Chapter 567

"The wine leaked from the corner of his mouth!" Yin Xingze teased with a smile, and then imitated Shen Zhiyi and shouted, "My husband, I want a hug!"

He Jingyao was in a good mood, so naturally he didn't have the same knowledge as him, "If you're envious, hurry up and marry one and go home. The ones out there are temporary after all, and they can't compare to marriage certificates!"

Yin Xingze froze all of a sudden, "You just know how to sprinkle salt on other people's wounds, knowing that I haven't played enough!"

"It's not that you haven't had enough fun, it's that you haven't met the person you can marry with your body. When you meet, you won't be able to help yourself!" He Jingyao preached from his own experience.

Yin Xingze waved his hands disapprovingly, "Cut! The troubles of love, especially seeing you and Lao Fu being tortured by women, I don't want to marry a woman who can solve it with money and doesn't have to be responsible. How cool is that!" Ah, that's what you've been doing all day long!"

"Oh, so you don't want to be responsible!" He Jingyao nodded suddenly as if he had realized a reason.

Yin Xingze handsomely brushed up his hairstyle, "That's right, I'll just give in to you if I want to change as much as I want, won't it be annoying to face a face all day long? Doesn't it make me look like I'm out of gregarious? Please , am I the correct way to open up a man?"

Speaking of this, he himself couldn't help laughing.

The wealthy young masters in their circle are playing with each other, and Fu Que and He Jingyao are the clear stream among them.

It turned out that the three of them were unmarried, so it didn't look like Yin Xingze was dissolute and affectionate. Now the other two people either have a special liking for a certain woman, or they are relentless in their pursuit of a certain woman. team.

Can we still be friends happily?
Yin Xingze wanted to make a series of remarks, but He Jingyao suddenly pointed at the door with his chin, "You may be in trouble!"

"Hmm?" Yin Xingze's expression froze as he turned his head.

What the hell, why is Xiaomei here?

"I'm sorry Mr. He, Young Master Yin, for bothering you!" Xiaomei turned her head and left.

"What, you play by yourself, I'll take care of something!" Before Yin Xingze finished speaking, he ran after him.

He Jingyao shook his head. He didn't know who said the righteous words just now, saying that marriage is the tomb of love, and saying that being single can play whatever you want. Now it's a slap in the face?

"Xiaomei, Xiaomei, wait for me, don't go!"

Xiaomei stopped suddenly, and Yin Xingze slammed on the brakes, and the two almost faced each other.

"Is Young Master Yin still busy?" Xiaomei has already adjusted herself and gave him the usual smile as much as possible.

From Yin Xingze's point of view, this smile is completely wrong, even revealing a trace of sadness.

"Xiaomei, listen to me, I was just playing around with A Yao just now, just trying to have a good time, don't take it seriously, I am definitely not that kind of person!"

Xiaomei smiled, "Young Master Yin, you are too polite. You are the boss and I am an employee. How can the boss explain to the employees? Besides, I am not qualified to inquire about what you and Mr. He are talking about. So you don't have to report to me!"

"But I...Xiaomei, oops, I don't know what to say, anyway, you have to believe me, although I usually seem to be very enthusiastic about girls, but I don't like them at all, I just make friends for fun , you must not...don't..."

Yin Xingze realized that the more he said, the more mistakes he made, the darker the description became.

Xiaomei still smiled slightly, "Young Master Yin, your attitude towards girls really has nothing to do with me, Sister Li, Xiaoyou, Minmin and the others all like you, actually, a rich family like you The young master who came out has nothing to do with playing, you are right, you can play more while you are single, you can use money to pay for it, and you don’t have to be responsible, it’s not too convenient!"

"Ah Xiaomei, did you still hear that?" Yin Xingze went crazy.

Xiaomei sighed deeply, and stuffed a resignation report into his hands, "Young Master Yin, I don't think it's suitable for you. Thank you for your care and trust during this time, goodbye!"

"Xiaomei, wait a moment, Xiaomei..."

No matter how Yin Xingze tried to persuade her to stay, Xiaomei left here without looking back.

Sister Li, who was watching the whole process from the side, and other female employees jumped out at the right time, "Young Master Yin, this Xiaomei loves to be lazy at work, so why not do it just because of her close relationship with you, it would be better if she left, It can also save Yin Shao a lot of expenses for you!"

"That's right, she's like a lump of wood, we all thought she was dumb, any girl among us can do a better job than her, and the salary is lower than her, so why should she!"

"Not only that, but she also likes to show off your partiality for her in front of us. I don't know, she thought she was your girlfriend, and I don't know what the air is. This kind of person should have gone!"

The female employees wanted to say more, but Yin Xingze cast a cold look over them, and they all shrank their necks and fell silent.

"You guys, pay the money and leave tomorrow, don't let me see you again in heaven and earth!"

Although Shen Zhiyi didn't come to Marriott during this period, relying on the resources of He Jingyao and Yin Xingze, the two great fortune gods before, Marriott's business can be said to be stable, making colleagues jealous.

Shen Zhiyi didn't plan to stay for too long, so as not to let He Jingyao find out and drag her back, it would be even more difficult to figure it out later.

When I went to the food and beverage department, I heard aggressive shouting and cursing from afar.

"Do you know how to serve customers? Are you the lobby manager? If I were the boss, I would have fired you!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I really didn't mean it, how about this, you take it off and I'll wash it for you!"

The female customer looked contemptuous, "Wash it clean? What are you kidding? My silk fabric cannot be washed or dry-cleaned, otherwise it will be useless!"

Xiaomei looked puzzled, "Then what should I do? How much is it, I will compensate you?"

"Is this a question of how much to pay? It's a question of attitude!"

"What happened?" Shen Zhiyi walked over.

The female guest looked her up and down, "Are you the boss?"

"Not the boss, but the person in charge, you can tell me anything!"

"The person in charge, right, you came at the right time!" The female guest pointed at Xiaomei and complained, "What kind of lobby manager are you, you lost your mind when pouring juice for me, and the juice spilled all over my newly bought silk dress , as a professional service person, how can he even make such a low-level mistake, this is simply disrespect to our customers and an insult to the service industry!"

The female guest's sentence is more professional and classic than one sentence. I don't know, but I thought she was a lawyer who could speak so well.

Shen Zhiyi turned to Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, is that so?"

(End of this chapter)

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