women?


Shen Zhi wanted to go to Marriott, but was banned by He Jingyao, and Wang Ma was watching over him 24 hours a day.

Although Wang Ma liked her very much, He Jingyao was her boss, and it was useless for her to try her best to speak well of Wang Ma.

Only then did he call He Jingyao to apply. This time, she learned to be smart. She didn't have a straight face or sarcastic remarks, but spoke as softly as possible and lowered her posture.

"He Jingyao, I'm really much better now, the neck injury is fine, I promise I'll go to the Marriott to have a quick look, do you think it's okay?"

He Jingyao's heart softened a little when he heard the sudden coquetry. He was talking about a project with Yin Xingze, so he glanced at Yin Xingze, and then switched the phone to the other side to continue chatting.

The disgusted Yin Xingze: "..."

"Shen Zhiyi, why are you still disobedient like a child? The doctor said that you must take good care of your body at home this month. I understand you. Once you put yourself into work, you forget everything. What will you do when the wound bursts again? ?" He Jingyao said with a serious tone on purpose.

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes and continued to attack, "Oh, I will be more careful, I can't be so rigid, can I? If it's not possible, you can let Ah Shen follow!"

The little girl's sudden coquettish tone made He Jingyao sink a little bit, and even the stiffest steel would be melted by her.

He pinched his brows helplessly, and took advantage of the fire, "Why don't you call me husband, and I'll think about it!"

"What, what?" Shen Zhiyi's voice suddenly rose.

"I knew you couldn't do it, so stay at home for me, no matter what..."


In order to be able to go to Marriott, Shen Zhiyi also worked hard.

He Jingyao felt as if his whole body had been electrified, and his body froze suddenly, and it took him a while to find himself, "The voice is too low, I can't hear you clearly!"

Shen Zhiyi went all out, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, "Old man!"

The sound was so loud that not only He Jingyao's eardrums vibrated, but even Yin Xingze heard it, and goose bumps fell all over the floor.

He Jingyao was very pleased with the sound of husband, and he couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth, but he continued to put on a cold and arrogant air, "Oh! Be careful, go early and return early!"

"Thank you husband!" After picking up the phone, Shen Zhi covered her mouth belatedly.

Damn it!Is she bewitched?Why did it come out so naturally.

It doesn't matter, in short, things that can be solved with one sentence are not things. It turns out that He Jingyao is so easy to coax, he just needs to use the right method.

The man over there is in an infinitely good mood at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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